Trying to get lean


Although I am the correct weight for my height (130 pounds and 5 feet 8), I have a lot of excess fat in my lower body, which I am trying to lose. I'm also trying to increase muscle, particularly in my upper body, with weight training. I am doing MIS or S and H regularly, step twice a week, and I walk a lot every day. But, after my workouts, I am extra hungry, and feel like any extra calories I burn through exercise, I'm putting straight back into my mouth. I realise that I have to eat enough to fuel my workouts, but still feel like I am going nowhere with trying to get lean. I find that if I don't eat more than normal after exercising, I can't get to sleep that night (does anyone else find this?). I think I'm probably genetically predisposed to store fat in my legs, but don't want to give up.

Does anyone have any advice?

Hi Sharon,

I have also been trying to get lean. I eat very very clean 6 days a week and on the 7th day have 1 meal that I really enjoy.
I work out 6 days a week, eat healthy foods and still I cannot get as lean as I would like. I make sure that I get 2 days pure cardio and then weights alone or The Firm and FitPrime.

If anyone has any suggestions, please feel free to offer any advice.

I also have been working very hard at this. I was really slacking off for awhile, missing workouts, and poor eating. For 2 weeks, I have ate really good, I am scared to weigh myself though, I feel fatter. I took a voluntary lay off from work, and I am so afraid the lack of activity will make me gain weight!!! I keep very busy, and I have decided that I have to make exercise a priority again. For the last month, I have been slacking. I have given up on dieting, I am so sick of it!!!! I am just trying to eat when I am hungry, and make smart food choices.
I recall a long time ago wathcing Kiana's Flex appeal, and Kiana talked about keeping a log of your eating and exercising. Kiana said that she noticed for herself that if she worked out more than 1 hour a day that she wanted to eat more. So, she limited her workouts to that amount of time. Jeanne
I have the same problem being that I am 5' 7", 125 but I carry all my fat right on my stomach and it seems like a lot. Last summer, I was a little less active and had gone up to 135. Since then by adjusting my diet and being very consistant with exercise, I dropped the 10 pounds and I am pretty happy about that. But I actually lost weight all over my body including my face and butt, places I couldn't afford to lose it from, before getting into that ab flab. I am an APPLE! I am still trying to lose fat on my abs.

Besides becoming much more consistant about exercising, I really watch my diet. I was very interested by Kathy's post saying she eats very, very clean six days and week and on the seventh day has one meal she "enjoys". She works out hard and she should enjoy all her food!

I have read some many nutrition posts on this site and I am dismayed by the attitude that you have to deprive yourself to be fit and slim. I eat very clean and enjoy my meals 7 days a week. I do indulge in a little decadent food a few times a week but I think the trick is to eat what you want, keeping the portions small. The bulk of my diet is whole grains and fruits and vegetables as well as lean protein. I eat whole wheat pasta and tortillas but I eat white ones sometimes too.

I was reading in the clean eating check in and it was awful that so many of these fit women were treating white flour pasta and sugar like they are poison! Eating white pasta and tortillas with beans, which are high in fiber and help keep blood sugars level, is equal to using a whole wheat tortilla or pasta. The trick is to balance your nutrients.

I buy these wonderful uncooked white flour tortillas at Costco. They are cooked fresh and they are delicious. They are made with soy bean oil. At Safeway, I was shopping for whole wheat tortillas and every brand had partially hydrogenated fat in them. Trans fats not only lower your good cholesterol, they raise your bad cholesterol. In a case like that the white flour tortilla wins hand down.

Clean eating is really about balancing your choices. It's not about depriving yourself. I challenge every woman on these boards to eat well, exercise regularly and have the attitude that food, like life, is to be enjoyed and savored!

Perhaps we should share our favorite recipes and our food plans so we can make suggestions to each other about what to eat and how to improve our diets. I have a great recipe for ginger broccoli that people love whenever I make it. The key is fresh ingredients and keeping it simple!

If you kids aren't enjoying your food as well as every other aspect of your life, you are missing out. Life's too short for that!

Bobbi Chicks Rule!
Bobbie, I wholeheartedly agree with what you've just said. BRAVO! I don't like to read about white flour and sugar as the enemy either. There is no way on earth I can deny myself sugar. That would only make things worse for me. I know myself well enough to know that if I depraved myself completely of those 2 things (or anything for that matter) I would lose control eventually.

Eating healthy does NOT mean depravation by any stretch of the word!

ps - I would love that ginger broccoli recipe, yumm. ;-)
Thanks Bobbi, your post is really interesting. I think you are right about the fact that food should be enjoyed. I guess we have the same problem, except that I am a pear rather than an apple! My waist is probably my favourite body part, lean and toned; I bet you have great legs!

Anyway, I'll be as consistent as possible with the exercise. Still not sure if I'm overeating after my workouts though.

Hi Bobbi--

I am sorry that I did have a detailed post. I did not mean to imply that I don't enjoy my food, because I certainly do enjoy my food:9. What I should have written is that I naturally lean towards tons of fruits, vegetables, and grain products. Once a week I have an extremely decadent meal(appetizer to dessert). I only meant that I do not eat lots of junk food or processed foods.

I believe that food is one of life's little pleasures and life is to short for it not to be pleasurable.

I am sorry if I caused any confusion-I certainly did not mean to.

Have a great day-

Hi Shaz,
I understand completely I'm also a pear shape. My waist is a 28 and my hips 39 I, too, am trying for a leaner look by doing cardio 6 days a week and strength training at least 2 days. I just rejoined my gym to try and mix up my cardio taebo classes,spinning and running on the treadmill. I also read on fitprime about some great results people have gotten with wts 1st which I just love! it has a lower body emphasis and one woman said it's slimming her hips so I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

So hang in there, I know,I know but being persistent is the key. I posted on fitprime to Tracie and Suzan and they both said I should do at least one day of heavy leg training and then Suzan said what I knew my hips and thighs will be the last to go. But on a positive note men love it. My boyfriend can't get enough of talking about how much he loves my flat stomach and my big butt that makes me feel good. But of course I'm like no,the big butt has to go(LOL). Take care

I enjoyed your post. I'm also an APPLE! I hate it with a passion. I love my legs because I sprinted for 6 years but my waist has got to go. So out of proportion. If you figure out anything that helps please let me know. I spent 75 bucks on a topical fat burner (yohimburn). I have not used it yet, gonna wait until I get back from Germany, but I will keep y'all informed. Oh and I have to get back on track, been a lazy bum for a few months now. Got my DVD's a few weeks back but dont want to start a rotation until I get back at the end of the month.
Hi Bobbi, loved your post. Very intelligent & rational points. I love the idea of a food/recipe exchange. How could we do it, any ideas?
Also, girl I knew I was drawn to you...I'm an apple too. When I gain weight, it goes to the waist/abs first. When I lose weight, it comes off the waist/abs last. If at all! I've struggled with this forever it seems. Then to add insult to injury, "they" start telling me my "ab fat" is the most dangerous of all. Charming. LOL
The only thing which ever made a real difference for me was running, but I hated every minute of it. I believe Cathe also remarked once that running leans you out more than any other type of cardio. Sigh.
Here's to all us struggling apples!
Menu Ideas

Bobbi, I would love your Ginger Broccoli recipe.
I have just started to really try and incorporate clean eating, without going overboard on the no-white flour, no-sugar theme.
I'm a pear shape and have always struggled to get the lower body in gear with the upper. I'm 5'4" at 145#. Now that I'm over 40, it just gets harder and harder. I work out 5-6 cardio days a week, and weight lift 2x a week (Cathe, of course.) Just doesn't want to come off with my old regime. I thought I would jazz up my eating at this point.
I sure could use help on meal ideas. I'm Ok with breakfast,(oatmeal and high fiber cereals etc) but I draw a blank with work lunches. Salads seem so boring to me, unless I slather it in dressing. Maybe I just need to be more creative.
Dinner is much easier for me, especially because I have more time to prepare it. I use a lot of Cooking Light recipes.
I would love to have anyone's meal ideas.
Meal Ideas

Bobbi, I would love your Ginger Broccoli recipe.
I have just started to really try and incorporate clean eating, without going overboard on the no-white flour, no-sugar theme.
I'm a pear shape and have always struggled to get the lower body in gear with the upper. I'm 5'4" at 145#. Now that I'm over 40, it just gets harder and harder. I work out 5-6 cardio days a week, and weight lift 2x a week (Cathe, of course.) Just doesn't want to come off with my old regime. I thought I would jazz up my eating at this point.
I sure could use help on meal ideas. I'm Ok with breakfast,(oatmeal and high fiber cereals etc) but I draw a blank with work lunches. Salads seem so boring to me, unless I slather it in dressing. Maybe I just need to be more creative.
Dinner is much easier for me, especially because I have more time to prepare it. I use a lot of Cooking Light recipes.
I would love to have anyone's meal ideas.
Sorry so long-winded!

Hi, all! Thanks for the comments. You made me feel great.

Kathy, I figured it was something like that! I have spent too many years agonizing over food, feeling guilty when I ate the "good" stuff! But everytime I have gone hog wild, cutting out all the "bad" stuff, I have lost it in due time and binged. I am so happy that I really love brown rice and whole wheat pasta and all that really nutritious stuff because when I do indulge I know my regular diet can stand up to it!

Shaz, I understand how confusing fueling up can be. I have a couple of different ways to do it. If I get up and work out first, I eat breakfast after and I have a more mixed meal. A favorite is one egg and one egg white or 4 egg whites with 1 tbs of crumbled feta and salsa, eaten with a tortilla or toast. If I work out after breakfast, I tend to eat cereal with fruit, toast with a smidge of peanut butter and jelly--higer in carbs. After I will take in some protein to repair and build muscle. I have started eating soup with beans. Soup is great because it's eaten slowly and it's filling and beans are nutritious and yummy too. A high fiber intake has made a huge difference in whether or not I go hunting for sugary, fatty foods during the day. Knowing I can eat anything I want makes it easier to eat the healthier foods first and postpone the other stuff until I can fit it in without blowing my diet.

Hey, Ruth, I too always worry about that apple-heart disease connection but know this, as long as we keep that lovely belly fat to a minimum with all this activity, we're fine! My BMI is 20.

I asked my husband if I have nice legs, and he said, "beautiful". He is biased but they are long and muscular. It's funny, I am built like my father was. He used to tease me over my skinny legs without mercy but running changed all that. And strength training even more so. I have a 30 inch waist and 35 inch hips and my waist is so short, it's not funny. My arms and legs are long and my ankles and wrists are small and rather bony. If I don't minimize my ab fat, it isn't pretty:)

The ginger broccoli is done like this:

1 to 2 heads of broccoli, cleaned and broken into florets
6 gloves of garlic, finely chopped
1 TBS fresh ginger finely chopped
2 TBS soy sauce mixed with 2 TBS water
1 tbs honey

I used to heat a little olive oil and throw the ginger and garlic into it first but found I could skip that and mix all the ingredients together and just pour the mixture over the broccoli. Add a 1/4 cup of water into a pot. Bring to a boil and add the broccoli, cooking for a few minutes until the water boils off. Add the sauce and bring to a boil and a it's veggie time.

Adjust the amounts as you like. Some folks don't like garlic as much as I do! A little more honey or soy sauce also. I do it by feel so the amount are a guesstimate.

That marinade works great for salmon too. I add a pinch of o.j.

I have a recipe for chicken quesedillas with carmelized onions and basalmic vinegar which is incredible! I make extras of all my favorite dinners and freeze them for lunch. Otherwise, lunch is usually a garden burger or tofu-something vegetarian if I can swing it. I love to cook and my husband is an excellent cook except he doesn't cook as health consciously as I do. Bon appitit!

Bobbi Chicks Rule!
RE: Sugar/white flour

Hey Bobbi. I agree with almost everything you opine about except that I think the discussion of what to eat sometimes misses a big huge nasty roadblock many women face and often don't know about: Food Alleries/sensitivities. When you have it, is sure complicates this frustrating matter even more! For me, white flour, sugar, processed food, tomatoes, chicken, rice, soy, milk to name a few, honestly are poison to my system. Without going on and on, just a note that when you have this problem, what seems "healthy" by conventional standards can be just as bad for your health/weight loss as the Gut Bomb from your favorite fatburger joint! Many allergists are of the believe that allergy patients have special concerns and sugar/starchy/processed carbs are a problem for them that doesn't exist for non-allergy sufferers. I don't feel guilty when I indulge, but the fact of the matter is it sure is frustrating when you know you have a huge list of things that come with a physical price tag if you decide to indulge. (Kinda like the morning after a fun evening partaking of some vino or margaritas! )
Food/Recipie Exchange

I also love the idea of a food/recipie exchange! I think it would benefit us all and give everyone new ideas for meals. I love to cook, so I have a lot of recipies to share. I'll just have to weed out the unhealthy ones!

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