we have optimized our video settings and encoding to work on all models
I believe these are the specs for my ipod.
I have been experimenting with creating my own videos. The first thing I did was to encode STS Disc 1 using Handbrake. I used the presets for the iPhone/iPod Touch and selected iPod 5G support. These files work both on my iPod and iPhone out to the TV. The quality is good and chapter points are intact.
I did the same for the Stretch Max and works great now.
I do notice some differences in the files after I encoded them. The total bit rate for example is much higher on the originals.
All other videos that I have purchased from ITunes and downloaded from other sites playback fine. So I have no problem with my iPod, iPhone, TV, or Cable, at least in general.
The problem is specifically with the Cathe downloads on my iPod when playing on a TV.
Update iTunes to the newest version 9.11
Verify that the iPod is running the latest firmware, 1.3
It is.
Let us know the brand and model of cable you are using to connect to your television
I have tried Apple Component AV Cable and the Logic3 AV Video Cable for iPod. Both cables work fine with my iPod and TV in general.
Check to see if the video stutters just when viewing externally on a TV, or on the iPod screen itself
It's just on TV playback and only Cathe downloads.
The new STS Cardio have short pauses. but some of the other files have long (10 second pauses). I tried several TVs old and new, HD and non-HD, there is no difference.
Verify that your video file plays fine on the computer via iTunes/Zune/Quicktime/Windows Media Player (whichever is applicable for you)
They play fine in ITunes.
Let us know if you hear a lot of disc "clicking"
no clicking
Verify that you have reset the iPod by turning it off and then back on.
I have reset and reformatted a couple of times now
Thanks for your help