TTC/Preg Check in June 5th


Good morning ladies! Welcome to all our newest friends!!

This AM I plan on going for a run. It's little dark out yet, and I don't want to be attacked by a bear, so I"m going to wait until about 530 or so. I"m a seasonal runner, starting when it's warm enough and ending sometime in Sept/Oct--weather permitting. I"m up to about 4 miles.

Lisa, I did do Imax3 with my last pg. It was comical & tough. I believe I pulled that one out near the end when I was hoping to speed things up a bit (like the day #3 was born). So knock it off!!! Imax 2 is much more pg friendly. :D :D

Morris, I'm still patiently waiting to hear about your jogging stroller.

Yesterday went well, I've been having bouts of fatigue. They last from 30-90 minutes in duration. My eyes even burn. But then I get a 2nd, 3rd, 4th wind and plod through. I am so thankful for no nausea. Maybe that is my gift from God so I'll be able to handle it all?

What are you guys getting your daddy's for Father's Day?

Just wanted to add about my forgetfulness. This is driving me crazy! I just don't remember being so forgetful until AFTER baby was born? Anyone else?


Jadon born 11/23/05
Justin born 1/17/04
Jory born 4/9/94
Hi All,
I am getting ready for work, so this is quick...
Melanie-I hope the nausea stays away. I was SO tired my 1st tri too! I could hardly stand it sometimes. And, it would usually happen at work, so I had to work through it! My sister just got a new jogging stroller through, and she loves it. It wasn't $$$, so she was surprised she likes it so much. I am not sure of the brand, though.

I got my DH Yankees tickets for Father's Day. My DS will also make something, too. Homemade gifts are the best, IMO.

Have a great day! I will check back tomorrow since I have class tonight.
Lisa, I hope you get feeling better today. KUP on the ob appt.

Melanie, Sorry about the sleepies, yay on no nausea! I'm getting DH a CD player for his Camaro. It's his baby from high school and only has a tapeplayer.

Jen, Nice present for DH! Hope class goes well tonight.


Last day of kindergarten!!! I'm making a giant cupcake cake for desert tonight.

I am really itching for a good sweaty workout tonight. I hope my body agrees at 8PM!
Trying to pack the crew up to drive to Houston-its a 5 hour drive, so I think I will take the kids to the park first and let them run off energy .
Have any of you girls that are early on like me (6-10weeks or around there) told everyone yet? My sister knows and one friend here in town (she guessed when I couldn't drink margaritas on Memorial Day, I don't usually refuse them!)and DH. I am not telling my family unless I have to this weekend, though as crappy as I feel, I probably won't have a choice.
Melanie-hope your run went well. I am a little jealous.
Kate-Giant cupcake, do you have a mold to make it with?
Hope everyone has a great day and I will be back on Sunday!
Mikkia, Good luck with that drive! Yuck! The car was the worst for me when I was early pg. I told everybody right away every time. I get too excited! Yes, I have a mold for the cupcake pan. One 1/2 is the bottom, the other half is the top. It's from Williams-Sonoma if anyone is interested. Have a great long weekend!
Morning everyone,
Well, last night at church I started bleeding. I am sure I am miscarrying. I am not hurting, just feels like my period. I am going to get my bloodwork done today and then I will know for sure. I will let you guys know. Today is a very busy day and I don't feel like doing anything. Our VBS program is tonight and I have to decorate etc etc etc.
bbl Susan
hi everyone - super stressed here, but more later, as i will forget my personals.

mikka, good luck on the drive. i am horrid if i have to drive more than 3.5 hours. enjoy your weekend.

kate, sending you energy vibes for 8 pm. it makes me laugh, though, b/c there is no way i could do anything then. but where were you at 4:30 this morning?? ha ha!

jen, i got a bobs double jogger b/c it is carseat compatible which will be huge for the summer. i LOVE it. i had a used 12 year old single jogger that was awful, but free. this double is lighter and so easy to use. not sure if i will bother with a double stroller though.

lisa, great job with imax 3. i did that one last saturday. no, my body does not tuck anymore, that is for sure. i try, but it does nto happen. plie jumps are easier though, for some reason. of course, my hip felexor is now injured. maybe mel is right - pull out imax 2??:) :)

melanie, how was your run? so, i ended up going with a bob double. now i want a single too, just in case, though i have been pushing ds in the double the last 3 days for our walks and it is still comfy. sorry about the fatigue. how is work?

hi maggie, hi kristan, hi susan, hi trish, and anyone else!

so my us yesterday is causing my anxiety. baby is not growing much - now is in the 5th%. he is otherwise perfect, with no evidence of distress. but, if the growth has stopped, they might induce me. and since i am just 37 weeks i'd have to have an amnio. and inductions lead to c sections more often. they also take longer, and i liked my speedy 5 hr labor with ds. my doc will be in touch today once she sees the results, and we will see. i guess i can handle the amnio and will feel better once i know if his lungs are okay. i wish i also knew if they were sure he wasn't developing inside or just wasn't growing. kwim? if he was still benifiting feom being inside, ie lungs and what not, just not getting bigger in stature, i'd just want to keep him in. okay, all i can do is wait and see what my doc recommends. sorry for the novel full of typos! bbl
susan, your post snuck in on me. hugs!!!! i am so sorry for the anxiety and hope everything is okay. you and your baby are in my prayers!
Melanie- I was a seasonal runner too. I started in Feb to get ready for all the spring 5k's. During the summer it gets so hot here that I would get sick running so I made my husband buy me a treadmill for my b-day and I love it.

Morris- I hear bob's jogging strollers are really good. I need to buy a single again. I still have my double which I loved but my older boys are too big to be pushed in the stroller.

Kate- I have that same cake pan my kids love it. My son had his last day of kindergarten last week. It was so sad I was tearing up when we had to leave and I asked my son if he was sad and he said "no can we go home now". I guess it's my hormones.

Susan I am so sorry for you. I hope everything turns out ok I will be praying for you.

I had a really bad night last night. I was worried about my brother who is in Iraq so I e-mailed him and he messaged me back that he is getting ready to go on a mission which I know he does all the time I just really worry about him and his safety. He has already been there for 9months and has 6 more to go.

I better go and make my kids french toast they are complaining that they are starving.

Oh Susan. I am so sorry. (((big hugs))) and a shoulder too.

Morris, hugs to you too! I hope that little one can stay in as long as possible. So hard when thngs don't go according to plan.

Candra, Glad I'm not the only tearful one..last day of K, means 1st grade is aroung the corner...... boo hoo for us! Give a big thanks to your bro for us! F.toast is so yummy! For the cake pan, do you use their cake recipes, box mix, your own recipe? I stick with Duncan Hines. Any homemade recipe I've tried is too dry. Excpet the is killer dark choc. one I have - wow!

Busy day here. bbl..
Kate, I remember when I was pg with ds1 we were buying our first house, our realtor was trying to stear us in the direction of buying a house in a good school district and I was like I am having a baby he isn't going to school needless to say I didn't listen and they are now in private school but I just didn't think my babies were going to grow up so fast and first grade seems so big and official. As far as the cake pan I do use cake mixes or I use a recipe with a yellow cake mix that you add pudding and a few other things to which I can't recall off hand. That one is really moist and then I make the chocolate frosting to go on top. I love to bake so I love trying new recipes.

ok I am off to exercise I have been starting later and later now that the kids are on summer break

Susan, hugs hugs hugs. I'm so sorry!

I'm impressed with all you Imax3 gals. Wow!!!!

Morris, has baby always measured small? How stressful! I'll be praying for you & your wee-one.

I"m energetic today!


Jadon born 11/23/05
Justin born 1/17/04
Jory born 4/9/94
Susan - I'm so sorry about the bleeding. Are you sure it's a miscarriage? Please KUP on any more news.

Morris - I'll pray that everything is okay with baby. I hate when they don't tell you what's going on. I know that happens when the mother's placenta isn't functioning as well toward the end. Please let us know what happens. I'm sure baby's lungs should be okay by now in case you do have to deliver. BTW, I want to get a BOB stroller as well.

Melanie - Enjoy your run! Yes, I'm sticking to IMAX2 from now on.

Kate - You're making me want to get that pan and eat cupcakes!!!

Candra - I hope your brother will be okay.

Sorry if I forgot anyone, my pg brain is kicking in big time and I got to get the kids to school. Last day today, yay!! It's a half day for them so we might take them to see Indiana Jones. We'll see. I have my ob appt. this am and then I have to rush back to meet the kids from the bus. I think I'll try tackle ME today. I did MM on the weekend and I swear my legs were burning for couple days.

Hi ladies,
I have lost all track of time today and am running VERY late. I'm about to dash of to the dentist, but I wanted to check in before I left. I hope everyone is having a good morning.

Susan--I am so sorry that the bleeding started back. Please keep us posted. I'll be praying that all is well.

Morris--I hope everything is OK with the baby. At least you're at 37 weeks and can safely deliver at this stage. I was induced with my first one, and it was a very very quick delivery. Induced at 6:30 a.m. and born at 11 a.m.

OK, sorry to cut it short. Hi to Kate, Candra, Melanie, Lisa and anyone I have forgotten!!!
Candra - LOL! Time does go by way too fast. I am going to miss Gina in the fall so much! Have a great workout!

Hi Melanie!

Lisa, Sounds like you have a nice day planned. Good luck at the ob's! MM always kills my legs too - that plie squat/pass the weight move KILLS me!! DH tried MM with me one time and hasn't worked out with me since. I know it pains him to admit Cathe & I can lift heavier than him. The WIERD thing: he has awesome muscles! He hasn't lifted regularly in 2years and he looks like he does everyday! I can outlift/outcrunch him now though on just about everything but his everyday physical/functional strength far exceeds mine. Wierd huh? Testosterone I guess.

I'm feeling great. Lots of energy but going to take a nap anyway so I can do my WO after girls go to bed.

The cake is turning out so cute!!! baby's kickin' like crazy - must be the "samples" I had - oops!
Lisa, we took our boys to see Indiana Jones when it first came out. It was scary. My 6yr old kept his sweatshirt over his head about half the movie but my 4yr old had no problems he loved it. It was a good movie I just want you to be prepared.

My brother just e-mailed be back and he is done with his mission after he freaked me out. He said there was zero excitement which I am thankful for.

Ok this time I am really going to workout

hi everyone

steph, thanks for the personal story about induction. actually does set my mind at ease as i tend to associate induction with c section.

kate, those samples sound good! i had 2 skinny cow fudge bars at lunch:(

mel, so glad for your energy surge. i have always carrried small with pregnancy, but with ds 1 and now, after 32 weeks or so growth plateaus.

hi lisa - i love me. need to pull it out again, though i am on a gym style kick these days.

hi everyone.

so, no word from dr yet. so frustrating!! i ordered amy's asc3 out of pity for myselfx( time to hide cc bill!
Hello Kate!! When can you find the gender?!!!! How are you doing??

I have been out of the loop, crazy work week.

Melanie- Are you expecting????!!!!!!!!


Jennifer Claire 12/24/05
Taylor Elizabeth 08/22/07
Candra, Glad your bro is a-okay.

Morris, I was induced with Isabel. My water had broke but nothing happened. Afet they induced me I FLEW (!!!!!!) thru labor. 2 hours, and a half a push later.... sweet baby! Re the fudge bars: at least yours were skinny cow. I'm fat-cow! LOL! Glad you ordered ASC3!

All this talk about Imax3 is making me want to do it. DDs are occupied with Barbies...we'll see how much I can get in beofre they start fighting over whose barbie is the prettiest!

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