Morning Ladies -
This morning I did Barry's Bootcamp Fat Blaster Upper, Mission Lower, Mission Upper and Mission Abs. Workout was 70" and I burned 438 calories. Most of the leg work is unweighted....but I might add weights next time.
Jen - I'm jealous of your weather!! Don't you live in Roswell? IF so, there is a Black Phoenix party at a store called Whole Foods that will be carrying BPAL coming up. See the Announcements thread at Maybe you can go. That would be fun. We saw Vantage Point yesterday and it was good. We both liked it.
Carrie - not sure what happened with the first Rock of Love chick....but I don't think she was really "into" Bret that much from what I saw on the show. There sure are a bunch of "skanks" on that show.......not trying to be mean here....but just calling it like I see it! Yikes....and some of them are really airheads with inflated boobs!! LOL. My DH jokes that there will surely be a ROL 3 with the group he has to pick from! (yes, I'm loving the KB's. I'm totally sold after how sore I got and they are fun....sort of like playing with a ball as a kid....only a HEAVY one).
I better get going....running a bit late. I'll be back later. Hope I didn't miss any questions from yesterday.
ETA - Jen - here's the info from the BPAL thread. I hope I'm remembering correctly that you live in Roswell.....
Calling all Southern BPALers! Mark your calenders and pack up your stash! [icon_smile.gif]
Harry's/Whole Foods in Roswell will be throwing our very first Meet n Sniff /Will Call type party and everyone's invited! We will have all of our current offerings for sale (20 GC's, 4 Love Poems, and all the Retail Only Salons) as well as some wonderful BPAL and BPTP swag to give away (including a locket! [whoo.gif] ). You are more than welcome to bring in your own collections to share; please just make sure they are marked as such to avoid confusion.
The Details:
Date: Sunday March 9th from 6pm-8pm
Location: The Salud Cooking School (inside Harry's)
1180 Upper Hembree Rd
Roswell, GA 30076
770-664-6300 x133 (Whole Body- ask for Lisa or Tony)
Call us with any questions!
Please pm me, or pop me an email if you can make it ([email protected] -please put BPAL in the subject field); I'd love to have an idea of how many folks are coming so I can prepare goody bags and food! [icon_smile.gif]
I hope you can make it!
Lisa [wub2.gif]
*Just a side note...this is for the Ro
This morning I did Barry's Bootcamp Fat Blaster Upper, Mission Lower, Mission Upper and Mission Abs. Workout was 70" and I burned 438 calories. Most of the leg work is unweighted....but I might add weights next time.
Jen - I'm jealous of your weather!! Don't you live in Roswell? IF so, there is a Black Phoenix party at a store called Whole Foods that will be carrying BPAL coming up. See the Announcements thread at Maybe you can go. That would be fun. We saw Vantage Point yesterday and it was good. We both liked it.
Carrie - not sure what happened with the first Rock of Love chick....but I don't think she was really "into" Bret that much from what I saw on the show. There sure are a bunch of "skanks" on that show.......not trying to be mean here....but just calling it like I see it! Yikes....and some of them are really airheads with inflated boobs!! LOL. My DH jokes that there will surely be a ROL 3 with the group he has to pick from! (yes, I'm loving the KB's. I'm totally sold after how sore I got and they are fun....sort of like playing with a ball as a kid....only a HEAVY one).
I better get going....running a bit late. I'll be back later. Hope I didn't miss any questions from yesterday.
ETA - Jen - here's the info from the BPAL thread. I hope I'm remembering correctly that you live in Roswell.....
Calling all Southern BPALers! Mark your calenders and pack up your stash! [icon_smile.gif]
Harry's/Whole Foods in Roswell will be throwing our very first Meet n Sniff /Will Call type party and everyone's invited! We will have all of our current offerings for sale (20 GC's, 4 Love Poems, and all the Retail Only Salons) as well as some wonderful BPAL and BPTP swag to give away (including a locket! [whoo.gif] ). You are more than welcome to bring in your own collections to share; please just make sure they are marked as such to avoid confusion.
The Details:
Date: Sunday March 9th from 6pm-8pm
Location: The Salud Cooking School (inside Harry's)
1180 Upper Hembree Rd
Roswell, GA 30076
770-664-6300 x133 (Whole Body- ask for Lisa or Tony)
Call us with any questions!
Please pm me, or pop me an email if you can make it ([email protected] -please put BPAL in the subject field); I'd love to have an idea of how many folks are coming so I can prepare goody bags and food! [icon_smile.gif]
I hope you can make it!
Lisa [wub2.gif]
*Just a side note...this is for the Ro