TTC/Preg Check in June 23rd

We had 3 showings last week, nothing panned out. :(

Someone finally showed up to mow the lawn though---for $100!! DH scheduled them to come out every 2 weeks.


Jadon born 11/23/05
Justin born 1/17/04
Jory born 4/9/94
Candra the Human PinCushion! - Sorry for the stabbing - ow! I am def. not doing hi impact - I'm modifying like crazy. I can't imagine jumping this large body on and off my step! I suppose I do little hops still, but no big jumps anymore!

Maggie, Staying in the habit is all I'm aiming for! I even ordered (gasp!) Leslie Sansone DVDs! ACK!!! I can't believe I did that!

Melanie, Sorry about the house. How much lawn do you have that they're charging that much money? Our lawn mowing costs us $70 each time and we have 2 acres with tons of trees and flower beds to trim around. Sounds like you're getting hosed!
Trish--SO excited for you!!! Congrats! I know you're relieved that the baby was healthy! We were going to use Sophia Elise had our little one been a girl. It's now up for grabs. :)

Candra--I am sorry about the poking. Yikes!! I hate having blood drawn! As for the neighbors, I don't personally know them, but I followed their story in the local paper and have been reading the mom's blog. I think they are staying with family close by.

Melanie--I am so sorry about the showings not panning out. Maybe one of the lookers will have second thoughts and return.

Kate--You are going to kick my butt, but I didn't do B&G today after all. I accidentally fell asleep on the sofa with my little DS, and by the time I woke up, I rushed to get them outside to spend some time in the sunshine. So I was a big old bum. But TOMORROW i WILL work out (repeating mantra to self over and over)... PS Your two acres sounds so pretty! I'm totally jealous!

Tomorrow I'm going to do some errands and I think I'll go to Ross and check out their fitness section. Someone on Open Discussion said that they have Jari Love and Amy Bento for $4.99 some times. Might as well look and see. :)

Hope you guys have a great evening!!!
Stephanie, What a pretty name! And I am NOT going to kick your butt! A nap sounds great and I wish I had had one today. Hopefully tomorrow! We do love our house and lawn. We built it 7 years ago intending to live here for a couple years and move on. But we love it so much and keep doing little "upgrades" here and there and now I don't want to leave! If we ever had a 4th baby we wouldn't want to stay with the way the bedroom arrangements are, but for now it's perfect. I've never heard of Ross but I saw that post too and wish I could get DVDs that cheap!

off to do some stretching!! ahhhhh! Round ligament pain BE GONE!!!!
Kate, it was the first time the lawn had been mowed this season, they had to mow it 3 times. The yard's not that big, but there's some steep hills. :)

Nauseated & tired again today. I began craving some ice chips on the way home from work today that allows me to suspect that my iron is low. I think I'll go ahead and start some OTC iron daily & see if that helps. My dr's appts not until 18th of July... I"m anxious to get an u/s to see how far along I am. Hoping I'm farther along b/c I'm looking forward to 2nd trimester!!!!!!!!!!!!


Jadon born 11/23/05
Justin born 1/17/04
Jory born 4/9/94
Lisa- I am with you on the pukers. A. puked all Weds night, K was friday night, then I was last night and now G. just threw up all over his bed. I told my husband to get ready because he's next. Another example of why having 2-3 sets of extra sheets is necessary.

Candra- I am with you on the big babies. All of mine were 9 pounds. Everyone assumes I have or had GD. I've never even been close. I do, however, have a 6'5" husband.

Trish- many congratulations on a healthy baby!

Maggie- I read "pooped" too because that's what my cats would do. I read something once that our brains really only slow down to read the first and last letters of a word and fill in the rest as we read along.

I got in three w-o last week: a 3 mile run/walk/stairs, low impact circuit from 4ds, and part of stepworks with the leg section from 4ds.

This week I want to swim, hit the gym for an hour, and do the B+G standing stuff. And that's it because my list around the house is a mile long. I am due in 11 days.

I am so tired from being up puking for most of last night.

I've never really had B-H ctxn that I could feel, but there is something going on. I am super uncomfortable with the b-h, which makes me thinking they may be becoming more 'real.'
Another busy day...I did manage to do all of KPC with only some modifications. DH insisted on installing a new screen door in the back, and he's still at it 4 hours later:D . It is raining really hard right now, maybe I shouldn't be on the computer with all this lightning? Anyway...

Kate-I had horrible r l pain with my first pregnancy. I can't remember when it started, though. I feel little twinges now and then, but nothing like the first pregnancy. Maybe I won't get it this time-that would be great. I hope yours eases up for you.

Trish-Great news on the little girl and the U/S. I was exposed to 5ths disease too with both pregnancies. It's hard to escape everything with being an elementary school teacher. I am glad you are o.k.

Maggie-I 2nd YUCK on the Altoids. Gross:D . Your DS sounds ambitious-that's great. My dad was a scout leader for years, and when he was 55, he hiked the Philmont trail? Something like that. He was gone for a long time.

Stephanie-That is such sad news about your neighbors. Where are they staying? What is the age range of their kids? So, you say you're doing B&G tomorrow, right???

Candra-I am getting my glucose test on Wed. We must be at the same point in our pregnancies. I just can't wait for that test (yeah, right).

Lisa-Sorry to hear about DS puking. Is he o.k. now?

Melanie-Your son will come around. Just think of what a huge help he will be!

Hi to everyone else!!!

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