Two questions



Belated congrats and felicitations!Thinking of you over the past few weeks has brought back many memories of when my son was first born. I hope you are enjoying this special time as much as I did.

While you were going into labor I was posting a there anything a person can do with a medecine ball (8lbs) alone? I can't always talk kid or hubby into tossing the thing around. The main areas I need to work on are triceps and pects.

Also, can you suggest an interval plan for cycling indoors on a track stand? Last night I did 45 mins with 3 mins in a realatively easy gear alternating with 2 mins in the hardest gear. My perceived exertion seemed pretty good, but I'd rather be more sure I'm doing the right thing. This cycling workout is one of the few non-Cathes I've done since Eric was born. I've been on a Cathe marathon--inspired by the great event.

Eric is lucky to have such devoted parents...wait till he finds out how many doting online aunties he has!

Hi Ann!

Thanks for your patience. Are you actually using a medicine ball or are you referring to a stability ball(the big rubber ball)? In any case, you should be fine doing the following exercises with either.

For chest: You can do pushups using the ball. Lie on top of the ball face down. Place your hip area on the ball for an easier push up and your shin/toe area on the ball for a more advanced pushup. Now with the weight of your body balanced on top of the ball, do a traditional push up. You will find that the exercise is a little more challenging on the ball because you are also concentrating on keeping your balance. Do three sets of 6 to 8 pushups (or) three sets of 8 to 10 pushups.

For Triceps: You can do dips. Line up your arms the way you traditionally do for tricep dips(on a step, piano bench, coffee table, etc.). Now extend your legs forward (with just a slight bend at the knee), placing the ball under your feet at your heals. Dip down the way you traditionally would. Again, the exercise is a little harder because you must use a little more muscle control for balance too. Do 3 sets of 10 to 12 reps(or whatever you are capable of).

As for an interval plan for cycling, there really is no one set way to do intervals. The one you mentioned above sounds fine. The key to interval training is to have short bursts of all out intensity alternated with short bursts of recovery(which you have demonstrated above).

I personally would suggest that you cycle all out as fast and/or hard as you can. Go until you can't go anymore and be sure to time how long you last. Now recover by cycling at a slower pace. You want to slow cycle just long enough so that you refuel for the next hard push. During this recovery, I wouldn't suggest dropping out of the low end of your aerobic training zone. Be sure to also time your recovery cycle. Ok, once you have both of those rides timed, they should be the length of your intervals(eventually as you improve, you will want to extend your interval lengths).

Now for your ride I would suggest doing a 10 minute warm up ride, a 5 minute intermediate ride and then begin your intervals(doing as many as you like). Try to do atleast 5 intervals. Then do a 5 to 7 minute cool down ride and a good slow 7 minute stretch. Have fun!

BTW, Eric really enjoyed his first day back to work with me. There was so much activity going on that he FINALLY slept for 4 solid hours last night. Then I fed him and he slept another three. That is great for him(and me too of course
). Thanks for your kind words.
Thanks, Cathe

My medicine ball is the basketball-sized kind and thanks to your suggestion I have a more comfortable way to do triceps dips now! I can't wait to try out the cycling intervals you suggested--it's pouring rain outside, so tonight's the night. Thanks for you thorough and excellent (as always) answer. Happy sleeping to you!
Hi Ann!

I was actually thinking of a medicine ball as being the big canvas-type ball used in phys-ed classes. This ball looks more like an oversized beach ball. I'm not exactly sure just how comfortable or useable a basketball shaped ball would be. It may be a little too difficult to balance with. Just something to be aware of in case you find yourself really stuggling with this smaller ball.

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