TTC/Preg Check in July 13th


Just a quick hello to get us started. It's still cold and windy here, 54 degrees this AM. I didn't workout this AM (slept in) but migth later in the day. DH & eldest son are on the road all day--driving to church camp. I haven't decided if I"m going to drag my lazy fatigued self & wee-ones to church yet. I have about 10 minutes to decide.

What's on everyone's agenda today?


Jadon born 11/23/05
Justin born 1/17/04
Jory born 4/9/94
Wow--I would have thought someone would have posted before me all the way on the west coast here.

Yesterday was a busy day--I actually went to the grocery store, the craft store and office depot--now I think I have most of the stuff I need to start preparing for Malcolm's education next year. I bought the other kids stuff earlier in the spring ($$$). I think I will actually be prepared by the time the baby comes.

The swelling of my legs is extreme and I feel like my uterus is falling out of my body everytime I sit on the toilet. My back pain is worse than ever before. I am going to ask for an early induction. I no longer feel guilty about this (well, maybe a little, but not enough to stop me).

I feel old.

take care everyone--
35 weeks, 6 days
Maggie!!!!!! What happened to our inspiration? Are you poking fun of me because I"m turning THIRTY FIVE this week?!??!?! ;) ;) Hang in there, we're in this together. Just a couple more weeks. Now repeat after me, "I can do all things, b/c my God strengthens me". Again. Again. Good. :D :D

I think I might go to the Cities to pick Jory up on Friday so I can dod some shopping. It's about an 11-hour round trip. Do you think I can handle that without getting too burndt out? Seriously. I don't want to overdo anything. Just a thought...DH just can't power shop like I can, you know what I mean?


Jadon born 11/23/05
Justin born 1/17/04
Jory born 4/9/94
Hi, good afternoon. I have been out in the yard pulling weeds all morning and thought I would stop for a popcicle and check in, before I give my self heat stroke.
Maggie-35 weeks, so if you ask for an early induction would your doc do 38 or 39 weeks? I personally think you have paid your dues so if you want to ask, ask! I am so sorry you are uncomfortable. I was 12 days past due with daughter, and she felt like she was one sneeze away from falling out for a month. Naturally it never happened and she got stuck in my pelvis and would still be there today without a csection. Isn't that funny??? I will pray for a speedy ending for you!
Melanie-I don't know about the shopping trip, is it next week? I guess if you feel up to it do it, just be careful!

Rodeo was hysterical last night. We ate bbq, went to the rodeo and all the little kids got to go out and try and catch a calf (my children tried their hardest and had a blast!) Then they got to go to the dance part and it was so cute, this old man(think 80+) asked if he could teach my dd to 2 step. She was so happy and learned quick. Then they passed out on the way home. It was fun. They did not get up until 8 am!
Hope everyone has a great day!
Hey Ladies,
Its been a slow moving day around here today. I already had a nap and its 1:15. I do feel better though. Dh and dd are swimming for a bit, then Im not sure what we're doing.
Maggie-Im so sorry you are uncomfortable!! Just take it easy and hang in there. You are not old!
Mikkie- the rodeo sounds fun! My dd has been very bored this summer. We are usually on the run but since moving here there is NOTHING to do. We are going to the museum in Hot Springs next weekend to see the human body exhibit...dd is very excited about that. The next weekend friends with a dd her age are things are looking up a little.
Melanie-that is a long trip, but a girls got to shop!
I think I need some cheesecake. No bm for me in 2 days and Im not pregnant. Must be the percosec.

My body is still a bit messed up. My breast usualy get sore a good week before af. I started af on July 4, and as of yesterday my breats are soooo very sore and dh commented on how big they were. The soreness even woke me up last night. The are the intense sore like when pregnant. I just wonder if this is a sign on menopause??

Im going to finish up this coffee and hit the shower.
Hello again,
Ok, I think I figured out whats going on with my body. The "period" I got on the 4th at the hospital could of very well been the end of this m/c. The day of sugery I tested .08 and they were about to not do surgery until I had them call my obgyn and find out what I had tested the week before, which was 90. So I am thinking what I thought was a period, wasnt and now my body is gearing up for af. Does that make sense?
Yes Susan, that makes sense. Have you ever done cervical checks?

Mikkia, I"m glad the rodeo was fun. I've never been to one--but maybe someday I'll end up in one. :) I"m glad your nausea is finally at bay. I'm feeling pretty good too. I have to be careful not to overdo it though---I was feeling good this AM---so ran non-stop pretty much for 3hrs. Now my back & legs are sore & I missed Jadon's nap (so no nap for me). Kicking myself. Why do I have to be so "productive"?


Jadon born 11/23/05
Justin born 1/17/04
Jory born 4/9/94
I meant the cervix. Have you ever read Taking Charge of Your Fertility? She speaks/teaches on the different phases/positions of your cervix as a secondary check for menstral cycle/ovulation. I found it fascinating.

You probably have your cervical VERTEBRA on your mind. ;)

I just had a loose stool. Too much cheesecake, I suppose.

Jadon went back to sleep. I"m thinking about locking the doors and meditating on the coach while Justin watches a movie. :D :D No workout today, I"m exhausted now!


Jadon born 11/23/05
Justin born 1/17/04
Jory born 4/9/94
Hello everybody from VacationLand!

We are having a fun, relaxing time. I'll catch up with everybody tomorrow, just wanted to say hello.

Susan, I second you reading TCOYF that Melanie mentioned. I learned so much from that book. It would be very helpful for you.

See you all in the morning!
Hello everybody from VacationLand!

We are having a fun, relaxing time. I'll catch up with everybody tomorrow, just wanted to say hello.

Susan, I second you reading TCOYF that Melanie mentioned. I learned so much from that book. It would be very helpful for you.

See you all in the morning!
Hello Kate. It's so refreshing to "hear" from you. Having fun?


Jadon born 11/23/05
Justin born 1/17/04
Jory born 4/9/94
Boy--I was a downer this morning. It's just hard for me to believe, right now, that I was ever fit and in shape.

And I accidently put down 35 weeks, 6 days--wishful thinking. I'm 34 weeks, 6 days....

My workouts for last week:
MM upper body premix
60 min slog on treadmill (at an incline though!)
40 min slog on treadmill (ditto)
High Step Circuit--the beginner/intermediate one

Melanie--The 11 hour round trip--does that include the shopping? or would the shopping make it even longer. If it makes it longer, I would stay in a hotel or something. You wouldn't want to get sleepy driving, I'm thinking.

Mikkia--sounds like you had a lot of fun at the rodeo thing--you must have figured out what to wear;). I'm thinking of being induced 1 week early. We are having childcare difficulties that make this option more tempting....

Susan--Taking Charge of Your Fertility is a really great book with lots of information. I plan to use it (the Fertility Awareness Method) as a form of natural birth control after this baby. There is tons of information on one's fertility signs. It's just a fascinating read even if one does not use any of the information in it. I never learned so much about my body and it's cycles from any other source.

Kate--glad everything has got off to a good start to you vacation-wise--hurray--have lots of fun.

dd2 locked me out of the house today (and kindly let me back in)--little stinker--I had no idea she new how to manuever the lock. She also cut her hair with "baby" scissors. I thought she'd be okay with those. I trimmed her bangs (with much protest from her) and it doesn't look too bad.

Dh took them all swimming and I got in a good workout.

Hi everyone else!
34 weeks, 6 days
Hello from the hottest room in the house...
Today was a day of catching up with cleaning, organizing, weeding, etc. DH, DS and I just got back from our friends' house where we had dinner and the kids played (more like fought and played). I just put DS to bed. Tomorrow is his first dentist appt, so I should have an interesting story to report to all of you. It's at 10:30a.m. Wish us luck! I did 30 minutes of mix and match from Butts and Gutts (but I did all the "Butts" and no Gutts"). That felt pretty good. I was very tired, but no time for a nap. Tomorrow afternoon is my 1-hour prenatal massage. I can't wait! And, for some reason, I just started sneezing, and I can't stop!

Mikkia-The rodeo sounds like it was fun. My DS got stuck in my pelvis too. With a head in the 100%-ile it was no wonder why! I refuse to go through that whole fiasco again, so I am getting a scheduled c-section with this one.

Maggie-Sometimes I feel like my DS is about to poke a hole in my stomach area-he's that kicky. And, I get a lot of pressure when I go pee too. I hope you have your baby soon so you can feel back to normal again (although after we have one kid, we don't ever return to "normal" ever again).

Susan-I hope AF comes, visits for a short time and is on her way quickly!

Melanie-Do you have a busy work week this week? Is it still cool where you live? If it is, I will send some heat and humidity your way.

Kate-Have a wonderful vacation!

Hello. Just got back from rescuing my DH. He got a flat tire about 90 minutes from off we went. It's so hard to bite my tongue when I've been nagging at him for MONTHS to get our "no flat tires" looked at. The warning light has been on a long time & I've been working so much. We're 2 hrs from a dealership---so I guess it was easier to ignore & hope the problem would go away. Well, we know how silly that sounds, don't we? Now our "problem" is stranded 90 minutes away all alone on an old country road. I wonder how much it'll cost to tow it?

Ahhhhhhh tomorrow is another day. I"m going to get the kids ready for bed. As Susan would say, "nite nite"!!


Jadon born 11/23/05
Justin born 1/17/04
Jory born 4/9/94

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