Turbo Jam- Punch, Kick, and Jam

I recently bought Punch, Kick, and Jam and really like it. I've been having trouble getting motivated to do cardio and this type of cardio is actually fun. I'm so over the working out doing things I hate.

How does the rest of Turbo Jam compare to Punch, Kick, and Jam? The disk that contains the five workouts (Cardio Party, Turbo Sculpt...).

Feel free to give any other suggestions for cardio that's fun.

Thanks so much :)
PKJ is the most athletic (i.e. least booty shaking :p) of the original Turbo Jams. They all have great music and Chalene's exuberant personality. Personally, I really enjoy all the TJs but there are days I don't feel like shakin' it, so I speed bag w/ squats instead. Turbo Sculpt is total body weight training--I do this one w/ Cathe's weighted vest to increase the lower body load as she does a lot of combination upper body/lower body moves.

Chalene's ones that use a stability ball (Total Body Blast and Kickin' Core) were introduced later and don't have dance moves in them either. Fat Blaster is an interval workout featuring 4 low & high impact turbos. Love this one!

Chalene also produces some workouts under her own production line (Turbokick.com). They are 'homemade' looking in that they are filmed in a workout room of some fitness center. Happily, they are high intensity, offer, fun music & a great sweatfest. (Frankly for me, production values have taken a backseat to intensity & fun factor. As long as I can see/hear what the instructor is doing, I don't need all the bells & whistles of an elaborate production. Just make me sweat and make me smile! :D

I'm sure there are older threads on these workouts. Also, you can read reviews on Videofitness.com.

My favorite TJ's are the Cardio Parties - especially Cardio Party 3. I think it's one of the most intense. It has great music and moves. Lots of hip shakin' though so be prepared:D
That is my favorite of the turbo jams becuase it is the least 'dancey'. I can and do enjoy the other ones but for the life of me can't do some of the hip moves.

I have all the turbo jam workouts including the two that use the ball. For cardio - my favorites are PK&J and Fat Blaster. Fat blaster is all turbos for 30 minutes, the moves are very straight forward.

Turbo Sculpt I don't think is very hard at all. Same with the 3T workout.

Personally, I like the 'fat burning elite' set overall more than the basic set (Maximum Results) with the exception of PKJ. With FBE you get two cardio party workouts and fat blaster. Lower Body Jam is pretty good too - you use a band.

Of the live set - Cardio Party Remix moves faster than the other workouts and is only 30 minutes long. Booty Sculpt plus abs I like for the ab section.

The on the ball workouts are Turbo Jam - like but you use the ball. Kickin Core is half turbo jam/half core work with the ball. Total Body Blast is circuit work - cardio, lower body, upper body, core - all using the ball.

Hope this helps.
I really enjoy all of the Turbo Jam workouts! Most are "dancier" than Punch, Kick, and Jam but if you don't like hip shaking you can always do the move without it. Chalene is fun and the music is fun and the time flies by! I sometimes like to use weighted gloves for Punch, Kick, and Jam.

My other ideas for fun but tough cardio is Amy Bento (www.nrgfitness.net). She has long clips up of most of her workouts. Amy's choreography is what I would describe as athletic but more complex than Cathe. She is high energy and uses great tunes!

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