Turbo Jam Get on the Ball


Anyone have this one? Thoughts? Opinions? What level would you consider it?

...making my christmas list }(
I ordered it this morning. I was surprised that it will take 2 or 3 weeks. So I won't be able to give you a review for a while.
Christine, I think it was just released on Thursday. I am dying to get it! I love Turbo Jams. I am trying to hold out for reviews...

>I ordered it this morning. I was surprised that it will take
>2 or 3 weeks. So I won't be able to give you a review for a


Did you order this directly from Beachbody?
I ordered from Beachbody and when I printed my recept it said allow 2to 3 weeks to be delivered.

I ordered them this morning too. The 2-3 weeks is their standard speil if you do not get the 2 Day shipping. I usually get them sooner than that - but with a brand new item - might be a hot commodity and actually that that long. I do know they just opened a new shipping facility - so maybe we will be pleasantly surprised.
I had to order these workouts. I like Turbo Jam and I love using the stability ball. I like to use TJ when I want an easier workout. I received an email from Beachbody that gave me 15% off plus I went through ebates to get a 15% cash back. I don't mind the wait because I am loving Cathe's new workouts. I can't seem to get enough of them.

I have received the new Turbo Jam workouts today . I live in Spain. I ordered them in the first day and I have them in my hands today. They have been delivered by UPS. Time to preview.

Mariángeles :) :)
OH Mariangeles -

Anxiously awaiting your reviews... :)

I did get confirmation of my ebates rebate from my Beachbody purchase - so mine must be on their way too.. :)
BB charged a lot for shipping. That's one of the desavantages of being an international customer. They have charges 44,54 dollars and I have paid import taxes too. You can name me Turbo Jam junkie. I have previewed kicking core. This is 45 minutes the first 30 minutes are cardio. I knew the moves ( ziz-zag, wheel, capoeira etc). I recognize moves of the Turbo Kick round 28 that Chalene filmed in the Turbo Kick camp. The last 15 minutes are core exercises using the stability ball ( rolling crunches, the wheel laying in the ball) The music is dance/techno. There is a louder music option. Chalene shows recomendations to use the ball and there are 10 turbo jam tips that Chalene explain ( eat fruit and veggies, reduce the stress, you are what you eat, stop eating on the go, drink water, eat for energy, have a healthy body image, stop mindless eating, make an exercise date and plan your meals). I love the workout. I have a reebok stabiliy ball. The ball with the order is good but I think the quality is worse than the reebok.

The total body blast is a 60 minutes workout. You don't use dumbbells only the stability ball. Lot of exercises ( lunges, squats, cardio blasts etc). I think is a hard workout.

Mariángeles a spanish terminator and Turbo Jam junkie.

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