UK POSTERS: Ordering From Collage ?


Hi UK Posters,

I am just wondering what experiences you have had when ordering from Collage video ? Do you get a massive tax bill to pay before you are allowed to have your video package ? Do your video packages always get stopped at customs ? I am just wondering, because the last time I ordered from America, I had to pay £9 to the UK PO, and UK customs because they opened my package ? I was not happy x( .......... as you can imagine.

I have been ordering from CK Sales in Canada, and so far things have been OK.

I look forward to hearing of your Collage video experiences.


Anna :)

Let just say mixed I have a few times had to go and pick up packages at the post office and pay the tax on them. I have found if I order 1 dvd it doesn't get tax or 2 vids anything beyond this gets taxed. I have also had to collect from the post office when ordering from CK as well.

Other than that I have had no problems with Collage.

OMG, Babs, really ????? Even from Canada too ? Tell me, Babs, what sort of costs did you have to pay to the PO ?

anna :)
RE: Hey Bernard and Other UK'ers:

Just out of curiosity, does the UK also have exercise video / DVD production companies and distributors?

Your country cousin
Hello Anna,

I have found a way round this problem. I can order for you next time if you like.

It works out at £16-£18 (e.g. Body Max is £18) for a Cathe tape, DVD is £35-£40. It will take about 2 weeks. You will have to pay p+p for me to send it to you as well, one tape costs £1.50. I order for friends too.

If there is something you want tell me now and I will add it to my Intensity Series when they are out and you will get your tape then. Hope you don't mind waiting.

RE: Hey Bernard and Other UK'ers:


The only to describe it is in the early days without Jane Fonda that comes close.

Mainly celebrities although we have some Taebo, Keli Roberts step tapes, Karen Voight in larger stores, and specilist traders have Stott.

Mainly it is celebrity led in the mainstream but more US tapes sneaking thorough thanks to vcr's playing US tapes.

Hi Yen,
Just out of interest, where do you order from ? because CK Sales is a lot cheaper (can't say if this true for DVDs) for Cathe's videos ?

Anna :)
unfortunetly TOTM so I did nothing, but tonight I am going with friends to see David Gray (I only have the single Babylon so I hope its a good night). Tomorrow going the the gynae re: my fibriods.Should be good.

Wow :-wow Babs, Enjoy David Gray tonight (jealous), I love his song, 'Sail Away'.

And (importantly) good luck for tomorrow, will be thinking of you :)

Anna :)
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Dec-09-02 AT 11:27AM (Est)[/font][p]Anna,

How much does it cost for a Cathe tape? I know the price is cheaper, but the p+p and import duty really adds up. I ordered direct from Cathe's site, but I do not use their shipping so I have found that for small orders, you can by pass the tax man. I still have to pay the international shipping though.

Hi Yen,

On average, I pay $21.95 for an older Cathe tape (£8.92p), other newer ones are $32.95 (£13.39p) and $34.95 (£14.20p) - the latter are from the CTX series, S & H series, and the new Intensity series. For 2-4 videos (or 7 dvds) ordered, CK Sales charges around $24.00 which is about a tenner, it is slightly more if you order more than 4 vids, but no more than an extra £5. By ordering in Canada, we don't get charged tax, only the Canadians get charged tax. You may run into random UK customs checks as the parcel tries to get into the UK, in which case you have to go to the PO to pick it up and pay the PO and customs a charge for the privilege of checking your parcel. Which happenned to Babs, as posted earlier - I thought the charge would be worse, I am relieved it is not, which makes me feel better about ordering from abroad.
So, I on average order 4 cheaper Cathe vids at a time, which costs me about $87.80/£35.68p plus P & P $24.00/£10.00, therefore my order comes to around £45.00 (and maybe an extra tenner if customs decide to seize the package).

If you are ordering from the US, everyone worldwide gets taxed, and I have no idea why ? It is so darned unfair ?

Are you ordering from America, Yen ?

Anna :)
The exchange rates vary because by my calculations the price of the videos is around £14 exchange rate £1 = $1.53. That is what I got the last time I bought the videos.


The exchange rate in Canada seems to be a lot more stable than the US dollar at the moment, it may be worth you giving CK Sales a go, as opposed to Collage ?

Just my 2 cents (to coin a phrase - no pun intended, really) :)

Anna :)
It is called "import duties".
It really is trial and error, but recently I found, if you stay under the amount of $45.00 you don't have to pay import duties. (that is including the shipping).
The people at the postoffice or airport pick out the packages from larger distributors easier than the smaller ones. So if you get a package from CK or collage that is over the $45.00 value and you don't have to pay taxes, you have just been lucky.

It also applies to packages from private persons. They cannot be over $45.00 either.

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