TTC/Miscarriage Support 4/19

Reena and Mel2, I'll be done with the b/c at the end of June so in a perfect world we'll start trying in July! It would be nice to have preggo buddies around the same due date!;)

Melanie, that's great news! I can't help but be super excited and hopeful for you!!!
Hey everyone...Happy is supposed to be fantabulous this weekend in NY...looking forward to some outdoor activities after a long winter - I am a big summer dress girl, so I can't wait to break 'em out....Originally, I was hoping they wouldn't fit by now, but since they still do for obvious reasons, I will enjoy them while I can.

Mel2 - funny you mention your peak fertile time being during the conference - same thing happened to me originally last July - we didn't wind up trying that month and then just started with the "if it happens, it happens" trying the next month in Aug - it was for the cathe roadtrip last year, so at least I got some good workouts in lol. Course, now we have stepped up our ttc game :) since January, so I am avoiding conferences at all costs lol
As for the pets - I am dog sitting for my mom for the weekend only and hear you about how much time and energy it takes - and that is based on my experience from just the past 2 days lol Little puppy breaks my heart when she whines - my mom SPOILS her rotten, so if she isn't always near people, she freaks. Killed me to leave her to go to work today.

Bethany - it would be really nice to for all of us to get preggers at around the same time....I would be sending you and Mel2 messages probably every other hour to check in lol preggo stalker would be my new name :)

As a general ttc update for me, I spoke to my doctor yesterday and he confirmed my hormone levels are good - practically textbook perfect, which gave me a big smile. But since my cycle seems to be a bit hysterical last month and this month, he recommended I get an OPK. He said he felt bad I wasn't a patient when I bought that stupid OV watch because it is a bunch of garbage....oh well, live and learn - what is a couple hundred bucks more to create a cute little baby that I can torture for a lifetime and they have to take it because I am mom

If we don't post again before Monday - have a wonderful weekend ladies :)
I was poking around on the site and this thread caught my interest. I will always remember the "dates" and anniverserries. Every April 15th I think about my first pregnancey due date. I lost that baby at 10 weeks, he or she would be 21 years old now. The 25th of May is anthor due date, I was preg with twins, those babies would be 7 now, I lost them one at a time two weeks apart. I have ten year old son and a five year old daughter and I still think about the babies I have lost and it still makes me sad, I know that is very normal. These babies were mine and then they were gone and even though I have other children I still think about the babies I have lost. Not everyone is the same or can understand. I remeber my mother in law called me to tell me that her step daughter in law was pregnant. She called me on May 25th my due date, not and anniversery of the date but 6 months after my miscarriage. She thought I was ridiculous to be upset over the call!!!!!!!!!! My last pregnancy almost resulted in a miscarriage. I had a massive hemorage and it was obvious that a pregnancy cound not remain viable with the amount of blood loss I had. Before the d&c doc put an ultrasound on just to be sure. What he discovered was that I had two uterouses, the one that bled out was not the one the baby was in. I was very very fortunate. My daughter was born 2 months premie and after a month in the nicu I got to take her home. The pregnancy journey can be a battle. It has many many ups and downs. It took me 21 years to end up with two kids, after several miscarriages, infertility treatments, and years of trying to get pregnant. Hang in there ladies. I know I would be more concerned if all these dates came and went without a struggle and a remberance of the saddness.
I was poking around on the site and this thread caught my interest. I will always remember the "dates" and anniverserries. Every April 15th I think about my first pregnancey due date. I lost that baby at 10 weeks, he or she would be 21 years old now. The 25th of May is anthor due date, I was preg with twins, those babies would be 7 now, I lost them one at a time two weeks apart. I have ten year old son and a five year old daughter and I still think about the babies I have lost and it still makes me sad, I know that is very normal. These babies were mine and then they were gone and even though I have other children I still think about the babies I have lost. Not everyone is the same or can understand. I remeber my mother in law called me to tell me that her step daughter in law was pregnant. She called me on May 25th my due date, not and anniversery of the date but 6 months after my miscarriage. She thought I was ridiculous to be upset over the call!!!!!!!!!! My last pregnancy almost resulted in a miscarriage. I had a massive hemorage and it was obvious that a pregnancy cound not remain viable with the amount of blood loss I had. Before the d&c doc put an ultrasound on just to be sure. What he discovered was that I had two uterouses, the one that bled out was not the one the baby was in. I was very very fortunate. My daughter was born 2 months premie and after a month in the nicu I got to take her home. The pregnancy journey can be a battle. It has many many ups and downs. It took me 21 years to end up with two kids, after several miscarriages, infertility treatments, and years of trying to get pregnant. Hang in there ladies. I know I would be more concerned if all these dates came and went without a struggle and a remberance of the saddness.

wow, you have been thru so much!
im so sorry for your losses.....
I know what you mean about dates. My 2nd baby would be due next week-May 5- and I get teary eyed just thinking about it. I'm pregnant now which my DH thinks should cushion the blow but it still hurts.

Hi ladies! I hope all is going well.

Melanie - I can't wait to hear how your Dr. appt goes tomorrow - Good luck.

Thank you so much for sharing your struggles. I am so sorry that you've had to endure so many losses.

Melanie (2)
Thanks Wendy. I feel appropriate for 1st trimester. I miss working out though....
I'll check-in when I"m back....sometime around's a 2.5 hour to ob/gyn clinic...
Melanie, I'm still in awe of the 2 heartbeats. How many weeks did they put you at right now? Do you have to do anything special or have precautions at this point?

Reena, that's great your hormone levels are so good. If it's just a timing issue, then it should be easier to fix and the kit sounds like it should work!

Autumn, sorry this month is such a hard one for you.:(:(

Mel2, how have you been?

I started bleeding today, the first month of b/c is almost done. It's strange blood for me...dark and clumpy, almost like black boogers (hope no one is eating right now, haha:p). I SOOOO want to skip the 3rd month of b/c and just do the two - if I could get away with it. I feel like I've gained body fat since I've started the b/c and that I'd be fertile. Maybe it's just wishful thinking?
Bethany, I"m at 6 weeks. They didn't say anything about a due date. The twin thing just put me in awe...they could have told me the moon was falling out of the sky & I wouldn't have heard it. :rolleyes:

I did hear no marathon training....10hr days on my feet (with no break) was okay. Would have rather heard it the other way around...... lol

Thanks for everyone's support!!!
Melanie - wow - twins...that is super fantastic - this put a big smile on my face .... I am so happy for you .... I wish I lived closer to you - I would rub your belly for luck if you would let me lol fyi, OV watch is ovulation watch .... piece of garbage :)

Bethany - yes, I think it is completely timing ... but I am getting better at charting....finally figuring out CM and cervical positioning....I thought I was going to ovulate on Saturday or sunday and I must have because I got a confirmed temp spike next month is going to be my month I hope - might get an OPK just to be sure.....did your doctor tell you that you had to do 3 months minimum of b/c? the waiting thing is frustrating - I understand..I told DH that I ovulated and we missed it (partially because I wanted to see if I was following a longer cycle this month) and he was said "oh great, another month." you might have gained BF...any place close by to check (gym maybe or just at home using old fashioned calipers)?

Mel2 - whacha doin this week - I know you are in a waiting game too, so just wanted to say hey

Soon2bfit - so sorry for your losses...

Wendy - in case you pop in - HELLO :) hope you are dong well!
Hey Melanie - Just wanted to offer my Congrats to you with twins! That's just awesome! I don't log on here too often, but happy to see this post of yours!

Nothing new on my end here. Still trudging along and hoping to get preggers one last time this year before we're done trying (I'll be 40). may move on to Adoption through fostering, but we'll see how that all works out. Disappointed that my dream of a family probably won't come true, but life does go on.

Congrats to you though girl...I'm a twin you know!

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Anne-- I saw your post and wanted to send you a note. Of all the people on the Fit Moms forum, I think of you the most and, though you have no idea who I am, I pray for you often. I hope that your dream of having a family comes true very soon -- be it naturally or through adoption (which I think is an extremely important and beautiful process). Your strength amazes me. And I know that one day you'll be telling your little girl or boy how hard you worked to bring him or her into your life. Don't lose hope. And please keep posting!
Stephanie - thank you so much for your post. I needed that! I don't mean to put adoption down or anything either. I hope it didn't sound that way. It's just when you try so hard and want to experience the whole pregnancy and birth process yourself it's hard to imagine not happening that way. I know how great adoption is and definitley look forward to learning about the process. We'll get there one day and if not, then DH will fulfill a another dream of traveling together and volunteering!

Thanks again, sometimes I just need a post like that to continue my hope and just believe it will happen.

Hi Anne!! I'm so happy to "see" you around. I'm sorry for your recent loss. I think of you whenever I come by here hoping maybe you would post, but I understand how you would want to stay away with all that you have been through. I'll keep praying for you and your DH to get your child one day soon and prayfully in the form of your own personal successful pregnancy. Like Stephanie said, please don't give up and lose hope! Hope to see you around more!!

Beloved Anne! Thanks for chiming in on my behalf, you are so sweet! You have endured so much,....more than anyone should ever. I'm delighted to call you friend, and am praying that one day you will be called mom! Love ya!!!! Hope to hear from you more, you have been a vital part of our forums,... you have touched more lives than you will ever know. :D

Edited to say: I didn't know you were a twin!!!!

I just read this thread, I know many, many days after it was started. I pray that one day you will be a mom. You don't have to be pregnant and deliver the baby for that to happen. You are already a mom at heart, you just need a baby now. Don't beat yourself up if you don't get pregnant. I know lots of kids (I am a teacher) who are adopted and they have loving wonderful parents. I have 2 little ones and I did not like being pregnant. I had difficult high-risk pregnancies. Some people really love it and I think they are crazy but everyone is different. When the time comes it will all work out. Thinking of you.

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