Trying to Fit Yoga in for Tues March 18


Morning Ladies -

This morning I did CIA Infused Step with Gay Gasper. Workout was 55" wiht cool down and stretch and I burned 495 calories. I think this DVD has the best music out of all the DVDs purchased last year....except there's on song I hate on it. It has some recognizable hip/hop music. I don't know how Greg get's the rights for that music and nobody else can??
I actually should pull this out more often cuz it's a fun workout that's pretty intense. I really don't LOVE Gay Gasper, but she's a good instructor that cues well.

Jen - WOW....that's a lotta bucks for that treatment. I don't know how anyone could afford that. That's great that you have that money to use. I'm sure your Mother would have wanted you to use it for that! I just hope it works and soon! That has to be emotionally draining for you to go thru. I could never imagine going thru it.....but then, I'm total opposite of you with wanting my "biological" clock never did go "off"!! Is there an average amount of time it usually takes for the procedure to work?

I got Ellen's Yogini workout yesterday and previewed it briefly. It basically looks like a leg, butt and lower ab workout with some yoga moves thrown in. Not sure if I want to do it on a "recovery" day as it has tons of plies and leg work.

RE: Barre workouts and legs, I talk about doing them.....but I really need to find time to actually do them and not just talk about them. I might have to take a week here coming up and do different stuff for a week. I just read in People Magazine that Drew Barrymore dropped 15 pounds by running and doing The Bar Method classes. I'd LOVE to lose 15 pounds too!

Where is everyone else?? Helloo...............posted some stuff for Carrie and Yve over the past few days.

Have a great day ladies. Work is crazy crazy busy this week cuz we are not seeing patients on Good Friday so everyone and their brother has appointments scheduled for the rest of the week. I don't mind being busy...but I don't like that I can't get to any of my other work that is just stacking up when I devote all of my time to the phone and seeing patients.

Have a great day everyone!
I'm here, I'm here-ahhh,

Lora-ITA with your comments on ROL. Kristy Jo was the prettiest, and classiest one of the bunch. I am way sad she is leaving, and it seemed Bret was too. He was way bummed out and distraught. Oh well, I think Ambre is nice too and pretty normal, but I don't know if she is the right 'fit' for a washed up rocker.

Today is Chest/Shoulders/Triceps plus AbRip. I don't have to work on Friday, and I am so happy. It's the only thing keeping me going this weeek.

Hey everyone -

I've been at the Bristol racetrack for 4 days & had a great time, in spite of the rain & cold. We have a really good camping set up so we stayed dry & warm the whole time. We also tend to eat very well when we camp. Now, I'm not talking about eating healthy, just good food. This morning, I had my post-op doctor's visit & I got released to resume full activities. Yeah! Now it's time to get back to work. So tomorrow, I think I might just do the 30 minute body sculpting workout from Cathe's Intermediate Low Impact Step but I haven't decided for sure yet. I'm missing my weights so much but I don't want to do too much too quickly so I'll let you know what I end up doing tomorrow.

Lora - Sounds like a fun workout you did this morning. I don't have anything by Gay Gasper but I've heard good things about her. Hope you have a good week at work...

Carrie - I'm off on Friday too & I'm really looking forward to it. My DH's office is open so I think I might even get to have a "me" day. I think I might do an extra long workout, add some yoga on, & maybe even schedule a spa treatment. I'll have to find out for sure what my DH's schedule is first, though...

Hi to Yve & Jen if you check in later. I hope you're both doing well & having a good week...

Guess what?!? My MIL & FIL got me Ravi & Ana's Yoga Beauty Body, & Yoga Quick Fixes for my birthday! I had just about decided that I wouldn't buy them since they're so different but I'm really glad they got them for me now & I'm really looking forward to trying them out.

Well, I guess I better go for now. I hope everyone has a great day!
Kel - please remember to keep a VERY open mind with Ravi and Ana and give it a chance before you say you hate it! Glad to hear you got released to workout!! Yay!!

CArrie- Kristy Jo was a bit of a Crazy B$%ch though!! I think Bret likes them though!! LOL. Amber is not that attractive and has a weird shape. Sorry....don't mean to be so judgmental....but I'm just saying! Did you see the Celebrity Rehab Reunion? It was soo emotional!!

Well....I'm a bit bummed today. Crazy day and lots happened....but I'll try to sum it up! First off, I'm being offered permanent employment as of April 1st .....that is, if I want it.......and this is where the story comes into play.....but first, I got told I'm not allowed to wear my crazy nail colours or my BPAL oils anymore to work.....I"M CRUSHED to say the least since those are only like my very favorite things!

Was having a crazy busy day and I got flustered because the one Nurse (who's really mean to me) was bullying me around and trying to "break" me if you will. For some reason, the Medical Asst and Nurse quit being so helpful to me last week. Don't know what's up with that......but a series of events happened in the office that prompted the Medical Coder to come out and help me at the front desk since I was getting bombarded and because of some of the stuff that happened, I had to have a talk with the Office Manager this afternoon (probably while the Nurse and MA were standing listening at the door). I found out that they've been thru 9 employees and they always leave because of the two bully's at work. Why the manager keeps them is beyond me.....but she fessed up to this and also told me that she vowed if one more person quit because of them, she would finally fire the one that's the worst! I certainly don't want to be responsible for that, nor do I have any intention of letting some bully of a woman chase me out of a job........even if it's a job with crappy pay, lousy benefits and that is extremely hard work. Not only that, but I NEED a job and jobs in this town are even more scarce than they were before! Thanks for listening..........vent over.......hope this made sense. I've got a SPLITTING headache.

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