Turbo Jam news


In the past chat Chalene mentioned that the 2 CP Remix and Booty Sculpt would be available most likely on Jan 5 and the other 4 dvds on February.

I can't wait to order.

Mariángeles a spanish terminator, TAEBO and Turbo Jam junkie. :) :)
Did she say you have to purchase both or can you order just one? Thanks for letting me know. I can't wait either. Kathy:D
I just ordered both of these today! The online customer service rep said they should be shipped out in a few days.

The cost was $29.95 for both (or $19.95 each) DVDs plus $5.95 S&H (for both, it was like $2.95 to ship one).

Just wanted to let you all know. I ordered the delux package and love the workouts. Cathe is still my #1, but these add some nice fun variety. :)

I hear so much about these workouts over at VF and the YaYas but I've never bothered to read reviews on them. Are they easier than Cathe's or Janis Saffels kickboxing workouts? I'm looking for more kickboxing workouts that are in the same league as Cathe and Janis. I don't want anything too easy.
I checked with BB today - and mine were out for delivery from USPS today - so I should have them when I get home. Can't wait to check them out...
I think TJ is much easier than Cathe or Janis. I like that they're dancier, but not everyone will agree.

If you want something tougher, I read at VF that there's new one due out in February, maybe later this month. It's called Kick, Punch, & Jam and it's supposed to be more intense than the others, like a Turbo Kick class. I'm anxiously awaiting reviews on this one.
>In the past chat Chalene mentioned that the 2 CP Remix and
>Booty Sculpt would be available most likely on Jan 5 and the
>other 4 dvds on February.
>I can't wait to order.
>Mariángeles a spanish terminator, TAEBO and Turbo Jam junkie.
> :) :)


I got the regular package as a Christmas gift. Are these "2 CP Remix and Booty Sculpt" included in the package or they are the new one? Where can I find the website with detail information? I went to beachbody.com, click Turbo Jams, it only shows the price you can buy for package.



"Become the change you want to see in the world. Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever." - Mahatma Gandhi

You cannot find these new ones on the web site - you have to either call or order with their online customer service. I know Mariangeles has posted what detail that she had from the boards on BB....

Edited to say mine didnt come today like I was hoping...
Thanks, Anne. I must miss Mariangeles' post. Could you or Mariangeles send me the thread link so that I can check out this new sets?



"Become the change you want to see in the world. Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever." - Mahatma Gandhi

Thanks, Anne. Did you get yours yet? If you do, could you let me know your reviews? How does Carido Party Remix compare to Cardio party 1? How does booty sculpt compared to Cathe's weight workout?

So far I did Learn & Burn, 20 min, Ab Jams. I like Ab Jams the most. I could not do Cardio Party after I ran 3 miles in the treadmil this Monday. I did a little bit and had to stop. The post (like squat) really works on my legs.



"Become the change you want to see in the world. Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever." - Mahatma Gandhi


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