lisa, sorry af arrived. i am with melanie though - next month is it for you guys!!
i am thrilled b/c the repro dr had a cancelation and can see me tuesday!!! i don't know what she will say, but last time i took the pill for 1 month so i could have 1 normal cycle, then did follistim to grow and ovulate a follicle. i conceived on the 2nd try, so not too bad. hopefully, i could conceive on the first this time??? ohhh that would be so great.
on a down note, my scale is jumping all over the place. i was down 2 lbs all week, then this am up 4?!?! yuck. and i feel very bloated. so, i am trying for a super clean few days to see if i can at least get back to normal. not sure how that will go on a holiday weekend though....