Two more kitty questions


OK, the first is a two parter. On her first night home, do I:

1) leave her in her area with the litter box, food, toys, etc. & let her make her way to my bedroom on her own, or
2) bring her to bed with the rest of us & hope she finds her way to her litter if she needs to

I'm leaning towards option one b/c it seems to be the safest.

Question 2: what the heck will I name her? (give me some gender nuetral names please)
OK, the first is a two parter. On her first night home, do I:

1) leave her in her area with the litter box, food, toys, etc. & let her make her way to my bedroom on her own, or
2) bring her to bed with the rest of us & hope she finds her way to her litter if she needs to

I'm leaning towards option one b/c it seems to be the safest.

Question 2: what the heck will I name her? (give me some gender nuetral names please)
Can you bring the litter box into your bedroom? Then the next night put it outside your door (let her know where it is by placing her in front of it and letting her smell it) Then the next night further away. Do this until you have the box where you want it.


The idea is to die young as late as possible.
Can you bring the litter box into your bedroom? Then the next night put it outside your door (let her know where it is by placing her in front of it and letting her smell it) Then the next night further away. Do this until you have the box where you want it.


The idea is to die young as late as possible.

Just show her where the litterbox is a couple of times before you go to bed and all will be well.

Your other pets are Cosmo and Max, right? So are you thinking of going with the space or Russell Crowe theme?? :)

Just show her where the litterbox is a couple of times before you go to bed and all will be well.

Your other pets are Cosmo and Max, right? So are you thinking of going with the space or Russell Crowe theme?? :)
Marie, LOL! I can't believe you even remember the Gladiator reference! :) :) :) Max was supposed to be Rocket (Rocky for short) but my ex insisted on Maximus.

So I'd prefer to stick w/the space theme. It's a heck of a lot more fun than Russell Crowe LOL. A girl I work with suggested Venus if it's a girl. Not bad huh? My dog before Cosmo was Astro........I don't think the Jetsons had any other pets.......

Janie--a litter box in my bedroom? EWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!! :+
Marie, LOL! I can't believe you even remember the Gladiator reference! :) :) :) Max was supposed to be Rocket (Rocky for short) but my ex insisted on Maximus.

So I'd prefer to stick w/the space theme. It's a heck of a lot more fun than Russell Crowe LOL. A girl I work with suggested Venus if it's a girl. Not bad huh? My dog before Cosmo was Astro........I don't think the Jetsons had any other pets.......

Janie--a litter box in my bedroom? EWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!! :+
Hi Laura,

Really it's going to depend on the cat, or kitty, sounds like you opted for the kitty. Some get really scared and will hide for days.really you are best to just leave them be. I had one hide behind my stove for a day before she would come out. I had one male kitten that nothing phased him, dogs, cats, kids, nothing he was so adaptable to anything from day one. I had one that loved to cuddle, one that hated it. So, I'm sure it's going to be hit or miss the first few nights. Just remember they adapt and will be family before you know it.

But I do agree with the other posters him the litter box a few times and the food and water, then let him go. You are in for treat...cats are wonderful and extremely smart and intuitive. My lab and cat are the best of buddies. I hope you found the best mouser available, but are you ready for the gifts of love from loyal hunting felines...????

You will have to let us all know how the dogs like thier new playmate...and how well the cat has broke you in. he he

Hi Laura,

Really it's going to depend on the cat, or kitty, sounds like you opted for the kitty. Some get really scared and will hide for days.really you are best to just leave them be. I had one hide behind my stove for a day before she would come out. I had one male kitten that nothing phased him, dogs, cats, kids, nothing he was so adaptable to anything from day one. I had one that loved to cuddle, one that hated it. So, I'm sure it's going to be hit or miss the first few nights. Just remember they adapt and will be family before you know it.

But I do agree with the other posters him the litter box a few times and the food and water, then let him go. You are in for treat...cats are wonderful and extremely smart and intuitive. My lab and cat are the best of buddies. I hope you found the best mouser available, but are you ready for the gifts of love from loyal hunting felines...????

You will have to let us all know how the dogs like thier new playmate...and how well the cat has broke you in. he he

Thanks Amber, I think that's the info I need. I have a little area in my kitchen I'm gating off with a little space for her (him?) to come out if/when she wants. It's about 4' X 3' & that's where I'll put the litter box, food/water & bed for the time being. So tomorrow night I'll leave her there & if she decides to join us that'll be fine.

I can't wait to see how Max & the kitten play with each other. Cosmo was too old to play w/Max when I got him, & he really doesn't get much play from me, just cuddling & love. He is so full of energy I think he's gonna have a blast w/a new playmate. :)
Thanks Amber, I think that's the info I need. I have a little area in my kitchen I'm gating off with a little space for her (him?) to come out if/when she wants. It's about 4' X 3' & that's where I'll put the litter box, food/water & bed for the time being. So tomorrow night I'll leave her there & if she decides to join us that'll be fine.

I can't wait to see how Max & the kitten play with each other. Cosmo was too old to play w/Max when I got him, & he really doesn't get much play from me, just cuddling & love. He is so full of energy I think he's gonna have a blast w/a new playmate. :)
>Question 2: what the heck will I name her? (give me some
>gender neutral names please)

I don't think it's possible to fairly name a cat (or any pet) before you get to know them, or to have someone who has never met them name them. Wait until s/he is home with you before you decide on a name. Just to give you some ideas on how pets in my family (and some I named at the shelter) got their names, which may inspire you:
Tiger (a Tiger striped parents weren't to inventive)

Tom (a stray tom cat we took in...again...parents idea)

Punkin' (I was going to call her "Salina," but when she crawled into the pumpkin my stepmother and I were carving, and had left unattended in the kitchen, she got her name. She was a calico. The name fit her perfectly---I came up with the spelling).

Sweet-Pea (she had this name when I adopted her. She was a blind, 4-year-oldish tortie who had been found in a barn and was brought to a vet for euthanasia. Some folks in an animal rights group I was in saved her and named her. I was going to call her "Peanut," because "Sweet-pea" seemed like a rather weak name, but she ended up being so darn sweet her 'original' name stuck.

Frisco (a big black cat with a white spot on tummy and neck. The same two women who saved Sweet-Pea rescued him from a trailer park, and named him Keiko. Didn't quite fit, but he liked the "k" sound. I tried several names on him--including some of my favorites, like Sam and Max--but they didn't quite fit. Then I tried "Sam Francisco"--the film Alien Nation was out about that time, and a character had that name. He reacted to the "Francisco" part, which I turned into Frisco.)

Scooter (a smaller version of a Maine Coon, but he's all street cat. He was small when I adopted him, and he had to scoot out of the Frisco's way at first, and the name just stuck...even though the people who found him called him Max, and it's a name I like, but have never used on a cat).

Tina (a petit black stray I fed, had spayed, and later adopted. She was very tiny and feminine, so Tina fit well. You see I have a penchant for 2-syllable names.)

Simon (a big black cat. He looks a bit Jewish to me, and the name just fits!)

Bobsie (a tortoise shell bobtail... also known as "Miss B" or "BB"...most of my cats have had several nicknames as well as their official names!)

Mandy (I don't know why, it just fits her. She seems rather elegant and old-fashioned. The *$@ who had previously adopted her---and had her declawed and brought her back because she was 'moving''--called her Sadie, but it didn't fit, IMO.)

Rascal (just a big old rascally stripped tom. He is a Rascal...and a scardey cat!)

Some shelter cats I have named:
Schmee (a very strange looking cat with a huge nose and cross eyes. Though it was a he, but the name fit HER anyway. Kind of like a name for a Hobbit or something).

Bunny (a tailless Manx calico).

Emily (she just looked like an Emily).

I've seen a web site before with cat and dog names (separate lists). If you need more inspiration, check that out.
>Question 2: what the heck will I name her? (give me some
>gender neutral names please)

I don't think it's possible to fairly name a cat (or any pet) before you get to know them, or to have someone who has never met them name them. Wait until s/he is home with you before you decide on a name. Just to give you some ideas on how pets in my family (and some I named at the shelter) got their names, which may inspire you:
Tiger (a Tiger striped parents weren't to inventive)

Tom (a stray tom cat we took in...again...parents idea)

Punkin' (I was going to call her "Salina," but when she crawled into the pumpkin my stepmother and I were carving, and had left unattended in the kitchen, she got her name. She was a calico. The name fit her perfectly---I came up with the spelling).

Sweet-Pea (she had this name when I adopted her. She was a blind, 4-year-oldish tortie who had been found in a barn and was brought to a vet for euthanasia. Some folks in an animal rights group I was in saved her and named her. I was going to call her "Peanut," because "Sweet-pea" seemed like a rather weak name, but she ended up being so darn sweet her 'original' name stuck.

Frisco (a big black cat with a white spot on tummy and neck. The same two women who saved Sweet-Pea rescued him from a trailer park, and named him Keiko. Didn't quite fit, but he liked the "k" sound. I tried several names on him--including some of my favorites, like Sam and Max--but they didn't quite fit. Then I tried "Sam Francisco"--the film Alien Nation was out about that time, and a character had that name. He reacted to the "Francisco" part, which I turned into Frisco.)

Scooter (a smaller version of a Maine Coon, but he's all street cat. He was small when I adopted him, and he had to scoot out of the Frisco's way at first, and the name just stuck...even though the people who found him called him Max, and it's a name I like, but have never used on a cat).

Tina (a petit black stray I fed, had spayed, and later adopted. She was very tiny and feminine, so Tina fit well. You see I have a penchant for 2-syllable names.)

Simon (a big black cat. He looks a bit Jewish to me, and the name just fits!)

Bobsie (a tortoise shell bobtail... also known as "Miss B" or "BB"...most of my cats have had several nicknames as well as their official names!)

Mandy (I don't know why, it just fits her. She seems rather elegant and old-fashioned. The *$@ who had previously adopted her---and had her declawed and brought her back because she was 'moving''--called her Sadie, but it didn't fit, IMO.)

Rascal (just a big old rascally stripped tom. He is a Rascal...and a scardey cat!)

Some shelter cats I have named:
Schmee (a very strange looking cat with a huge nose and cross eyes. Though it was a he, but the name fit HER anyway. Kind of like a name for a Hobbit or something).

Bunny (a tailless Manx calico).

Emily (she just looked like an Emily).

I've seen a web site before with cat and dog names (separate lists). If you need more inspiration, check that out.
Kathyrn, my Rascal is a big scaredy cat, too. LOL His full name is actually Raskolnikov, because I'm a huge Russian lit fan, but my kids just rolled their eyes. We also call him "The Russian" because he's a Russian Blue - did you see "Cats & Dogs"? "The Russian" is a great character - he looks just like Rascal.

Boots is really Puss'n Boots as we got him right when Shrek 2 came out. He's black and white - his paws are all totally white so it suits him. Actually, he looks more like he's wearing garters than boots, lol.

Zelliecat (officially Zelda) is a gorgeous, exotic, long-haired Maine Coone mix who has the most perfectly symmetrical markings of any cat I've ever seen. Seriously, she's gorgeous and a total beyotch. She spends all of her time either grooming or trying to find ways to break out of the house (even though she is fixed). I am the only thing standing between her and her chosen vocation of streetwalking.

Finally, Trouble is the kitten that you might recall we found in the yard a few weeks ago. We had a really tough time naming her. My kids wanted to call her Buttercup (ick) or Sunshine (cute) and I wanted to call her Rain or Fate or something along those lines. She ended up being Kitty for a while and then one day, while watching her tackle Boots for the 20th time (please note he is at least 15 pounds and huge), someone said, "Here comes Trouble!" and the name just stuck. So sometimes it happens like that.

Good luck! Let us know when you get him/her!

>Trouble is the kitten that you might recall we found
>in the yard a few weeks ago. We had a really tough time naming
>her. My kids wanted to call her Buttercup (ick) or Sunshine
>(cute) and I wanted to call her Rain or Fate or something
>along those lines. She ended up being Kitty for a while and
>then one day, while watching her tackle Boots for the 20th
>time (please note he is at least 15 pounds and huge), someone
>said, "Here comes Trouble!" and the name just stuck. So
>sometimes it happens like that.

Trouble is an excellent choice! And seems fitting.

Another 'just came to us" name I gave a stray cat that became my roommate's cat: Buddy. He was hanging around out appartment complex, and one day we let him and and started petting him, etc. I said to my roommate "he could be your buddy...hey Buddy is a good name for him." She was first going to call him 'Christopher Robin,' but Buddy ended up being much better.

Laura: don't worry about the gender (or lack of) of names (Cosmo is a male name anyway). I once named some kittens at a house I was boarding at "Humphrey" (reminded me of Humphrey Bogart) and "Mae" (like Mae West) and Humphrey ended up being a she. The name still fit her, though. And my stepmother has a fluffy, prissy cat she named "Molly," who turned out to be a male with undescended testicles, and who now is known as "Mr. Molly."
I had a deaf cat (white cats with w/blue eyes usually are). I guess he didn't really NEED a name, since he couldn't hear us, but we called him "Special Ed." ("Ed" for short.)
The name thing is a tough one. The cat litter issue on how I did it, I put my boys in a room with their stuff and showed them the box. Changing the box is a family event at my house.

My boys names which I feel are neutral are: Seville and Madrid. Seville was to be the female. pronounced se-ve-ah in Spanish.
Adrian is neutral too.

Sometimes it's easier to name them when you get them home, I had my names chosen 2 weeks beforehand.

My family, we've had Lester, Sam, Max, Suke-oki (SuSue for short), Rhoda, Maggie, Kippy, Adrian, Cody, Seville, Madrid, Fred, and Carmen for domestic pet names. Our horse was called Misty Morning, an Arab.

Anyways, Have Fun. With all the suggestions, you'll know what to do,
Our cat was named KC. My dh said that cats don't have names, because you always call them "Here Kitty, Kitty, Kitty. So we named her KC for Kitty Cat. Another twist on this scenerio is PT for Puddy Tat. Either way they sound like real names (Casey & Petey). Growing up some of our's were named after their color. Siamese was Smokey, Black face was Darth Vader, Yellow tiger was Tigger, Black with white toes was Twinkle toes, Calico was Cali. Others were named after their personality, Friskey, Zoom, & Snoopy.

If you want to stay on the same category as Cosmo you could pick something like Nova, Nebula or Galaxy.

When we got our newest little one (going on 3 yrs ago), we kept her in our spare bathroom with food, water and a spare litter box. We let her out a few hours at a time several times a day during the first week or so, but left her there overnight. Eventually we transitioned her to the rest of the house and let her have the "run" like the other 2. She found the main litter box just fine on her own.

When we got her, she was dubbed "Cheetah", but we quickly were going to change it to either "Taz" or "Tornado" and decided on Tornado....but we end up calling her "Baby" all the time, so I guess that it really didn't matter. It's either that or "PunkinHead" or "Little Sh!t";-) depending on whatever stunt she's recently pulled!

Good luck and congratulations!

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