^^^^^ TTC/Preggo ^^ June 6 ^^^^^

Oh Susan. I am so sorry. (((((hugs)))) How awful for your friend. I'm glad you have each other to lean on.

Christine, BEst wishes to you.

Trish, I hate paying for lawn service but DH claims he has no time to do it. He has a regular rider and it does take several hours. We have A LOT of trees to go around. In the fall we're going to buyhim a big commercial-grade mower so he can get it done faster but they are too expensive right now.

They are calling for tornados in our area. I love a good thunderstorm, but I'll pass on the tornado!

Nap was wooooonderful...need to get ready for sis's graduation.
Susan--I am so sorry about your news. I hope that it's painless (physically) and that you are OK emotionally too. I am so very sorry for your friend too. Those are the kind of sad stories that really make you wince when you are pregnant. I cannot imagine the pain of losing a child so far into a pregnancy.

Lisa--Sorry you're not feeling well! Take care and get some rest!

Kristan--Hi! Good luck on the potty training! I finally have 99.9 percent trained Henry -- and he's 3 1/2. He had the hang of it last summer, but he chose not to go in the potty. He's very headstrong like his mommy.

Candra--I hope you guys had fun at the zoo!! (Now I'm humming the Simon & Garfunkel song in my head...)

Maggie--Sorry you're having back troubles. I hope you get to feeling better soon!

Kate--That's so funny about your DD! Don't you just love they way they are SO honest and verbal!! I overheard Henry talking to my DH the other night telling him that he had learned to "go tee tee standing up" (he's SOOOO proud). He then informed DH that Mommy couldn't do that because she didn't have a pee pee. How funny!

Trish--The best tip I have for potty training is to let them learn on their own time and to keep a special jar in plain view called the "Potty Treat Jar." I would give Henry a treat from the jar every time he successfully went potty. I usually kept M&Ms or Chocolate Chips in the jar. He'd get a few of them if he went "stinky" in the potty. It's worked like a charm.

So I went to Toys R Us today and bought a water table for the back yard and some refill paper and finger paints for the Easel. I'm going to set it up in the backyard next week and hopefully that will get them more excited about spending some more time outside. It's SO hot that they need extra incentives, and our community pool is the size of a glorified puddle and it's always SO crowded with teenagers that I hate to even go there. They have a kiddie pool that they use in the backyard instead. I also enrolled Oliver in an art camp in July. The camps are too expensive for me to do one each month, unfortunately.

Well, sorry for the novel! Hope everyone is having a good Friday!
susan, i am so very very sorry and am sending hugs and prayers. your story about your friend is just devastating. i will pray for her too. take care of yourself.
Susan, I'm so sorry. :( Hugs & more hugs. You and your friend are in my prayers. I cannot even imagine losing a baby, and then being so far along,...NOTHING can be that hard. :(


Jadon born 11/23/05
Justin born 1/17/04
Jory born 4/9/94
Susan--I am so sorry for your loss and for your friend's loss. One of my greatest fears in life is to lose a child in utero. I don't think I could continue to function, but I know that God gives grace to survive as needed. (((hugs and prayers))) to you and her.

Trish--I live in Portland, Oregon and it's just chilly and rainy here. I hope it stays like this for the whole summer, with an occasional nice day.

Kate--LOL on your daughter. Here's one: If I tell Vangie that she's cute or sweet or whatever, she'll say,"I'm NOT cute" "I'm NOT sweet" you get the idea. So lately I've been saying to her, "You're rational" and she responds,"I'm NOT rational". And it's true, she isn't. She's two. But she's playing right into my hands--bwahahahaha...

Stephanie--oooh the water table with the paints and stuff sounds so cool. I think my little ones would have a blast with something like that--I agree with you about the public pool with the teensx(.

Hi everyone else!

I'm stalling. I need to go do an Algebra 1 chapter and work on Rosetta Stone Spanish (trying to stay ahead of ds who will be a freshman next year). I enjoy self-educating--beats doing the dishes or other house work, which I hate.

29 weeks, 4 days
Wow, do I have a lot of catching up to do...

Today, I did Squeeze. I love that workout. I also did Cleanmax and Packmax in my classroom because I am changing classrooms to a brand new one next school year. I am currently in a modular classroom, and it is being hauled away this week. I plan to go in tomorrow for a little while and finish up. No more kids, but I have 1/2 day on Monday.

It is very hot and humid here as well. Luckily, my good friend has a pool, so I sort of invited myself over on Sunday. She is pregnant too (3 weeks ahead of me).

Susan-I am so sorry to hear your news. You are in my thoughts and prayers.

Stephanie-I am working on p training my DS (3 years, 2 months). He has NO interest at all. Any suggestions??? I've tried treats (gummy worms, sitting on potty first thing in the morning and throughout the day). His teachers also make sure to keep a schedule for him. He refuses to wear underwear. He is also very strongheaded....gee I wonder where he gets that???:D .

Kristan-I need to do closetmax as well. I think I have you beat with the lawn mower. Growing up, we had a very tiny backyard and a brick patio in the front yard. My parents had a push lawnmower!!! No engine required! Now, since they added on to their house, they don't even have a backyard. They are in heaven now because they are older.

Morris-I will be thinking about you on Monday. Yeah...you're done with work.

Kate-I love Kohls too. I live 1/4 mi away from a shopping center that is dangerous (Babies R Us, Kohls, Target, Old Navy, Marshalls, etc.). I go to Target the most, though.

Trish-We just joined Costco. We had been Sam's members for a long time, but Costco is by the stores mentioned above, and Sam's is about 15 minutes away, so it made more sense. I like it there. I LOVE yard sales too, and I am bummed that I can't go to any tomorrow.

Candra-I am glad that your brother is o.k. Do you have any other siblings?

Maggie-I wish I lived in Oregon right now!

Hi Melanie, Hi Anne!


Hi Melanie
Stephanie, Sounds like your boys are going to have some fun coming up! Good for you!

Hi MOrris & Melanie!

Maggie, LOL on YOUR daughter! Too cute! I miss foreign language. I used to be fluent in French and I was okay at Spanish. I still could do conversational french but I miss *really* knowing it.

Jen, That'll be nice for you to have a new classroom. You have lots of dangerous shopping near you!

Everybody sleep tight!

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