Tubal ligation


I am considering a tubal ligation and was wondering about the recovery period. Has anyone had one and can you tell me what to expect as far as recovery goes? Thank you.

PS My DH won't even consider a vasectomy as he had one and had it reversed so we could have one last baby and it worked! I don't dare ask him to go through it a 3rd time!
Hi. I had a tubal a couple of years ago. They make two small incisions: one in the pubic area and one in the bellybutton. For me, recovery was rather quick. In fact, I walked 3 miles the day after my surgery, BUT, I have a rather high pain threshold. ;-) Anyway, it's not too bad. Of course they have to put you out, and they expand your belly area with gas. THAT is painfull! Your shoulders will be killing you afterwards. I don't know why, but it's painful. I think I ended up taking only one pain pill after surgery. I clean houses part-time, and I think I was off work for a week, then I was back at it. You'll feel some lingering pain for a while, but as I said, it was tolerable for ME. You may be different. :) I'm sure it will go well. Good luck! Let us know how it goes.

I had a tubal ligation several years ago (wow, almost 8 years) and it really was a piece of cake. You'll be up and about and close to normal the next day. They do "bloat ya up" with gas but it really didn't bother me at all. Hope it goes well for you. God bless.
I had one 15 years ago.

It wasn't that bad. The one thing that I do remember about it was that my tubes went into spasms afterwards. They had to give me some relaxers and pain reliever. As soon as I was knocked out for eight hours and woke up, everything was fine.
I've not had one, but as an RN,I've taken care of people who have. Most do WONDERFUL. They go home a few hours after the surgery, and are back at it within a week.

Smile, it makes people wonder what you're up to

I was very disappointed that I wasn't prepared for the amount of pain I'd be in. I was still so out of it when they sent me home that I had to stop at my Aunt's and rest. I just felt very narfy. I live 100 miles from the surgery center though.

I guess I'm just not as happy with mine as I thought I'd be. I had it done about 1 1/2 years ago. I was in ALOT of pain for the first two days. I did not take any pain pills because my doctor said they might constipate me. My insides just really hurt, as well as my shoulders. I was nursing at the time as I was 8 weeks postpartum, so that may have had something to do with it?

Going to the bathroom really hurt. Maybe I got consitpated without the pills. I know I had to be very good about drinking water while nursing or I got constipated. So, again, the two may have gone hand in hand.

My first period was VERY painful. Since then, they have been more painful than they ever were before, but I just take LOTS of ibuprofen for that day. During my periods it just feels like something isn't quite right in there. This month my hip bones hurt.

I'm not sure if I would do it again or not. It's a great form of birth control without putting chemicals into your body.

I had a tubal done after my fourth baby was born. My husband would also not talk about the big "V".....big chicken. I can see why you didn't want to ask your husband to have it done....again. I was in a little pain after, but I had it done the next morning after having my baby. My cousin had it done 2 years after her last baby. She said it was a piece of cake. The recovery was nothing....maybe a week of taking it easy. with me, they just cut a tiny incision in my belly button. you can't even see it anymore. My doctor said the pain after sometimes depends on how hard that had to work to get your tubes. She found mine really fast. Some women experience pain afterwards because they have to "dig" to get their tubes. I will say this, the pain is worth it. Not ever having to think about birthcontrol is the best. In my case, it added something to our sex life. I recommend having it done. Andrea, above, sounds like she didn't have a good time with it. She is quite honestly the only person I have heard of that has had a problem. It shouldn't effect your periods either. My doctor was very helpful to me in making a decision. Good luck.

Yes, I do have some problems, but I want to clarify that I wasn't saying it was a bad thing. Like I stated I don't know if I had the chance to do it over if I would or not. That is because I like knowing that I will never have to endure a pregnancy again. My pregnancies were much worse than menstrual cramps, etc.

Tubal ligation is really the only thing I trust 100%

Thanks for all your input. My appt (consultation)is next week and then the big decision. Even though I am fast approaching 40, it is still hard to let go of my fertility. I don't know what it is...I guess I don't want to admit I am not a youth anymore, even though I feel like one (because all these Cathe workouts keep me young and healthy!!)

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