trying to get fit w/o overdoing it


New Member
Dear Cathe,
I have been using some of your videos for awhile. I do really like them and feel that I can trust your instruction. That is important to me as I am now 58 years old (yikes! how did that happen?) In their "pure" form the videos are too advanced for me so I modify them by doing lower impact moves, or fewer reps, or using much lighter weights. Nevertheless, I can rarely finish an entire video.

I'm interested in using your videos wisely to make the biggest gains that I can at my age. I am not entirely out of shape but i do notice the effects of aging.

I am wondering if you have any suggestions as to which videos are best or how to approach using your videos so that I can make gains w/o overdoing it.
Hi, Ursel!
You might want to post this in the Open Discussion as well, where some 'over 40/over 50" forum members can give you some advice based on their personal experience.
Hello, Ursel!

I'm not Cathe of course, but I'm turning 57 next week. I don't know which videos you have, but the ones that work quite well for me are The Classics and Cardio Hits for step aerobics (modify as needed, mix and match segments as you like). Low Max is one of my all time favorites as well. Low Impact Circuit is lots of fun.

For toning, if you don't already have them some excellent choices are Basic Step and Body Fusion (a great value), Low Impact Step, High Step Circuit and the wonderful Cardio and Weights.

I know others will have ideas as well! I love working with Cathe. Keep it up and you'll be finishing entire videos before long!

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