TTC/Preg ___ Mon July 14

Checking in from vacation. All is going well but I'm feeling like a big'un amidst all the tiny ladies in their bikins and I can def. see that I've lost muscle tone in my arms and the dreaded back fat to prepare for nursing is definetly coming on. Oh well - she's worth it and STS will fix all of it!:)

We'll be spending the day on the beach..probably every day for the rest of the week!

I've kept up with my workouts...thank you laptop!

Better go peel the kids away from cartoons so we can go out to breakfast. See ya later!
Hey Melanie - Question for you when you get a few minutes:

Someone we know has shingles - what more can you tell me about it? How is it contracted?

Thanks for your help - hope your work week isn't too hard on you!
Good Morning!
Kate-sounds like you are having a good time. So proud of you for working out! Take some good pictures for us.
Melanie= what does your work week look like?
Maggie= I hope you are feeling better today!
Hi Mikkia, Jen, Jen, Stephanie, Candra,Lisa Anne
I am still having the hardest time sleeping..grrrr. I get a couple of hours and get a nap, so I can function...but I sure hope the pain goes away soon! My left arm aches constantly and from shoulder to shoulder hurts. This is supposedly "normal" so Im trying to stay optomistic.
Today is the same for dd and myself. She has been such a gem that I have ordered the doll she is saving up for. It should be here this week as a suprise for her. She talks about this doll alll day and has even made her a "room" in her closet. So she will be beyond excited! In situations like mine I realize how darn lucky I am to have dh and dd and dm. I feel for those who are alone and have a crisis happen.
I dont know why I didnt realize before that these symptoms Im having now are for the real af. HOpefully by the time O comes around I'll be off meds and feeling perky enough to start ttc. I don't have eggs to waste! Day 3 and no bm for me. I am usually a 2 or 3 times a day girl. We had mexican last night and I doulbed up on the jalepenos, that usually does the trick. We'll see.
Morning! Just a quick minute before I head out to work. Hope everyone had a great weekend!
Kate-Please don't worry about the girls in the little bikinis. they probably look at you and think when they are pregnant that they would like to look half as good! Shingles is caused by the same virus as chicken pox (varicella). Usually older people will be suspectible to the disease. There is a a vaccine available as well. If you are around someone that has it and your kids have already had it, I wouldn't worry. I would definetely be careful being with you pregnant and all, assuming you have had the chicken pox before. If you haven't you do not want to be exposed to any kind of virus right now!
Susan-I am so sorry about the constipation issues. I always have a terrible time after csections because of it. I usually only take the percocet for 2 days and the switch to the maximum dose of Motrin, which works really good, though I am sure what your going through is more painful. I hope those peppers do their job! Your daughter sounds like such a great kid. She deserves a new doll!
Maggie-Hang in there girl, you are almost there! so about 3-4 more weeks? I hope nature takes its course early without the induction. I hate pytocin.
Melanie-Do you have a super work week this week? Did you decide on shopping? On wed I see the dr. for another us and blood work and her office just happens to be close to one of the nicest outdoor shopping malls in Texas. I may just have to swing by (I have a babysitter for the whole day!!!!)
Jen-How are you this am? Hope all is well!
Hi Candra, Stephanie, Kristan, and everyone else to follow!
Have a great day Mikkia! I wish I could take motrin but I can't for 6 weeks. It interferes somehow with the fusing of the bone. So I am only allowed Tylenol.
I you work as a RD or a RN..and where??
Susan, You are awesome! You have such a great attitude. You should be very proud of yourself. Hope the Bm issues clear up for you! How sweet of you to order that doll for DD. She will be so excited.

Mikkia, Thanks for the bathing suit encouragement! I need it!:) As far as the shingles....I've had c'pox so *I'm* safe but I always thought it was really bad for a pg lady to be around it. Also, DDs have not had c'pox or the vaccine (I'm not too thrilled with what I've heard about this vaccine). Your dr./shopping day sounds great! I would love another u's to see this wild baby! She had been so active lately and sometimes it actually hurts pretty bad. What on earth could she be doing in there?!:eek:
YOu guys are so sweet, thinking about my work week. :D It's a good one, only 3 days---Tue, Wed & Thurs. My eldest is at camp, so we need to pick up/drop off. It's church camp, but our town is so small there's only 3 kids in his junior high youth group & he's the only one that signed up.

Today I plan to relax. We have vehicle woes to take care of, and just general house keep-up stuff to do.

My Bday on Friday, along with papsmear/first prenatal. Then, I think I'll go to pick eldest up and do a little shopping--2 hours max. I"m used to long days at work, I should be able to handle it. My friend agreed to met me for lunch. :)

I"m off to make waffles. I will check back in a little bit!


Jadon born 11/23/05
Justin born 1/17/04
Jory born 4/9/94
Melanie, so glad you can take it easy today! Im excited about the US for you and Mikkia this week.
I think I will take a slow walk on the TM today. My body is aching for movement!
Melanie, Sounds like a nice day and week for you. we'll all be anxious to hear about your dr. appt. Hope you enjoy your lunch date!

Susan, Sounds like you're easing back into things. Good for you.

JUst got done with Classical Stretch Athletes Intense Stretch. If pregnancy is a time when your ligaments etc are loose then why am I so blasted tight?!:) I felt like I hadn't stretched in years. A daily dose of CS this week should help loosen things up.

It's kind of gray and breezy but DDs are aching to go swimming so I think we're headed for the beach! WAH!!!! I like it really hot!:7
No ultrasound for me on Friday. This is my first prenatal visit EVER, so they'll be confirming my pregnancy & doing a routine papsmear. I had blood work last week so hopefully that speeds things up, b/c I'm going to go straight to Cities after my appt.

Herpes Zoster is the virus responsible for Shingles. Chicken pox is the primary infection caused by the infection. When a person has chicken pox at some point in their life, they have a risk of developing shingles later in life. The same (chicken pox)virus, lays dormant in the nerve ganglia & for some reason (normally stress) the virus may reappear---as shingles. It runs along the nerve ganglia and is ALWAYS just on one side of the body. The rash lasts for a couple of weeks & can be painful. The pain can linger for months to years after the rash is gone and is called postherpatic neuralgia.

If a person can have the rash identified within 48 hours of abruption, it can be treated with antivirals which will shorten the duration of the rash plus decrease the risk of developing postherpatic neuralgia. Narcotics & prednisone is sometimes prescribed with the antiviral for pain & swelling.

Children who are vaccinated against chicken pox may still develop shingles later in life. We are not sure how long a person is immune against the chicken pox, and they're looking into a booster for the vaccine.

Elderly (65 and older) are now routinely receiving herpes zoster vaccines to lesson their chances of getting shingles. It is normally an infection of elderly or immunosuppressed.

What else can I say? I think I've bored you enough with details. I hope it makes sense. My DH developed shingles in his eye about 4 years ago. It was awful, he was hospitalized twice & lost his vision in his eye. He's had a couple of surgeries/visits to Mayo in Rochester and now has about 25% of his vision back. It has been painful for him, he is stable now but takes a hefty dose of narcotics for baseline pain daily. Otic herpes (in the ear) is coined as the most painful place to get the virus.


Jadon born 11/23/05
Justin born 1/17/04
Jory born 4/9/94
Hi ladies. Hope everyone had a great weekend!

Kate--Sounds like you're having a great time! The beach sounds SO nice!! And you're so good to keep up with your workouts! Don't worry about those skinny girls. I bet they've never lifted more than 5 lb dumbbells in their life. You look great! In fact, I'd be totally intimidated to sit next to you on the beach!

Melanie--Glad you've got a better work schedule this week. Friday sounds like a busy day for you!! Hope you have a fun birthday!!

Susan--I am sorry you are having trouble sleeping. I hope the pain goes away soon. That was sweet of you to order that doll for your dd. I know she'll be so happy!

Mikkia--Hope you have a good day at work! Hope you still are feeling well!


Well this weekend was pretty busy. DH's relatives were in from out of town and we met them for lunch/shopping and then walked around the Opryland Hotel atrium. I got a good 3 hours of walking in, so that was a great workout. Yesterday, Oliver had his "art showing" from his art camp last week. They displayed the campers' art like a real art gallery. It was very fun. My kid is so talented!! (and I'm totally objective ;-) ) We also rejoined Sam's Club because that's where we always buy formula/diapers/wipes for our babies. AND we splurged and bought the kids a play house for the backyard. It's made entirely out of cedar wood, and DH is very excited to put it together. The boys keep calling it their "club house." LOL I always always always wanted one when I was a kid, and now, 34 years later, I get one!!! :) Today, I need to clean house and do a weight workout. Tomorrow I go to the doc for a check-up, and I think I'll take my oldest with me. It will be the only time he can go before school starts, and I want him to get to hear the heartbeat.

Wow, I've written a novel! Sorry, guys!! Hope everyone has a wonderful day!! Soak up some extra sun for me, Kate!! :)
Omy! about DH! What a horrible experience!
Thanks for all the info.

We're going to be with some friends tomorrow and a man that was recently diagnosed with shingles might be there. I trust it's okay to be in the room with him, just don't come into contact with him?

Thanks so mcuh!
Aw, Stephanie, aren't you sweet!!
Good job on the walking! I definetly count a big walking day as a workout when pregnant. It's a lot of work luggin' these big ol' bellies around!:) The art gallery sounds like fun. ((hugs)) to Oliver for us! I always think about joining Sams but I'm pretty good about watching sales/using coupons at regular stores. So you think we'd benefit? Beacuse of distance Sam's would be a once-a-month trip. LOL about YOUR club house! Our girls have quite a bit of stuff I always wanted too - they actually both have their own Pink barbie powerwheel jeeps to drive around the yard. Garage sales of course! they have so much fun on them. Good luck with cleanmax and lifting. Which dvd are you doing? It'll be fun for DS to go hear the hb - our DDs love it.
susan-I work as both and also do billing. Multifunctional as my dh puts it. today I have billing and then I run an infusion at 11am. tomorrow I have a new diabetic consult. I have done all sorts of different things with my nursing license, I ran a health department before we moved here. I didn't like that job so much, all I did was give small kids injections and deal with STD's in teenagers! I am so sorry you can't take Motrin. That is the wonder drug for me. I hope the pain lessens so you can cut back on the meds (and the costipation) we have to get you in shape for the O day!
Kate-I think its funny about the varicella vaccine, both my kids got it, and both my kids got a moderate case of the chicken pox exactly 2 weeks later. I read that it is a only a 70% effective vaccine. Here in Texas you have to have it to go to school.
Mikkia, You're a woman of many talents!
In Michigan you don't have to be vaccinated to attend public school but they strongly recommend it. My dentist's daugther got a BAD case of c'pox after a vaccine.

We haven't made it to the beach yet. DDs and DH are watching cartoons and I am enjoyinjg being super lazy and surfing the net for baby room ideas!
I got sidetracked and wasn't finished posting!
Stephanie-3 hours of walking is awesome! I wish I could do that! You need to rest up!
Kate-yes, you should be fine in casual contact as long as everyone is feeling well. Zoster viruses(like varicella)love immunity depleted bodies! That's why old people tend to be prone to them.
Okay I think I'm done!
Hi everyone--

I was the wife/mom from hell yesterday, but I'm feeling better today. My feet looked almost normal when I woke up this morning. When they swell, the puffiness is extreme. My mother was pretty overweight,and when swollen, my feet remind me of her little fat feet. I always thought it was sort of cute for her, but I'm not ready for that yet.

Today, I'm just going to relax and work on home school planning and preparation. I love this sort of thing and it will allow me to stay off my feet. Yesterday, I stayed off my feet (except for a workout and cleaning up some clutter in our room) and that's probably why the swelling went down.

Ds 13 is at wrestling camp (11 hours a day!--wrestling, conditioning, and motivational speakers plus they'll feed him breakfast, lunch, and dinner--YESSSSSSS!)Everyone else is still sleeping.....

Jen--I look forward to hearing how your son does at the dentist--it can be kind of hard to predict. Does it feel good that your class is over?

Kate--you are a beautiful pregnant woman and you look pretty small to me, so go out and enjoy yourself and flaunt that lovely belly.

Susan--I'm sorry to hear that you are still in pain. And I hear you on the bms. I'm ready for a dang enema. I'm eating tons of fruit, etc and still backed up! If those jalepenos work, let me know...Dh will have to make a run for them (no pun intended}( )

Mikkia--If you have baby sitter for the whole day, I'd say GO SHOPPING, WOMAN! Buy something nice for yourself and go out to lunch--anyway, take advantage of having that sitter.

Melanie--hurray on the short work week. Sorry about the vehicle woes. It's always something, right? Wow, your husband certainly has an ongoing trial with the shingles. I think that living with chronic pain would be one of the worst things I could imagine.

Stephanie--We are a Costco family--I don't think there is a Sam's Club close. Our family is so large that Costco size stuff actually saves us money (on certain things anyway). My mil bought a little house for the kids from Costco. It's under our apple tree in the back yard. Have fun with it!

Hi Lisa, Hi Candra, Hi Trish, Hi Morris, Hi Anne, Hi Kristan, Hi JenM

take care
35 weeks, 5 weeks to go!
Ok, Ive already had a nap..I zonked out while Little House was on. Now dd is getting ready to put on a show for me.
Mikkia, wow you are a busy woman! I would love to do what you do!
Kate- I also like it HOT and sunny when on the beach. Kids don't seem to mind being cold and in the water.. I sure do!
Stephanie-I"ll be in Nashville in 3 weeks..I can't wait. I just love that town! Good job on all the walking and hope you get your workout in today.

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