TTC check in May 13th


Happy Mother's day to all you mommie's!

Thought I'd pop in and say Hi to everyone. Today is beautiful in Iowa. Mid 80's and breezy. I got out for a walk and will try to do Drill Max a little later. Got a bike ride in yesterday and Drill Max (legs) yesterday. Felt really good to sweat like that again. My knees are doing a lot better. I think since I gave up coffee, I've figured out that caffeine might be the culprit to my flare ups. At least I hope so...

Still waiting for DH to get into the urologist to get checked out from his low sperm count. My tests came out o.k. and tubes are all clear, so hoping to get things going with him. He just takes so long to get his appointments made and I hate to nag him...he is an adult. We have been getting busy these last couple of days to try and catch that egg! Hoping this might be our month. Ya never know, it only takes one spermie!

Melanie - I hope you can find a place you like. How is the search?

Lisa - Your date sounds absolutely fantastic! Who could ask for more, an oceanside dinner with a little wine sounds divine! How sweet of him.

Hi to Autumn and Morris!

Chat later,
Anne, thanks for starting post! I've been too lazy to begin one...but I've checked THREE times waiting for someone else! :D Wow, caffeing withdrawal is hard! I gave up MD last month, remember? I've had a couple here an there...but nothing serious.

I just mailed off 22 resumes this AM. I have made a promise to God, and I"m looking for a specific sign that would allow me to stay at my current job---it would have to be a miracle for this sign to occur--certainly God-driven--otherwise I will be leaving. The whole prospect of moving/having a new job is exciting (an lots of work).

I've done a lot of running this past week, and one Turbo Jam day. AF came on Friday AM, God is certainly in control, I don't think I could handle a pg right now. I will hold off on my pg goals for a couple of months (hopefully my eggs don't run out or get old in the meantime). ;)

Thanks again for all your awesome support. I appreciate each and every one of you.

Happy Mother's Day!!!!!

Jadon born 11/23/05
Justin born 1/17/04
Jory born 4/9/94
Thanks for starting the thread Anne!

I hope you are all enjoying a nice Mother's Day. My sister is taking my kids to see Spiderman 3 so I'll have some time to get gifts for my mom and MIL. I really want new workout shoes for myself so I might just have to pick up a pair. We'll see.;-)

I worked out 4 times last week. BM2 Cario Blast, Kick Max, LIC Total Body Blast, and I did Drill Max yesterday. I'm thinking of going for a jog later today when the sun goes down. It's been staying light until 7pm so it's perfect for running/jogging/walking. Prior to this, the sun was going down by 6pm so by the time I got home from work, it was way too dark.

Melanie - You're so appreciated also!
Anne - Men just have a way of taking their time to do things that really shouldn't be such a long process. Hope the accupuncture helps though.

Hi Autumn and Morris!


Can I join your check-in? I'm 33, married almost 3 yrs. and I quit taking the pill after a little over a year and still nothing. I don't know what the hold up is. I'm also going thru the job problem. I haven't gotten a raise in 2 1/2 years plus I am expected to do a lot of driving and I haven't gotten reimbursed for my gas or anything. I'm over it, but the main thing that's stopping me from leaving is that I only work usually 32-33 hrs. a week, sometimes more but it makes all of the difference in the world so that I have a little extra time to take care of things at home and workout (which is very important ;-) ). I also work only about 10 min. from home. I've been doing this for as long as I've been married and I know my job very well. If I did property management somewhere else I would most likely be required to work evenings and weekends which I am not willing to do. I don't know what to do. Anyways, that's kindof where I'm at right now. I would love to be a part of your check in.

hi ashley, and welcome! have you talked to your dr since you decided to ttc? perhaps that would be a good start.

melanie, i hope you do get a good sign - it is so hard to make a change anyways, at least need to feel like you are doing the best thing.

lisa, great workouts, glad your knees feel better.

anne, i know how hard it is to be patient. good luck!

hi autumn!

i had a good workout week - lots of running and also bm2 and lic and kbx - this is a very very busy time of year at work, so i am a bit stressed. i do love my job, though.

i will start weaning ds at the end of may and i am hopeful af and cycling will return. i am starting to have very mixed feelings about going thru the hormone shots i did last time. i am definately giving myself the summer to get abck into a routine before i really think about going that route. patience is important:)

take care ladies, and have a good week.

also, anyone up for a repeat clean eating challenge? i really slipped last week and need a jump!
Ashley - Welcome to the check-in! Have you been doing any kind of charting or spoke with your dr. about not being pg yet after a year off the pill?

Morris - I'm totally up for a clean eating challenge. I ate a brownie yesterday along with a glass of wine and tons of bad carbs. Really healthy. I did workout Sunday and Monday this week though. Let's just hope I keep that up. What was the shots for? To get pg or to stay pg?

Hi Melanie, Anne, Autumn! Hope things are going well for the three of you. I better get going for work.

Hi Ashley! Welcome to the group!

Ok, I ate some really creammmmmy yummy bad for you soup (Wisconsin Cheez and chicken enchilada) the last few days, so that's it for my clean eating for the week. But, I'll get back on the wagon and go from here. Got a really long walk in today with ankle weights and hand weights. I just fall on the couch tired when I get home from work lately and don't want to do anything!

I have good news! DH went to the chiropractor today for an appt and asked him about acupuncture for male infertility. He said his success rate is actually 18/20! I don't know all the details around it yet, whether it was the female or male with issues, but I think we're going to give that a try before the leap to IVF. DH also finally made his appt for the Urologist, so that's 6/12. Happy to see he's taking the initiative. So, we'll see what happens and hope for a miracle this month! If not, on to another month.

Hope everyone is doing well and enjoying the summer. I bet a lot of you will be busy with school being out and all soon!

Anne, That is awesome news about DH! I'm so glad he didn't wait! Who knows though, you may have a miracle in store this month!

Hi ladies! Am I still welcome here, even though I've taken a 'sabbatical' on the offical TTC thing? ;)

The job hunt is progressing. I had my first interview this AM with a small rural chain. The pay is awesome, and so is the sign on bonus. We're in the process of looking for land/housing in that specific area. In the meantime I got 2 more job prospectives/offers in the International Falls area that also sound good.

I also got a lead on some 'relief' work that I could do part-time to help pass the time until we relocate. I"m thinking of cutting back my hours at current job. I'm having a pickle of a time staying happy in current location. It doesn't help that I recently found out that my coworkers have NO remorse for reading my personal e-mails, feeling that they did absolutely nothing wrong and that they began to gossip about the situation the second my boss left the pharmacy the day he addressed the situation. Urgh! I have trouble being phoney and nice to them. Urgh!


Anne, I'm so proud of your husband taking control of the situation. It's so hard for men to do these medical sort of things. You must feel so loved him taking initiative for his health and the health of your future family. :) Way to go Anne's hubby...Yahoo!!!!

Morris, I'm still nursing which accounts for my sporatic periods. I know he's getting older--will be 18 mos--but he just doesn't want to wean yet. My 2nd child weaned himself at about 17 mos. I will give it another month or so. For the most part I'm limiting it to evening. With all the upcoming stresses in our lives, I don't mind holding onto him a little closer right now. It has always been tough on me when my baby's reach these type of milestones. ;)

Lisa, looks like you're staying on top of things!

Autumn, how's your new line coming along? Still working hard at it?


Jadon born 11/23/05
Justin born 1/17/04
Jory born 4/9/94
With my long winded post I forgot to welcome Ashley! Welcome!!


Jadon born 11/23/05
Justin born 1/17/04
Jory born 4/9/94
Thanks for welcoming me everyone. I took the suggestion of making a Dr.'s apt. I'm going next Wed. I'll let ya'll know how it goes. I'm doing fitness freaks' January rotation and I've miraculously lost about 2 or 3 lbs. so far. I hope I'm able to sick to the rotation. I have trouble finishing them. Have a great day!

mel, i was so glad to read your post. relief work sounds perfect for the interm. i cannot imagine how you go to the job knowing peopple are gossipy and unremorseful. relief work will get you out of there sooner rather than later. question for you on your 18 month old. do you give him cow's milk or supplemnt anything? what does he drink at other times of the day? does he wake up at night, and if so, do you nurse him? finn still wakes up once at night (usually between 3 and 4 am ) and i nurse him just a little (probably 2 ounces worth). then he will sleep again until 6. morning nurse at 7ish. the problem comes with nights like last night where he wakes at 1am and won't go back to sleep. i finally got him back down with 2 ounces of warm water. then he nursed at 4 then 7am. srry for al the info, but hoping you may be able to advise?

ashley, good luck with the dr.

anne, so glad things are progressing with dh.

hi autumn, hi lisa!

my clean eating fell apart yestedray. no good reason. today is a new day though. and at this rate, i will need to continue this challenge into next week!
Melanie - That's awesome news that you are so wanted! I'm glad you'll be able to get out of that unhealthy environment you're in now at your current workplace. Some people never seem to leave that high school mentality. Sad, but true. Good luck with the house hunting and final decision!

Morris - I know you asked Melanie the qx, but I nursed until both of my kids were 17 mos. I always suggest to let the day/nap one go first which it looks like you already have. The next one for me would be the middle of the night feeding. It's tough, but if you can bear trying to get them to comfort themselves back to sleep, it works. You can rub his back or whatever he likes besides nursing. The only reason I say the middle of the night one is because both mommy and baby can afford to have a uninterrupted sleep at this point! :) The thing women don't believe is that babies really forget about old habits and routines quickly as long as you're consistent. So if you insist on not nursing him at night, he'll be fine in a week if not sooner. It's always harder on the mommies then the babies. If the morning is easier to take away first you could do that also, but whatever you take away, you HAVE to be consistent. When I let go of the morning bfing, I would give my kids a cup of cow's milk or diluted apple juice. HTH. I know that every child is different, but the one thing that always works is consistency. Just make sure you're ready also emotionally to wean Finn. It was so much harder on me than my kids, although I was ready to get a full night's sleep, that's for sure.

Anne - How are things going with you? I'm feeling better today. Still waiting to o.

Autumn - Where are you girl? Business must be going good!

Ashley - Good idea with the dr's appt.

I am not doing so great with the clean eating also. I was so stressed the last two days that I didn't eat well or work out. I'm determined to work out today though. Hoping for a better diet also. I gotta go for my yearly check-up today. Fun.

lisa, thanks for the response. how do i know if at 10.5 months finn is ready to give up that 2 or 4am nursing? he screams and screams and screams. do i let him figure it out? sooooo hard to do, but i am asking for definate opinions here. how do i know he isn't hungry if he had his dinner at 6pm and last nursing at 7:30pm? i will plan to drop that 10am feeding during the day and replace with cow's milk next, then drop the 3pm day feeding and replace with milk or snack. last to go will be 7am and 7:30pn. i think finn will be fine with weaning but know i will have a hard time. at the same time, i am so sore as he has 6 teeth and 2 more coming. while he does not bite, there is a lot of pressure....

good luck with the workout today. if i didn't do mine at 4:30am, it would not happen, that is for sure:) what will you do? good luck At hte checkup.
Morris - If he's only 10.5 mos, try feeding him a huge dinner and then nursing him a little later like 8pm (unless you have a strict bedtime for him) and see if he'll at least go until 4-5am. When he turns one and is able to eat more regular food, I bet he'll sleep through the night on his own. It's hard when they're under one. I had a hard time - I didn't want to think my babies were growing up! My middle of the night feedings pretty much were gone by the time both were one - some nights were good and others not so good until they turned one.

I'm trying to figure out what to do for a workout today. I have to destress, my bp was a little elevated today. Not anything alarming, but definitely above my normal and I have been stressed. I had a very berry smoothie and a salad from health food store so far today. Hope it keeps up for the rest of the day.

Morris, your little one is 10.5 months old...why not wait until 1st birthday to wean? I truely believe BM is best for baby, and if you wean now you'll have to supplement with formula...which has it's own transition difficulties...

With that said, I prefer for my baby's to wean themselves and gently take out feedings...limiting the nursing times by the clock. For example, baby Jadon is free to nurse anytime from 8pm to 8am...but is encouraged to drink whole cow's milk or water from a sippy cup all other times. I have also been encouraging him to leech onto a 'lovely' to help with transition...and super soft satin blanky.

I conceived Jadon while nursing Justin 1-2 feedings during the night. I typically went 18 or so hours nursing-free and apparently had no trouble ovulating. ;) Once our bodies get into 'baby making mode' it's often harder to turn it off!

Thanks for the encouraging work-related words too.

If there's anything else I can help you with...just let me know! This is an emotional time for you and your wee one!


Jadon born 11/23/05
Justin born 1/17/04
Jory born 4/9/94
so on dr's recomendation, i tried to break the nighttime nursing which finn really liked for comfort as he only drank one side which is about 2 oz for me. he had a huge dinner, full nursing at 8pm, then bed. he woke up at 2:40 as usual. i went in and out his room for 40 min soothing him without holding, then he finally fell asleep until 6:50am. nursed great this morning. truthfully i thought it would take longer than 40 minutes, so i am pretty pleased.

my dr said i could add a few ozs of whole milk at 11 months to one feeding, so, since he still nurses at 7am, 10am, 3pm, and 7:30pm, i thought i'd give it to him at 10am with a snack just to see how that went. i am not planning on dropping any ohter feedings until 1 yr, then 1 at a time until we are weaned. it is so emotional, and while i would like to keep nursing longer (at least the night one), this is what dh and i have decided. my problem with getting pregnant was i had hypothalamic amennorrhea - no hormones, no cycles. i conceieved with help of shots and did fine. but i do not think af has a prayer of returning until i stop, and maybe not even then. my re seemed to think this was lifelong, i just chooose to be hopeful. so, for a variety of reasons, we will mainly wean at 11.5-12.5months, then i will take 6 mons or so to see if i am going to cycle. it is a huge emotional rrollercoaster, and i am having a hard time mentally, but taking it one step at a time to make sure i can handle whatever we do. right now it is trying to get finn to sleep thru the night:)

sorry for the long e mail, and i so appreciate all of your advice.

a few more questions now - melanie, how many times a day does jadan drink cow's milk, and does he ask for it? how much do you give? i hope my cycle does return when finn is down to 1 or 2 nursings a day as then i will probably just continue until he is done.

lisa, sorry about the high bp. what is stressing you out the most? perhaps some walking would help lower the bp. it is relaxing and fantastic exercise.

take care everyone
Finn will never be this age agiain---bond with him as much as you can--when it's your time to conceive--it WILL happen. Okay, that's enough---you know how I feel. ;)

Jadon drinks cows milk about 2 times a day. He doesn't ask for it---he asks to nurse & if it's not during my alloted times---I give him cows milk. Sometimes he takes it, sometimes not.

I missed the bp thing?


Jadon born 11/23/05
Justin born 1/17/04
Jory born 4/9/94
melanie, thanks for your insight and support. it is so nice to have that. sometimes it is good to hear things that make you step back and reevaluate, even if it is also hard to hear. i do appreciate it. :)
Morris - Yay, for a good first night with Finn! I'm right there with you about feeling emotional about the weaning process. I promise it does get better and you do bond in different ways that are just as special, but it's so normal to have all those feelings. I know I did. As far as the stress, it's both work and home. My boss can be difficult (very nice guy, but work wise difficult) and relies A LOT on me. When the other managers have a hard time with him, they also turn to me for help and I feel a great burden on my shoulders to "fix" things. Things at home are also stressful because we're expecting a huge slew of guests next month and we're supposed to be fixing up the house, but I feel like I have no time to get all of it done. Walking sounds good. I'm also going to do yoga again. My bp going up during stressful times is normal for me. I need to learn to have more stress relievers in my life. Out of curiousity, did your RE say what your condition was from or why you had it?

Melanie - I went to my yearly check-up and my bp was a little elevated. My dr. wasn't too concerned because my bp is always normal, but yesterday it was high for me. 130/80, normally it's at the highest 110/70. I also have had abnormal papsmears which she says is also triggered by stress so I have to be careful.

Hi Anne, Autumn, Ashley! Hey, all A's!

Hope everyone has a great Friday!!!!


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