Tuesday Check in

Cavillo~we are at fort polk, LA so not far from Texas, but probably not close either since Texas is huge! So far all I know is it's HOT and more HOT. DH just went active duty in May and had training so we just got assigned and moved to Ft. polk 2 weeks ago. We were in VA before that.

Candra~wow registering!! It is soon! LOL at that means the baby really is coming out.

Melanie~oh that would be hard to not be able to get an epidural. Wow. I know this time I have low iron and the dr. scared me w/ the excessive bleeding speech and about how in some cases they have to do a hysterectomy so now I am taking my iron pill. I hope that doesn't effect my ability to get a spinal because I am having a c/s. What would they do I wonder just put me fully to sleep?? Are platelets related to iron at all or is that something totally diffrent?

Kate~that is going to be tough. Can you carpool w/ any of the other moms so maybe you don't have to take DD to preschool every day? glad your appt went well! You are getting close too!

Mikkia~I didn't see your post about your legs, but if it's cramps that are the issue you can take a calcium/magnesum/zinc pill and it really helps my leg cramps. I went months w/out having any at all when I started taking one daily.
Yes, I am put completely under for my c/s ---under general anesthesia. I think it'd be weird to feel tugging and pulling of c/s with just an epidural?!?

Recuperation is slower with C/S, but not too bad (much better than a drug-free vaginal delivery session)!!!!!!!

I"m doing better, not my same self yet,...but much much better. Thanks for asking!
Cavillo--Your boys will be such a big help to you! I think it's neat watching my six year old and this pregnancy. He's SO excited. Every day he kisses my belly before he goes to school and tells me, "Mommy, I can't wait for the baby to get here!" And he means it too. I think that when you have them close together, they miss out on the pregnancy and excitement.

Kate-- (kick back and relax, this is long!) You know you make me feel like such a slug, right??? :eek: Exercising with a sore throat! You're such a soldier. I made up the boys' bunk beds, and called that my workout for today. Geesh. I think I'm approaching the weight limit for the top bunk. May need to stop climbing up there! Glad your midwife appointment went well. You listen to her and start carb-loading!! I'd send you some of the chocolate chip cookies I made the other day, but I'm too attached to them :p. I usually don't drink soda. I gave it up a year or so ago, though Diet Coke was hard to quit, and switched to tea when I wanted a change from water, but mostly all water. Just been craving rootbeer. I craved it with Henry too. As for carrying low, DH has no clue. He doesn't notice things like that. I just really noticed i last night. As for the scheduling once number 3 arrives, I've been stressing a bit over it too. I never considered jumping from two to three a big change, but it will be hard. DH and I decided that it's just best for him to stagger his time off with this baby. He'll be there that Thursday for the delivery and through the weekend until I'm released on Sunday, and then he's going to only take off Tuesdays and Thursdays for two weeks so he can take Henry to preschool for me (I won't be allowed to drive after c/s for two weeks). I'm going to ask my mom to come Monday/Wednesday for two weeks and I'm going to brave Fridays on my own. I was really relieved to get a schedule worked out. Hopefully everyone will be on-board. I suppose I should inform mom! (end of incredibly long note to Kate)

Candra--Thanks for the diet drink info. I think I'll get DH to pick me up some Diet A&W (in the bottles, because they're the best) on his way home. YUM! (Do you drink diet drinks every day or just occasionally?)

Mikkia--Hope you salvaged the laundry!! Glad the legs are better this afternoon. I've also heard that about eating a banana for leg cramps. I just can't choke them down anymore because I've given them to my kids so much. I have the same aversion now to goldfish crackers and veggie corndogs! Blech!
OK better end this novella! Hope everyone is having a good day!!! :)
Mikkia, Good luck in the work issue. that is such a hard one. I'm not working more than 10 hrs per week right now and I have a feeling even that will feel like too muchin the first weeks. Men! Their answer seems to be to throw money at it to make the problem go away doesn't it?:mad: (For instance, Isabel's preschool is a co-op, which means I need to work 3-4x every 8 weeks. I told him it would be nice if he worked occasionally since in the 2 yrs we've had kids there he has NEVER worked there! He said to just pay one of the other moms to work for me (i do this for other moms). I told him that Isabel deserves to have a parent there too and the company won't fall apart if he takes 3 hours out of his day to be with his daughter.) "Hon, how about you just BE HOME for a little bit?!!?" Honestly, he managed to not work too much during our vacation. Isn't the birth of our baby a little more important than time on the beach????!!!:rolleyes: I don't mean to come down on him so hard - he is a wonderful DH and father, but sometimes his prioritites get a little wonky and he needs to be reminded that the company CAN exist without him for a few days. That's what we have EMPLOYEES for! Like 23 of them!:rolleyes::D

Calvillo, I was border-line pre-e with DD1. They sent me in to be induced. I ate horribly and never exercised. With DD2 I totally changed that around and that's when I really got into fitness. Pre-e with DD2 was 100% a non-issue. This time around no sign of it either. You mentioned you had it with your 1st, but not your 2nd. Do you have a similar health story? I'm certainly not an expert but if pg2 was healthy for you I don't think you should have an issue with it this pg either. ??? Just some thoughts....hope I'm not being too nosy...:eek:

Trish, We're kind of out in the sticks and there's no one I would feel comfortable asking to come out to get her....but thanks for the suggestion! Keep 'em coming!

DDs are conked out.. I just got a 15 min. nap....off to do LaundryMax!
Stephanie, I figured I could hack some UB lifting, but cardio is definetly out of the question. And you're smarter than me anyway...I should've just let my pg, sick body rest! That's funny you're 6-yo. is so excited about the baby. Mine too! Gina can't get enough of my pg belly - she rubs it and talks to it ALL THE TIME. Sometimes it's almost too much but I figure it's not going to last too much longer so I just soak it in! Isabel (4)is excited for the baby but doesn't care a whole lot about my belly. Sometimes she'll be interested but she mostly just wants to play dress-up with her when she comes! LOL! I'm glad you've got a plan for your post-partum time. That's awesome you can count on your mom. My mom wants to help but she has MS and I just plain hate to ask. She'll offer to help for the next day but it comes and she's not feeling well so then I have to totally change gears and rearrange things. For me, it's easier to just not count on her than to have to reshcedule thngs at the last minute. I've learned my lesson on this over and over again. She'll be great for bringing food over, etc, but the AM help with DDs is wehre I'm really at an impasse. LOL on DH not noticing if you've dropped/carrying low! My Dh will go along with whatever he thinks I'm wanting to hear! LOL!
Yes i did get the pack n play. Its all put away tho, i'll have to look at it better when i get home from work. Seems nice tho. Pretty light green color ( i love sage green) and gender neutral. Looks like new from what little i saw of it. She said its easy to put togehter - lets hope so, me and the hubby arent that good with building things and directions!

the blood work was fine, no explanations yet, doctors were at lunch so i bugged the lady taking my blood. all she could tell me was that theyroid affects the babies development, growth, brain etc so i'm nervous about all that..

KATE I KNEW YOU WOULD STILL WORKOUT!!!!!!!!!!! Haha. I should have taken bets on it.
Do you workout everyday? Its OK to take a rest day. Please repeat that in your head. Your body needs rest, especially sick AND pregnant. Missing ad ay or two wont make a huge difference i promise. Trust me, i used to over exercise and under eat and had a real issue and its just not worth it. YOu have to listen to your body and be healthy for you, baby, and the rest of the family ;) Hope i'm not preaching here and that I didn't offend you. I just know how the brain plays tricks and you get to feeling really guilty if u dont workout for a day. Just be careful and listen to your body

And sorry about your husband - maybe he will come around. Or like my brother says, maybe he is doing it not to be around. nice huh! i said my husband works nites so it'll just be me alone with the baby etc and he is a smarty pants and said maybe he does that for a reason..the nerve!! LOL. I meant it in jest, but maybe u guys can tak it out and let him know how hard it is going to be for you, especially at first. He suggested a nanny so at least he is thinking of ways to help you out. Good luck with all of that.

Hi to everyone else, sorry i cant catch up with more personals, i'm in the middle of work right now...buried under reports rather...
Jen, Glad you got your PNP! What are you guys going to do when you have to put your cib together!?LOL! We'll be waiting to hear on your thyroid issue!

And I am SO NOT offended! I need all the help I can get! I was an over-exerciser/under-eater for a long time. Pg throws me back into that mind-set a little bit. I should've taken a rest day. I will tomorrow. Wednesdays are always my scheduled rest days.

I appreciate your words too about DH. I know his suggestion about a nanny is him trying to help, but I don't want a stranger coming in to help when its such a personal time. He said "Well, The cleaning lady used to be a stranger too, and you love her now!" He has a small point (!) but still,.... I just want him home with us! (sigh) In my next life.... Sorry about your brother's comment! I hope HE was joking!

Have "fun" with your reports! Any more court dates coming up?
Hi Kate, I know what you mean about pregnancy bringing up weight and body issues. I"ve always been sensitive about that and have struggled for a while with it (my own issues, long different story!) and finally got myself out of it about 4 years ago when I met my husband. Anyway, i still workout a lot (altho lately not as much) and try to be healthy but i do EAT and now being pregnant i tend to gravitate towards bread and other such not so great things i barely touched when i wasnt pregnant.
So..i know what you mean, its tough . especialyl when the scale creeps up, the pants get tighter and (in my case) when butt looks larger! Im still brealy showing but i have a little pot belly. Just have to remind ourselves what its for, thats all. Since this is my very first its all so new to me, and i have to take it day by day. I do try to listen to my body but other days i am stubborn.

My brother was just joking of course :) He is a little jokester, i dont take offense to whatever he says. He is always making me laugh

And yea, i'm worried about crib assembly. My husband said he put his kids cribs together so i need to have more faith in him..but he will get it done and i can try to help. usually the directions to things we have to assemble stink, and he is short on patience and things dont always stay strudy while you try to build it. Lets hope cribs are easier! I still havent picked one out yet, its so hard!

Been busy with reports, no more court dates on the horizon for me - lets hope they stay that way. Ive been off the road for over two months now so i'm hoping thats the end of court for a while!
Okay, the laundry did not stand a chance against the downpour we just had. Nothing like doing eveything twice. Oh well.
I decided to do KPC and forgot how hard that one can be.
kate-I think we are married to the same type of man. i have long since given up.
jenm-i think I have that sage green graco pnp and it is easy to put up. i love it too, if I can just find it.....
stephanie-that is so cute about your 6 y/o and belly!
Jen, You've got plenty of time on the crib! ANd no worries about tight clothes/pot belly. Let that sweet preggo belly show!

Mikkia, I wish we lived closer! Sorry about the laundry! It stinks enough to have to do it once, let alone twice!:eek:

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