^^^^^ TTC/Preggo ^^ June 6 ^^^^^

Stephanie, Glad the DDS went well.

I am really looking forward to this summer.
I have really scaled back my work responsiblities and my attitude shows it. I have been so much happier not being so stressed. Now if I could get DH to de-stress that would be great! He's wound up so tight all the time and is always exhausted. We have another huge apartment project in Wyoming starting on Monday - hopefully once that gets really rolling he'll be able to relax more. A bunch of the guys are leaving Sunday.

We're doing some Kohl's shopping (30% off coupon!!!!) today and the rest of the day is for Barbies (and my workout!). Tonight one of my sisters graduates from HS. I can't believe she is that old already! I hope I don't make a fool of myself and start crying!

Have a great day!
Kate~yummy! cake is always a good thing. Congrats to you DD!! Have fun shopping today!! Kohl's is the best!

Melanie~I am not sure what we are getting dh for father's day. It might have to be some homemade cards and stuff like that for now since he's away at training. Then we can get him something when he's home in August.

Candra~ It must be so hard to have your brother in Iraq. ((hugs)) congrats to your DS on graduating kindergarten. My son is graduating today!!

Susan~oh gosh I am sorry about the bleeding. ((hugs)) Let us know what the bloodwork says.

Stephanie~glad the dentist went well yesterrday!

Jen~the homemade gifts are the best for Father's day/Mothers Day. I love that.

Mikkia~hope you aren't feeling too bad for your drive and your visit w/ family.

Morris~the only experiene I have w/ induction was my first and I was 3 days after due date and had very high blood pressure so that is different. I was on Mag sulfate (which is used to stop labor) and I was being induced.. so it didn't go well and I did end up w/ a c/s. That being said my sister was induced both times and she had 2 easy vaginal deliveries. My sil was induced 2 of the 3 times and she also had 2 very easy vaginal deliveries.

Lisa~13lbs isn't bad! Glad your appt. went so well and you got to hear the h/b! That is exciting!

Has anyone done leaner legs?? I bought it off someone on the main board.. along w/ Imax 2 and they should be here this week. I was so busy yesterday. I had to get my son on the bus then drive about 90 minutes to the closest military base to get my ID card. Then stopped off at Costco and Penny's.. then back to pick up the kids and get home to get my son off the bus. I so wanted a nap after that, but instead I got in a 4 mile run/walk. It was 96 here yesterday afternoon.. ugh. I was chugging the water nad walking often to get the miles in. Then it was dinner time and waking the kids up to take my son to Karate. We walked at the trail while my son was at karate so I got in 3 more miles and then we stopped at my mil's so she could cut Hunter's hair for today's graduation. ugh I HATE busy days like that. Today I plan to get my son on the bus then go to a few yard sales, do some errands and get in a run BEFORE it gets to 95 today. I also need to mow the grass sometime today or tomorrow, but tomorrow through Monday it's going to be a heat index of 110 each day. yuck!
Trish, That's when I'd be paying a high school boy to mow my lawn!!! We actually do have a lawn service - DH is so busy and I refuse to do it - we have 2 acres and there is no way I'm touching that mower!

You had quite a day y'day! My goodness! I prob. would've taken the nap! ^5 to you on the run/walk! That is so hot. It's supposed to be 90 here today and I'm dreading that too. However I do have the ac on! It's 7AM and its already 75 degrees.
good morning!

trish, leaner legs is killer, in a good way. imax 2 is so versatile too. enjoy.

kate, you sound positively glowing. how nice! hop[e your day goes well. how does the belly feel?

well, i am going to the doc today for a quick monitor check. if all is fine, i go in sunday night for a monday induction. i guess i am okay with it, though it take some getting used to to have things out of my control/! the ultrasonographer graded my placenta as a 3 which means it is mature and starting to calcify. both he and my doc think the baby has gotten all he can and we should deliever to avoid any fetal distress.

i am at work today and have to get into appointments but will be back alter for more personals. workout this am was kbx - i needed it after a sleeepless night!
WOW Morris!!!!!! Before your induction try a couple natural things to encourage things along.
1 - have sex!!! Hormones in sperm soften your cervix and help it do it's job.
2 - Curb walk! Find a curb on a not-busy street. Put one foot up on the curb, the other on the road. Walk. For a while. This rocks your pelvis encouraging baby to get settled down further.
3 - There is also a pressure point in your foot/ankle area (though I'm not *exactly* sure where. Get DH to give you a good foot massage!!
Hey, even if these don't work you could have a LOT of fun with #1 and #3!!!! And well, #2, you'll just look like an idiot!! LOL!

Which kbx did you do? 4DS KB is my favorite one ever from any instructor. Sorry about the sleepless night - pretty normal though I'd say given all you have to think about. ((((hugs)))
back real quick to say, wow, what a lot of inductions to go around. i found it very reassuring to hear that from everone.

steph, glad the dentist is done.

lisa, i bet you are just perfect with weight gain. and a fantastic attitude. your gain will probably slow at the end. i gain a ton 1st trimester, minimal 2nd, and usually lose 3rd. my babies are tiny, though, too.

thanks everyone for the tips on your own experiences!
Hi guys--Happy Friday!!

Kate -- Hope you have a great first day of summer vaca!! I am finding it hard to fill DSs' days with fun activities because it's SO hot outside and I'm having a big aversion to the heat right now. Even when we go outside to play each day, they seem so bored. I wish I would have signed my 6 year old up for camps, but there's just not a lot to do in our town during the summer. Any ideas you guys have, please send them my way!! :)

Trish--Your day did sound busy yesterday!! Today sounds fun with the yard sales -- I hope you find many treasures!

Morris--Have a good day at work! I hope that you have a good weekend. You have other kid(s) right? I found that the weekend before my induction with Henry was a great time to have some last-minute one-on-one time with my other DS. I hope that the induction goes well!! I'll be praying for a quick delivery. How exciting!!! :)

Well today I plan on just playing with the boys. Tomorrow is Oliver's first swim class of the summer. And tomorrow night my husband has roped me into taking the boys to a baseball game with him. (Can you tell how excited I am? x( ) What does everyone else have planned for the weekend?
Good Morning!
Thanks for all the well wishes. I have been spotting off and on but nothing constant. I will find out about my blood work sometime this morning. What is strange is that when I miscarried in October my breasts immediately deflated and I just felt NOT pregnant right away. This time my breasts are still extremely sore and I just don’t feel good. My body is really messed up right now.

Stephanie, I am in the same boat for the summer. This week we came back “home” and have had a full week of fun. We return back to where we live on Sunday and there is NOTHING to do there. We have a pool so that helps, but dd gets so bored with just me. We do a lot of cooking, painting and playing baby. I need ideas too!

Morris, try what Kate suggested. My dh and I were told to use condoms for the last few months of my preg…for the life of me I cannot remember why. Anyway, the night before my due date I had NO indications of labor. It was super bowl Sunday and dh had a little to drink..anywayyyy….literally 30 min after sex my water broke.

DD is about ready for day camp. I’ll let you guys know what my numbers are.
Hey to everyone!!!
MOrris, GLad you're feeling reassured. THe goal is a safe, healthy delivery and baby. You'll do great!

Stephanie, It is wicked hot here today. 80 already - blech. Do you have to get in the pool for swim class? I had to w/ Isabel, Gina was old enough that I didn't have to do that, thank goodness! That pool water is c-c-c-c-cold! I wouldn't be too excited about the ball game either. DH is not into sports whatsoever - yesssss!!!

Susan, We're all keeping everything crossed waiting to hear back on your appt. Funny story on your "induction"!

I just finished 4DS Double Cardio minus the blasts from HIS. They felt too jumpy today. I am good and sweaty and so happy about it. DDs played nice the whole time. Time to go shop at Kohls!
Wow, haven't even been able to read all the posts. I work my part-time job today that's just 5 minutes from my house so I get to sleep in! Just woke up and showered,---decided not to push myself to workout this AM. Our 5K race is early tomorrow AM & it's raining here today.
It's so nice to wake up with the kids when I'm home. I best go clean up the kitchen (from last night---yuk) so I can cook this mornings breakfast.
Check back later!


Jadon born 11/23/05
Justin born 1/17/04
Jory born 4/9/94
Melanie/Trish- you guys crack me up with your acreage. We have a yard that is maybe 100 by 50 feet. It's so small that my husband has an electric mower with an extension cord. And he still complains about mowing the lawn.

Stephanie- my girls have been out of school for a week now and this will be their first summer with me being home (after the baby comes). I usually work 3 days a week. I too struggle to keep them occupied. Right now they're in a backyard neighborhood camp. My 7yo leaves for overnight girl scout camp on sunday for 5 nights. She is totally excited.

Susan- good luck with your numbers. I had to have mine done with my 2nd and 3rd pregnancies due to the heavy spotting/bleeding. Like you, I never "lost" symptoms. Hopefully your situation turns out as well.

Kate- closetMax was yesterday. It was truly a life changing transformation. My closet now looks empty. I told my husband I need to go shopping!

Morris- good luck. THe only other suggestion I have to get you "ready" for labor is acupuncture. Once you deliver, I'm next and that freaks me out!

Yesterday I was in a total funk. I tossed all of my "to do" lists and took the girls for a swim. I swam a mile and it was wonderful. I actually felt rejuvenated.

We are working on potty training my 2.5 year old. . He's almost got it, but had occasionaly accidents. I think the secret is training ME to remind him to go!
i am laughing about the mowing. i threatened to mow this weekend and dh got mad! he think s i should take it easy. no way! i have a lot of workouts to do!

stephanie, what do you have planned with the kids this summer?

susan, i am awaiting your results with fingers crossed. i spotted for 3 days in a row 3 separate times this pregnancy. mostly red too.

kristin, yeah on the swim and closet. go shopping now!! i cannot wait to go shopping post partum. now, if i only knew these varicose veins would go away....

kate, great workout. isn't this kind of early for you;-) ?

melanie, your morning sounds nice and relaxed. enjoy that 5 k. i am hoping to be joing you in just a week or so

only a few more hours and i am done with work. i am really quite relieved. i am having trouble focusing.}( dh and i are back on the same page. now i need to zipper my mouth shut until labor.
Good morning everyone!

Kristan, good luck on the potty training. The hard thing with boys is teaching them to aim. I have to keep clorox wipes right next to the boys toilet so I can clean up several times during the day:)

Stephanie, glad the dentist went well. During the summer with my boys they still keep up with their gymnastics and Saturday they are starting Jiu Jitsu so it keeps them involved in something. We have a pool so that keeps them occupied. I am going to take them to the zoo today.

Kate, have fun shopping you can get more since you have a coupon;-)

Trish, I have leaner legs and Imax2 they are both great workouts. I am sure you will have fun with them.

Morris, how exciting your baby is almost here!! I am a little jealous I had both my boys at 41 weeks. It was miserable. With my last I was a bridesmaid in my sisters wedding at 38 weeks. I looked like a giant ball of cotton candy in my pink dress.

Susan, let us know what your #'s are hopefully everything will turn out fine.

Melanie, have fun running your 5k. I really miss running right now but next year I will be back. Let us know how you do.

I hope I didn't miss anyone.
I'm off to work out I'm not sure what I am going to do yet yesterday was lower body

I've been crazy busy around here. I just wrote down a day to day schedule of my entire summer and it is full, with all the getting ready for next year. This is the last day of school for the girls, they test on Monday and then I can attack some other projects until I start a light summer school session with them on July 7.

My back is bothering me again, so I'm just lifting. something has gone wrong with the stationary bike, which I really rely on during the 3rd trimester. I'll have to see if Dh can tinker with it tomorrow.

Random thought on a good kid movie--we rented "Children of Heaven" from Netflix--it's Iranian and in subtitles, but it was really quite sweet and had an unusual story line. Of course if your kids can't read yet, that might make it a difficult watch, but even our youngest ones were taken in by the story line. But I enjoyed it as a grown-up:).

Morris--I think that listening to your ob and going in for an induction is a good idea. You are far enough along--aren't you almost 38 weeks? I think that's considered full term. (((hugs))) Oh and I was induced with #4, because my blood pressure was rising rapidly. It was an uneventful labor and delivery.

Kate--enjoy your summer vacation--sounds heavenly! My ds, almost 14, mows our lawn--he's getting to be a very useful age. I love it.

Trish--Leaner Legs aka Meaner Legs--nuff said}( Wow it's hot where you are--it's so cold here, I'm having my kids make me a fire in the fire place as we are out of oil and I'm not looking forward to making that purchase$$$.

Stephanie--sympathy on the baseball game, but maybe when you are there you will get into it. What I have a hard time with is watching my own kids play/compete. I think I'm more nervous than they are. Have fun with your boys.

Susan--(((hugs))) Sometimes I think that not knowing is the worst. Keep us posted on your bloodwork. I know that a lot of women on these forums and IRL have bleeding during pregnancy and everything is fine. I will continue to lift you up in prayer.

Melanie--you asked if I home school and the answer is yes, so I'm used to having the kids around all the time. No big summer adjustments for me (except for taking a few days off to have a baby:p :p :p ). It's a busy life, but I enjoy it 90% of the time. Good luck on the 5k!

Kristan--we have a similarly sized lawn, now even smaller because we tore up about 300 sq ft to make room for more garden. Ds mows with a mower with an extension cord as well. Enjoy your closets!

Lisa--if you knew how much weight I've gained so far, you'd feel great! Perspective, perspective, perspective dear:)

Mikkia--(((hugs)) for the morning sickness. I hate nausea worse than anything, especially when I have to go and do stuff. I mean if I have to feel that crappy, I'd just as soon do it in my own bed in my own home.

Candra--I'm glad that all is well with your brother. That would be nerve-wracking. My son (almost 14) wants to be a field medic with the army rangers--now that sounds like a nice and safe career choice, doesn't it? Enjoy your summer break with your kids.

Hi Jen! Hi Anne! Oh I hope I haven't forgotten anyone--I hate that.

take care all
29 weeks,4 days
Wow, busy, busy board!

Morris - How exciting that Monday will be baby's birthday!!! I'm sure everything will work out fine and yay for you and DH being on the same page!

Kate - That's great you don't have the stress of work. It does make quite a difference on quality of life I think.

Trish - Wow, your grass grows fast! IMAX2 is fun. I really like that one.

Susan - Glad to hear that you're still feeling pg and the spotting is on and off. Please keep us updated.

Candra - I make my ds use his own bathroom because of the whole aiming situation.

Maggie - Hope your bike gets fixed! I'm just waiting for my back to act up also. Right now it's okay. It only hurts at certain moments, but as I get bigger, that's when my back starts up.

Hi everyone else! Sorry if I missed anyone, but I have to get going for the day. I'm taking my kids to my parents then off to work. I have a full blown cold now and that stinks. I wasn't able to workout because I felt so crummy. I think I'll workout this afternoon though. Not sure what, depends on how I feel. I'm excited that our first baby (Morris) is going to be arriving soon!!!

Isabel just came in here. She said as calmly as can be in her sweet little girl voice "I need to poop. So bad. Stinky poop." And runs toward the bathroom holding her behind. LOL!!!

Melanie - Hope the 5K goes well. I hate cleaning up dinner dishes the next day, but its nice when the kitchen gets cleaned. My cleaning lady is actually here right now! yay!

Kristan, Glad you had a good day with your kids. Hope the p.training goes well. Glad Closetmax went well - I need to do the same.

Morris, Glad things are better with DH. (((hugs)))
we're goign to miss you checking in! Pop in once and a while to say hello!

Candra, Have fun at the zoo!!

Maggie, Your posts always make me smile/laugh. I'm tired just reading about your summer! Glad DS can be helpful.

Lisa, Sorry you're not feeling well - weekend is almost here - maybe some relaxing then?

Kohls was great - got a ton of stuff. Need to go get the girls down for a nap!
I finally heard from the dr. My numbers have dropped into the 200's so I will miscarry. She said it could take up to a couple weeks in some cases. At least now I know for sure and can look forward.
When we get back home on Sunday I am looking forward to hitting the workouts hard again. I hope I do get pregnant again soon!!

A friend of a friend of mine was 8 months preg, due July8. She went in for her reg appt and found out her baby had died. How awful is that. This happened on Tuesday. They induced her and as of this morning they were finally going to do a section. My heart aches for her.

I am very sorry. My heart breaks for you. I am currently ttc and suffered a miscarriage last year. I understand your pain.

Prayers for you (((hugs))

I am also so sorry to hear about your friend - that just leaves you speechless with a heavy heart for her - prayers for her too.
Kristan~wow I want that yard!! I didn't even know there was an electric mower.. LOL That is too funny about closetmax.. IT does feel so great to get stuff cleaned out and orgainzed. I am about to start the potty training w/ my little guy. My dd was potty trained SO easy in less than 1 week total and she was only 22 months old. I tried w/ DD in FEb. and it didn't go well so I just put it on hold till my oldest was out of school for the summer.. we might have a go at it starting next week. Any tips?? I almost forget what I did w/ my first son and my dd was so easy.. I am just dreading this.

Kate~I am too much of a cheapo to pay someone to mow. We have 3/4 acre and it took me 2 hours today. blah. I push mowed the front and side and inside our chain link fence in the back. Then I got on the riding mower and finished up, but I then had to rake the darn grass from the riding mower. Our push mower hsa a bagger so that rocks! It is now 98 here and supposed to be over 100 tomorrow.. gooooood grief. I think we'll be going to the inlaws pool to swim this weekend! LOL at your DD and going potty. The things kids say! lol
Susan~I am so sorry.. praying for you during this time.. how sad for your friend as well.

Maggie~that stinks about your back hurting now. where do you live that it is that cold??

Lisa~the grass does grow fast.. we do have our house on the market though and I am trying to keep it cut so it looks like in case we have people looking. We also had almost 8 inches of rain in the month of May and then just had some major storms come through 2 days ago... in 1 hour we had 1.5 inches of rain. SO you know that means the grass goes crazy. They acutally think we might have had a tornado touch down.. it was crazy.. all this heat/humidity and these thunderstorms. I hope you are feeling better this afternoon. It is awful when preg. because there is not much to take for a cold.

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