
Hi gals,

I did 22 min. of my own weight work for shoulders, bis and tris, then did the floorwork off of Jeannette Jenkin's Sexy Legs, Abs and arms for some more body weight type work, all in all 40 min. of weight type workout, then did the Combo Express off of Taebo Express for a little cardio.

Have a great day.:D
Hello again everybody. :)

I rediscovered Ping-Pong about a year ago. Oh, it's called Table Tennis now. :)

Now I have a coach and must begin a lot of remedial work on the upper back (to pull the shoulders back for the rotator cuffs as I was talking about last year), core, and general flexibility and fitness.

Do you mind a digression?
The style of play I'm learning is very old-fashioned now. It is a classic Chinese style that is more compact than the way most top players play today, with shorter swings and much less running. My coach is an older Chinese guy who himself plays in this style, and I am very, very lucky to know him. His coaches were the best Chinese players in the '60s so I feel like I'm mining ancient treasure. In my imagination my coach is the old master who said to young Grasshopper "snatch this pebble from my hand". Is anyone here old enough to remember that? :) The only little thing wrong with this picture is that I am not a young grasshopper.

If you'd like to see the style, see e.g. the woman in red in this video (nine time U.S. Champion Gao Jun):
Wu Xue vs Gao Jun (2008 Olympics) [HD] - YouTube

It's harder than it looks, just like Chinese calligraphy.

Back to business...
It's reassuring to see you still here. Bye bye for now. :)
Hi ladies,

Powermax today on the schedule, but I don't have it so I opted for Tabatasize 1-3, Core 1 and stretch from Xtrain.
DS and I went to breakfast, ran some errands for golf, and now I am getting ready to paint again!!

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