I'm an exercise physiologist and what I can offer are some ideas which may or may not pertain to you, Pebblelake...
1. Are you using products that contain aspartame, neotame, high fructose corn syrup, MSG (and other ingredients the corporations use to ID MSG), natural flavorings, Splenda (sucralose), soy, corn oil?
2. Is your caloric intake greater than your output?
3. Do you eat after 6pm?
4. When you eat, do you favor carbs/fats?
5. Do you drink AT LEAST 8 glasses of purified water DAILY? Trinity mineral water is one of the finest.
6.Are you OVER exercising?
7.Consider having a hormonal panel done thru a compound pharmacist. If your cortisol is high and your thyroid hormones imbalanced, little you do will prevail against the fat.
8.Do you eat more processed foods (packaged, canned, frozen) than food directly from nature? Foods from Nature (fruits, veggies, grains, meats, have what's termed the "Phi Principle"...too lengthy to get into here, but when you eat processed foods, this Phi principle is fractionated/destroyed). This confuses the body's innate mechanism to help it digest/absorb nutrients.
9. Are you receiving at least 1 hour of natural sunlight DAILY?
10. Are you abstaining from all solid food 1 day per week?
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