Two Questions


I don't own Body Max 2or Body max Original. What would be good subs for these?

I have these which I think would be similar? Drill max, Cardio Fusion, CTX, Cardio and weights, Bootcamp.
Question 2
I've struggled with the step co-ordination and cueing with the 4DS, finally mastered, but is Body Max 2 similar to the 4DS with the cueing? The step combo at the beginning of cardio fusion is from body max2 and quite frankly, its beyond me. Too too quick and I get fed up.

Thanks very much

Hi, Andrea! You'll have to get a little creative with your current raft of DVDs to create a faux Body Max structure. I don't know if you have a multi-disc player; if you do, great; if you don't, no tragedy. You'll be switching out a few discs, so just make sure your hands aren't to sweaty.

Faux Body Max Mish-Mosh

CTX Step & Intervals cardio segment; OR
CTX All Step cardio segment; THEN
CTX Power Circuit power circuit segment; THEN
Boot Camp Upper Body Only premix (doing twice if you have the time and the energy); THEN
Ab routine of choice from any of these: CTX (has four ab routines); Cardio & Weights (one of my alltime faves); Boot Camp core only premix.

I personally am a nightmare with complex choreography, so I've never attempted the 4DS step routines. IMHO, these are among Cathe's most complexly choreographed, so it's no big surprise that it took you some time to get it. BUT YOU DID IT!! Body Max 2's first step segments are all a bit much for me but (I think) a tad less complex than 4DS, but the power circuit segments (as you have on CF) are perfect for me - all power and not much footwork.


Thanks. At least changing the dvds will give me a little rest.
I still don't do the LIS on the 4DS, I'm not patient enough! Keep it simple is my motto.

I'm not the best at getting choreography. I did BM2 and did pretty good the first time or two thru it mostly b/c I'm used to Cathe's choreography. I think the choreography in 4DS was much tougher to learn b/c she doesnt cue much. That being said after I finally mastered BM2, I popped in Cardio Fusion and promptly gave up in frustration. It was way too fast and too much at once wasnt quite ready for that! So dont be discouraged if Cardio Fusion left you standing with your mouth agape! I do think the choreography in BM2 is very learnable. The mish-mosh Aquajock provided for a faux BM2 is right on!
Bodymax2 was my first experience with Cathe and after a few tries I pretty much got the routine down, but still get mixed up a bit, but I find it a really enjoyable step w/o. I love the timesaver cardio because it repeats the same routine 2x so after all the hard work of learning it the 2nd time around becomes a breeze. Also, she includes the cardio portion of the circuit portion of the DVD here so the choreography is simple. Her cuing is better in BM2 then 4DS.

I think some instructors feel that an advanced w/o means you need little cuing which is a completely wrong way of thinking. I like to shut my mind off while w/o out and little or no cuing doesn't allow for that....


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