TTC check in Sept 16


HI all,
Hope everyone is doing great today! It's a beautiful sunny Sunday here in IA. Went to church and decided to start volunteering at the local nursing home to visit people and make sure they're being treated o.k. Gosh, I never realized how depressing it is to walk into one of those places. I'm not sure I'll be able to do it, but I'm going to give it a try. It was very dirty and smelled of urine. All of the old people in wheel chairs. Most were demented and it was just so sad to see. I'm hoping my visits might make a difference in at least someones life.

Eating has been o.k. this week. Not the best. I'm going to by Tosca Reno's Eat Clean Diet cookbook and see if I can get some healthy ideas and recipes from there! Exercising has been pretty good.

Probably getting AF very soon, had a huge temp drop today, so on to the next cycle.

Melanie - Congrats on the 5K. It's a great accomplishment!

Lisa - Are you in your 2WW now?

HI Morris/Jen - How are you guys?

WEll, I've written a book already, so I'll post and be back later this week!

Hi Anne! Thanks for starting post...Lisa must be sleeping in. :) I think it's great that you're volunteering at the NH. Every NH is different, the one I've visited the most didn't seem dreary or sad at all. I believe that it's a minority though, why else would our elderly dispise going there?

My diet is normal for me, not good, not too awful either...just not enought fruits/vegg/water, too much mountain dew. I"m smack in the middle of my weight range, so for now I won't freak out. I'm planning a super detox soon though! I have a great book I want to read before diving in.

Almost forgot, I worked out FOUR times this last week! I only worked 3 days, which I think I"ll have to aim for. It's awesome to have four days off with family.

Better check on my cookies in the oven. (low carb...HEALTHY). ;)


Jadon born 11/23/05
Justin born 1/17/04
Jory born 4/9/94
low carb, healthy cookies??? you are being good! melanie, 3 day work weeks are the best for sure. will you be able to make that a permanent thing? great job with the workouts too.

hi anne - sorry for the temp drop. next month will be better i hope. the nh volunteer job sounds like a great thing. it is amazing what a difference it can make in someone's day to have a volunteer.

hi lisa, hi jen , hi autumn

it is a lovely fall day here, and ds and i are going for a walk after his nap. i am still eating pretty clean, though i want to be very bad (melanie, you shouldn't have mentioned the cookies;)) i am back on the gym style series for a few weeks. i switched over to more endurance for weights for a few weeks and actually saw more change in my upper body. now i will go back just to shake things up. i went for a longggg run on my treadmill this am. at least i got out of bed though, as oppoesed to yesterday. have agreat day everyone.
Anne-I know what you mean about nursing homes. My grandmother had MS, and she was in one since she was 56!!!!!!!! She just passed away at age 92!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The first one she was in was an old hotel (how ironic that she met my grandfather there when they were there for a dance as teenagers). Then, when a regular nursing home had opened, she moved into that. Of course, I wanted to visit her to see HER, but the place was awful! It always smelled bad, and I went into a slight depression for a few days afterward. It was so sad to go there. I hope I DO NOT end up in a place like that (o.k., on to another subject).

Still no word on my MIL. She was supposedly diagnosed with pancreatic cancer last Saturday, but now the doctors need to "confer" with each other to make a proper diagnosis since all of her tests are completed. We should know by Monday or Tuesday. She is home, and she is in a lot of pain (long story). Thanks for your prayers!

My AF is just about ready to pack up and leave, so I'll try again this cycle. I just read Taking Charge of Your Fertility, and it makes sense. How many of you use the FAM? I just charted today, so we'll see. I can't find a basal therm. in a store to save my soul. I bought a regular digital one at CVS, but then I saw the basal therm online. I didn't order it. Should I, or will a regular one work?

Melanie, congrats on the race! Morris-we took a nice, long fall walk too. The weather was great.

Have a great week.
So good to hear from everyone!!! I'm having a slow day today. Super tired from the busy weekend. I did work out 4 times, but I have to eat better.

Jen - I didn't initially start with a BBT, but just a couple months ago I switched and it was worth it. My temps are whacky to begin with, but having a BBT helped. I've never heard of FAM. What is it?

Anne - That's great about volunteering. That's so sad to hear about the conditions. I need to eat better also. I have to get motivated. Sorry about the temp drop. I haven't quite o'ed yet. I got a positve opk couple days ago, but that was my last one and my temp hasn't spiked up yet.

Melanie - 3 day work weeks sound great! What kind of cookies?

Morris - I'm going back to my GS workouts also. My chests and tris were in pain for two days after the workout. I'm doing GS BSB tonight and then running after.

I'm up for a clean eating challenge this week if anyone wants to. I was thinking maybe we could even share recipes and ideas for healthy and tasty meals. I really need the help and encouragement. I was starting to feel depressed when I saw a pic of an old hs schoolmate who looked like she hasn't changed one bit. Of course she was always thin and beautiful, but I need to get serious about dropping these 5 lbs. Anyone in? It needs to start tomorrow since I just ate a bunch of junk today. Let's see....2 cookies, jelly bellies, and a mini dk chocolate snickers. I'm totally emotional eating. Anyway, sorry for whining. I hope everyone has a great week!!!

lisa, i am with you this week on the clean eating challenge. also, i love your idea of posting receipies. emotional eating is the pits. since i started back on the pill, my emotional eating has been better under control - i wonder if the hormones are evening me out? but, i need all the help i can get to lose 5-8lbs.

okay, i have to get cracking here at work, but i will bbl to see what else is going on.
Do ya'll want me to post my low-carb chocolate chip cookie recipe? Ha Ha.


Jadon born 11/23/05
Justin born 1/17/04
Jory born 4/9/94
Melanie - How did they turn out anyway?

Morris - I'm doing okay today. I did sneak in some jelly bellies though. My breakfast and lunch were good.

It's been a long day, but I'm going for a run tonight. I did GS BSB last night and ouch, my shoulders! I think I o'ed yesterday, but we'll see in a couple days. Waiting for my temp to rise.

glad you had a good monday lisa. i had a bad monday - lots of anxiety as dh is running late again. this trip may be extended a few weeks. so, i ate too much chocolate, and too many extra carbs. no more wallowing for me, though. today is a new day, and i am very motivated. i went for a long run and have either gym style legs or ct on tap for later today. with me luck.

the little guy is up, so i better get going. bbl
Hey Anne, that is great you will be visiting NH. I've taken nursing students into the NH (and did a rotation in one when I was in nursing school). Yes, the residents need someone checking in on them. There was a terrible story on the St. Louis news recently and it made me soooo angry. I will spare the details but it was inexcusable. My dad was in one off and on but my mom was never satisfied with the care.

Mel, tell me about the detox? You can pm or email me if you would rather. Awesome with the 4 workouts. I am betting you family enjoyed having you home more.

Jen, I am with you about NH.

Lisa, I like your clean eating challenge idea. I'd love to see whay y'all eat.

Morris, how'd the workout go?

I worked out 6 days last week. Woo hoo!!!! I have worked out everyday this week but am a bit sore today. May take a walk later. diettogo prepares the meals and ships them to me. The food isn't bad. It has helped me realize how much I eat... my portions are way to much. Anyway, I am doing it for a couple of more weeks and then will see if I can prepare my meals. We shall see.

Time to get the lil' one ready for bed.

Morris - My problem I'm starting to realize is not so much my meals, but my snacking in between. I did however have a bagel w/ some cream cheese this am for breakfast which probably wasn't the best thing to eat. Lunch was good - whole wheat pita w/ black beans, salsa, cheese, lettuce, and cucumbers. I did eat 2 mini size dk chocolate snickers when I got home though. Oh and a Milano cookie. See what I mean???!!! Maybe I need to fast from carbs altogether like Melanie said. I am super stressed with work right now though. We have a new computer system that I'm in charge of going live on Oct. 1 and I'm just stresssed so I tend to want sweets.

Anne - Awesome job with the 6 workouts! Oooh, diettogo prepares the meals? So do they need one near your home since they deliever? Like what kind of meals do they make? Do share!

Better get going...have to go watch ds practice football.

okay, i juist need to vent. i apologize in advance. i feel like a complete monster. i am so crabby and reactive and irritable. i swear i could rip someone's head off. unfortunately, i had an e mail from my office manager (whom i completely adore) about some minor housekeeping issues at work. it completely has rubbed me the wrong way and it is all i can do NOT to respond, which would serve no purpose. it was in refernce to the mess in the staff kitchen and the kennels at work. this is completely the staff's job, not mine. i help out all the time, often taking care of staff animals on my nonpaid time. but the staff all like to point fingers and say "it isn't me", and now they are pointing fingers at me. i am so irritated. stupid, stupid issue, and i need to just not acknowledge the e mail at all and the issue will go away. now, can i repeat that 10 times? also, to add to my frustration, dh has to complete his current assignment, but, b/c his plane is broken, they will be delayed by 1 week or more. i miss him, i miss our family. okay, now i am WEEPY, crabby, reactive, and irritable. can anyone say PMS??? i have not had a period in so long, i have forgotten what this is like. hopefully it will start very soon. i exercised today in order to balance my feelings, but a 9 mile run and gym style ct, and i am still frazzled. just need to ride out these feelings i guess.

enough about that. sorry everyone.

lisa, i find when i fast from carbs, after 3 days, i get insanely ravenous. i do better having smaller amounts of good carbs. also, if i change the time of day i have them, it helps. for instance, i looovvveee cereal and easily overdo it with portions. if i have an egg wrap (lowcarb wrap) for breakfast, though, and cereal as my afternoon snack, i do better overall. snacking and portions are my major issue though. yesterday went well for me food wise - i had a chocolate free day (i needed it after monday). today is going well too so far despite my mental statex( x( i had to go to my favorite deli to pick up lunch for a friend who will be visiting today. i managed just 2 bites of my favorite tahini chip cookies that they have. (mel, where is that recipe you mentioned;-) )

autumn, the diettogo sounds interesting. i have to admit, though, i have an aversion to prepackaged meals. i hate those diet entrees that look so good on the box but taste so unrewarding.

anne, melanie, jen, how are you all?

again, sorry for the insane, long post. i know i sound unglued. i do feel a bit better now, though;-)
Morris! I wish I could give you a tight bear hug, here's a cyber hug {hug} {hug} {hug}. Did you get them? I"m sure you'll know what to do once you're able to cool down.

As far as low-carb dieting goes. I'm a firm believer of GOOD carb (full of heavy fibers) and low/no bad carbs (refined sugars)-- pretty close to SouthBeach Diet's philosophy. So, on a carb fast I would refrain from eating ALL refined sugars, as well as all simple sugars (including fruits (fructose)). The only carbohydrates that I would allow would be something like brown rice or low carb wrap, and then only 1-2 servings/day for the fast. Lots of veggies, healhly lean meats, eggs, non-peanut nuts... This has worked well for me in the past for eliminating my carb cravings. The detox that I"m looking into doing is based on Don Colbert's book on fasting and detox. He is a MD who works closely with Joyce Meyer and has a biblical standpoint on dieting. He wrote an excellent book entitled: "What Would Jesus Eat?" I've only read one chapter in his detox/fasting book...but I've been wanted to 'detox' for a while now. Anyone else have any experience with this?

Morris, do you remember my first periods after the long break? TORTUROUS!!!! It may be around the corner. I puked again last night for about 90 minutes. I'm going to buy a PG test on the way home. I still think it's a bug though. It's too bad I can't buy one at work... ;)


Jadon born 11/23/05
Justin born 1/17/04
Jory born 4/9/94
melanie, you know i am going to be checking in constantly, waiting to hear. did you puke with your other pregnancies? this seems like awfully long ofr the flu bug....

and thank you for the cyber hug. i feel better now, and am refraining from responding to my office manager. sometimes silence is the best policy. i just hope af comes asap!
Melanie, let us know about the fast. I love Joyce Meyer! And she is from my part of the world. So, did you pick of a HPT?

Lisa, the meals a fresh prepared, frozen, and shipped to me. I am doing the vegetarian meals right now. It is a bit heavy on processed food (muffins & bagels) but the portion control is educational. :) My problem now is post-ovulatory cravings. Oh dear, it is something.

Morris, first let me send more cyber hugs....{{{{{{hugs}}}}}. I am tellin' ya... those hormones really change our moods. It became very apparent to me while taking clomid... oh I was wicked... more than usual. }(

I know what you mean about the prepackaged meals. These haven't been too bad. There have been a few I wasn't fond of but it is more the portion control I am after.
Morris - More cyberhugs from me (((((HUGS)))))). Those hormones are a doozie I tell ya'. I say in a couple of days things should be okay. I think not acknowledging is the best policy. Who needs work drama? NO ONE!!

Melanie - UH...test already - LOL! The suspense is killing me! I do choose whole grains over bad carbs, but when I'm stressed, the sweets...oh the sweets call my name.

Autumn - It's so hard to balance eating low-cal, low-fat and eating healthy meaning no processed foods or artificial additives. It's like I love shopping at the healthfood store by my work, but it gets pricey and then the regular store has a ton of low-cal stuff, but mostly all artificial something. Even grocery store 100% whole wheat bread has high fructose corn syrup.

Hi Anne, Jen!

Okay, I'm so trying not to stress out. I am currently working from home, but I feel really overwhelemed with balancing my kids' schedule and work. So far I worked out every day this week. I think I'm going to take it easy tonight and do some yoga since I feel that darn cold coming back.

hi guys - gues who is here??? AF!

thanks for all the hugs. i am feeling more stable, thankfully.

lisa, i can relate to the overwhelmed feelings. what can help, do you think? sometimes i find it helpful to make lists and prioritize so i don't get bogged down in those details that are not essential but are there. i think we all deserve a week long hiatus from work though;-)

melanie, you have to test!!! we are waiting. why do you have to eliminate fruit with that diet? i eat wayyy too much fruit, and maybe i should eliminate it for a bit. but sometimes nothing is more satisfying than a bananna.

autumn, i think that is great if the meals help with portions. do you wind up hungry then?

i am really proud of my eating yesterday. i am hoping to see some numbers change on the scale now, especially as i have amped up my running a bit.....
NEGATIVE, as suspected. ;)

Fructose (fruit sugar) is metabolized very quickly, and utilized in the body quickly. Banana's are actually a "starchy" carb-rich fruit. I am not saying that fruit in itself is bad, but it can cause quick spikes in your glucose/blood sugar similiar to a candy bar. This is why it is tabooed during the sugar detox first days on SouthBeach diet.

I have the Sonoma Diet book that I read, which is based on Meditarrean (sp) diet. It's interesting...focuses on portion control. After having baby #3, I lost 20+ lbs in one month using combination of South Beach Diet and intense exercise. I've kept 17 of those lbs off, so it worked for me. Everybody's body is different...


Jadon born 11/23/05
Justin born 1/17/04
Jory born 4/9/94
i'm sorry for the negative, melanie. so, do you feel lousy/sick? when is af due?

very interesting about the diet. i should try it, but i do not think i could give up fruit. your results are so impressive though..... my cravings are not bad today, but the anxiety and tension are there, so i just need to remind myself nt to give in to sweets. hopefully i will have a really good full flow tomorrow, which means i will call the dr and start things up.

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