+Trying to "Melt" on Tuesday!+


Good Morning!

Just thought I would start us off today then come back later for more personals.. I was up at 4:10 and did Pure Strength, chest, shoulders, triceps. This is a nice straight forward weight work out..no fancy anything, just get to it and get it done! Love it.

Back in a bit...

RE: +Trying to

Hi, I'm back.

DH and I took the dogs for a walk...it is brittle cold out there, 20 degrees but windy and some crystal type snow hitting you in the face as you walk...not fun.x( I weighed myself for the first time since Mexico and I am up 2 pounds. I am pleased because I ate a lot of bad stuff down there!

"Family Day" cracks me up..we here on the other side of the border are always saying that in Canada you have to have at least one 3 day weekend a month..hence the August Civic holiday and now family day LOL..We here in the U.S just celebrate famous people's birthdays to get a day off.. however my company doesn;t celebrate any of those :-( Sorry your dinner did not turn out the way you wanted.

Your knee is coming along nicely. I am glad you are taking it slow.

Your DH sounds just like mine! He won;t cut down on the food intake and loves salty, fatty snacks. Never did understand Myspace or any of those things...I think it;s my age! LOl I'm with you on the Peeps..ugh

A veggie pizza is not bad... how about a hamburger and fries at Johnny Rockets? that's what I had in the Cancun airport waiting for my flight...now that's bad.

I bet it feels good to be home. and yes, you can have a carb once in a while..they do have a purpose..they give us the energy we need to keep going and they also help our frame of mind..so don;t beat yourself up about having some once in a while. Thanks for the review of the workout.. no way would I attempt 4.0 at a 15% incline! You are wonderwoman!

Yes we have an Amazon parrot that is 27 years old! I had him before DH and I met. He is definitely a one person bird.. only likes DH when he is giving him a treat, otherwise, watch out! I would like to just use that core work on it's own sometime, but it is annoying that there is no chaptering on that DVD that lets you get to one part only.

Have a great day!

RE: +Trying to

Good morning Deb. Is your parrot a talker? I think birds are so cool, but DH doesn't want one, because they are so messy. His sister has a cockatiel (sp?) that poops all over the place. Her bird isn't too bright in the vocalization department. He sings a few brief tunes, but nothing very fancy.

Lanie, I kind of pictured you as the harried mother of small childred who has no time to herself. She cleans up basement floods, wipes runny noses and lights hot water heater pilot lights with ease. Sound familiar?

tneah, I love your description of Shelley. But she'd have to have a soft side for animals and children. And TK, the stripper. I served on a jury a couple years ago and agree with your DH. It opened my eyes to the seedy side of town. It's really sad though. One young woman had plea bargined and was testifying against another, who sold her drugs. The young woman seemed to be trying to get her life back together, mostly so she could get her kids back. A couple weeks ago, a woman's body PARTS were found in plastic garbage bags along a couple highways east of here. Yup, it was the young woman.

TK, I'm ROFLMAO at your city slicker DH. I've never seen a Night Heron. Someday...I made a suet/peanut butter thing for the birds yesterday and put some out near the feeder, on an old cookie sheet. The birds keep hopping over to it, but only a bold Blue Jay had the nerve to try any. He hasn't come back though. I may have to find another recipe.

I'm headed for the stationary bike this morning. I'm meeting a friend for lunch. I'll stop by later to see what you are all up to.
RE: +Trying to

Morning, Melters!

Well, I just got done catching up on about two days worth of things around here. I missed everyone, but let me tell you, I did NOT miss the computer one little bit. I can't even begin to express how nice it was not to even look at the darned thing.

My long weekend was very nice and restful. Eating was okay - not utterly clean, but not bad. Thank heavens, Mom is done with her baking spree. Whew. My calf is so-so. It's handling what I'm giving it, but yesterday it was a bit achey. I know better than to even think about doing any sort of step routine.

Deb - your weather sounds miserable. Stay inside and keep warm. Congrats on surviving the "unclean" Mexican eating! I'm glad you enjoyed it.

Robin - your knee sounds like it's coming along nicely. You'll be doing Imax blasts before you know it! I hope you enjoy lunch with your friend.

I need to get to work, so I don't have time to catch up on personals from everyone over the weekend. But, I gotta ask....

Tneah - what's my character like in your book? :7
RE: +Trying to

Good morning, melting chicas. (I can't remember the word for melting in Spanish or I'd use all Spanish like "Buenos dias, chicas meltadas".)

I'm dressed, I have on my contacts (but no makeup yet). I've got half the kids dressed (as in one kid dressed). I'm just waiting for the library to open at 10 and then we'll walk into the village. I sold a couple more DVDs I need to mail and I'm going to look for the Body for Life book at the library. I need something new to kick me in the tookus. I have no idea if that's how you spell tookus--maybe I should just say tush.

Anyway, yesterday I ended up doing my own upper body workout--mainly with resistance bands and pushups. I have DOMS in my triceps, biceps, and chest, so I guess I didn't do too badly. Today will be cardio--I'm thinking some low impact dance.

Deb, what's really annoying about my DH is that he's naturally thin. He's put on a little weight recently but it doesn't look bad on him. Plus he started lifting my bigger dumbbells and using my Perfect Pushups and in only a week he is muscular. x(

Robin, now see, I didn't want to be typecast as the harried mother. :p I'm generally not harried--that's only once in a while. I'm really a very laidback silly mother most of the time (and selfish, I'm very selfish for a mom--I don't spend all my time taking them to activities or arranging play dates).

Shannon, I'm picturing you as an outdoorsy character--a good country girl--but maybe that's just your avatar and the fact that you are in Arkansas. :)

Hello to all who follow. Gotta go comfort a crying toddler (oh, now I do sound harried).

[font face="comic sans ms" font color=purple]***Lainie***
My fitness blog: http://fitnessfig.blogspot.com/ http://bestsmileys.com/exercising/7.gif

If you want to give God a good laugh, tell Her your plans.[/font]
RE: +Trying to

Lanie - just so long as you don't make me barefoot and pregnant!!!
RE: +Trying to

Morning All!

My DH set the alarm to go off at 5:30am--I woke up once again to Micheal Jackson screaming, "Wanna Be Starting Something?" Good grief. He forgot to turn the darn thing off when we left last week. He empties the dishwasher in the morning though, so I'll let it slide.

Ok Lainie, Robin and I can work on your character together. This was my spin on you...

Ooh, I thought Lainie might play the fabulous, eclectic, free spirit with wild wanton red curls, who comes from "old money" but refuses to live the stuffy life her parents wanted her to...she is friends with Warhol/type artists,has several different lovers (but never kisses and tells) and lives in the village. So, she could have two children who she loves more than life itself...and is constantly trying to find the balance between "free spirit" and "mommy!":7

And of course, Shelley's character would always have a soft spot for the innocents in the world, but she doesn't suffer fools lightly. Or whatever that saying is...

Shannon, I think I would make you the thrill seeker/curious type, you span the globe seeking adventure after adventure--think Rachel Weiss in "The Mummy" only with more muscle! You have broken hearts in every country, you are friends with international spies and stuff like that!:7 But you are happiest at home on your huge ranch in Kentucky where you raise race horses-several of which have won the Derby. Boy I have an overactive imagination.

Robin, we have to juice your character up, and make one up for Deb too! Take care of that knee today. And I love the idea of TK being the stripper!

Deb, glad to hear you enjoyed the local cusine without doing too much damage, and its probably water weight gain due to the fact you probably ate way more salty foods and then got on a plane which makes you retain water really bad. Those 2 pounds are gone by the end of the week for sure!

Okay, whats on my agenda today? We have a graphics guy down working, he came yesterday, leaving today, DH and I got an ad done...he writes it, I come in and add my 2 cents and help change things that don't sound reader friendly. I am kinda the "ultimate consumer" so he uses my opinion alot, I am a sucker for products and anything new and exciting!

Today is Chest/Arms/Abs...will do the workout at home again, not ready to hit the gym here just yet. Am enjoying being at home. Oh, and I have the dentist to visit this AM too. Oh joy. BBL....
RE: +Trying to

Tneah - I've always wished I was the adventurous type! So this could be fun. :7 What a horrendous way to wake up... to Michael Jackson??? Eeewwwww! Hopefully that won't happen again.
RE: +Trying to

Okay, this bites big time. Long story short. I had my whole dang mouth done, veneers, root canals, ...everything about three years ago. I have a set of beautiful white teeth that are falling out of my head, like in those weird dreams you sometimes have. Thanks for the well wishes though Robin.

Apparently my first dentist was a bit of a cowboy who liked to experiment with newer type materials that dont' have a proven track record, so I have been having terrible problems with veneers coming off, crowns, etc...seems this latest drama includes a visit to an oral surgeon who will put me under this Thursday to remove the offending tooth (whats left of it) so my dentist can put a new bridge in and re-crown the teeth surrounding it.x(

I really didn't make a long story short did I? Rats. Wonder how long I will be "out of it" afterwards? Has anyone else had oral surgery? I cannot eat or drink 6 hours beforehand, so its at 1pm.....I will get up early and drink a quart of water, coffee and a protein shake.:) Then sit around parched until 1pm. Darn teeth. Hey, where's Shelley today???

Shannon, cool character huh? Glad you approve.:7
RE: +Trying to

Hi gals. DH got out of the house early so my workout went as planned. This morning was GS BSB. DH did call me later this morning to tell me he got picked for the jury so now he'll have to go back for the rest of the week. He really shouldn't have to be there since he served just last July (as did I) but he lost his certificate that says he was exempt from serving for the next year (big dummy!). I just hope he gets out of the house early the rest of the week now. In Delaware we expect to be called up every 18-24 months. Every time I go I never get picked to sit on a case.

Tneah: Have you never had Spam? I had a business trip to Minnesota a few years back and got the pleasure of going to the Spam Museum. It's definitely worth the trip if you are ever in the area of Austin, MN. I spent way too much in the souvenir shop! In fact right now I'm using my Spam mouse pad. LOL. That really stinks about your dental work. To have spent all that time and $$ to have the work done and now needing more work done just isn't fair. I've been put under for dental work before. They required someone to drive me home, but I don't remember being out of it for too long. Later the same day I felt back to normal.

Deb: So your DH had to take care of the parrot while you were away? Did the parrot react when you finally came home after being away for two weeks? My dog definitely likes my DH better than me even though I am the primary caregiver. I think it's because he is a softy when it comes to treats.

Robin: We have lots of squirrels that would have loved your peanut butter treat. They are a source of endless entertainment. Someone in our neighborhood has been putting out unshelled peanuts for them, so every spring I find a ton of them buried in my garden. They must forget where they bury the stuff I guess.

Shannon: So Mom's done baking for now? Oh that would certainly be my downfall if my mom were close by! She's always trying to feed me when I go over there. Seems like your calf still needs a little babying, but it seems like you know how hard you can push it. How long has it been since you initially injured it?

Lainie: It's so easy for men, isn't it? They cut out one little thing and they lose all the weight they need and then some. I had a colleague who gave up his 3 afternoon cookies for a few months and lost 22 pounds. He wasn't even large to begin with.

Hello to all who follow!
RE: +Trying to

Oh my gosh..."All is quiet on the Melting Front"...shhh....You all must be busy little beavers today, or frankly, sick of your computer...I have days like that too.

TK, I have never, ever had Spam in my whole entire life. You are so funny, does it taste good? Your character can be the heiress to the Spam fortune who moonlights as a stripper with a sassy mouth, and an even sassier strut, who also has an odd affinity for overalls and power tools!
The stripper was Robin's idea!:7 Does anyone know if the STS series is 57 videos? I just read over on the OD someone posted about not needing an extra 57 workout videos so they canceled their order.
RE: +Trying to


Sorry, just wanted to counteract your quiet shh. Anyway, sorry for the dental difficulties. I had an oral surgeon remove my wisdom teeth a few years ago. I don't remember how long I had to do without food and drink beforehand, but I think I had it done in the morning, anyway. I was put to sleep (or close to it) and the weird thing was I swear I heard the oral surgeon hitting on his assistant. It was just before Christmas and they were discussing gifts and he said something like "You know what I want for Christmas" and she said, "But what about your wife?" or something like that. This would sound more interesting if you could hear me imitating their tone of voice. True, he could have just been giving her advice on what to get for him and his wife for Christmas, but it totally sounded like they were carrying on, if you know what I mean.

That was not even close to being helpful advice. Sorry.

TK, I seem to remember that my step-mom likes Spam and made us eat some when I was a kid, but she hasn't done that lately. I don't remember it being a great thing, though, but she is a terrible terrible cook. She even makes bad iced tea--and she's a Texan! Of course, I guess you don't cook Spam, anyway.

[font face="comic sans ms" font color=purple]***Lainie***
My fitness blog: http://fitnessfig.blogspot.com/ http://bestsmileys.com/exercising/7.gif

If you want to give God a good laugh, tell Her your plans.[/font]
RE: +Trying to

Lainie's Here!:7 Missin' Shelley and Leanne today huh?:-(

What a scandalous story about your oral surgeon:eek: I am sure it would be quite entertaining hearing you retell it in person though.:7

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