TRX Training - has anyone tried it?

I saw this featured on THE BIGGEST LOSER last season. They used it in an outdoor workout.

Looks interesting...
That's pretty cool! Unfortunately, in my house, it would pull the ceiling down or the door! It's 100 years old (the house, that is!). The courses are kind of pricey, but the workout looks great!

It's all the talk over at the Precision Nutrition boards. Dr. John Berardi and trainer Alwyn Cosgrove are huge fans. I don't fully understand how I could use it inside my house without damaging my plaster walls/ceilings... And I'm kind of done with accumulating any more "systems" for awhile...

I wish someone here would use it because I know and trust the people here will give it to me straight. And I want the unvarnished truth about the negatives, as well as the positives, before I plunk down too many more dollars on anything.
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I use it at the gym, it is incredibly difficult and seems to somehow use muscles totally differently from lifting weights. My husband is at some absurdly high level and does an hour at a time. (his trainer is a master in the discipline)

We bought one at Christmas but have not yet Hiltied it into the ceiling stud. We don't have any exposed studs in the house, so I am going to have to get one the of fellows at work to install.
My husband compares it to the rings that male gymnast use. It requires incredible core and back strength. I use it for training my body to do pullups and chinups, I also use it for shoulders, delts, biceps and triceps. I have never used it for a full 1 hour workout like my DH, but then again I am not crazy like DH.
I have this. I don't use it a lot but it is very good. They have an option that allows you to attach it to your door. I think its a good addition to change things up.
I have it and just did a workout this morning. It has a door attachment that comes with it but I don't have any inside doors with enough room to use it. It is pretty long and takes room to get back from it or move to the side. I use it on my patio and throw it over a beam. You can also get an extension and wrap it over a tree limb or even use it over a swing set. Don't know how tippy that would be. I really like it. I did the strength workout last week and my legs were so sore I could hardly move for 3 or 4 days. Since I am older (65) it really helps me keep my balance when doing lunges and even though I go deeper it does not seem to hurt my knees. I am also able to stretch better with it. You can make it as hard as you want depending on how much you lean. I always get dripping wet with sweat and feel like I got a decent workout. I had plopped in my lounge chair after using it and noticed the handles were hanging almost level with my feet so I scooted down and put my feet in and was able to do some ab work while laying on my chair, worked really well (lol) and then just kicked my feet out and layed there to recover. I can't find anything bad about it. It is compact, you get a little carrying bag with it. The instructer is not over the top and gives good pointers. Don't have to assemble anything and super easy to adjust. The dvd's each have a spiral booklet that is inside the case so you can use it once you get familiar with moves instead of always having to play a dvd.

This is something that I really, really want to get. It may be a while, though. I have powerblocks next on my fitness gear list.
Great thread - I've been noticing TRX and wondering if it was a gimmick or if it really worked!

There are several different packages available. Are those who are using TRX using the Force, the Home Trainer, the Professional, or ... ? Did you have to buy the door and/or ceiling attachment separately? I can't tell what the major differences are between those, besides price, except by squinting at the pictures.
Did you have to buy the door and/or ceiling attachment separately? I can't tell what the major differences are between those, besides price, except by squinting at the pictures.
I got the middle price one, the home training bundle. I think the only difference is the dvd's that come with them and one is camo colored. The door attachment comes with it. I didn't buy the metal ceiling attachment as I figured I could find something to throw it over. I did buy the extra extension strap in case I wanted to wrap it around a tree or something large.

I have it and just did a workout this morning. It has a door attachment that comes with it but I don't have any inside doors with enough room to use it. It is pretty long and takes room to get back from it or move to the side. I use it on my patio and throw it over a beam. You can also get an extension and wrap it over a tree limb or even use it over a swing set. Don't know how tippy that would be. I really like it. I did the strength workout last week and my legs were so sore I could hardly move for 3 or 4 days. Since I am older (65) it really helps me keep my balance when doing lunges and even though I go deeper it does not seem to hurt my knees. I am also able to stretch better with it. You can make it as hard as you want depending on how much you lean. I always get dripping wet with sweat and feel like I got a decent workout. I had plopped in my lounge chair after using it and noticed the handles were hanging almost level with my feet so I scooted down and put my feet in and was able to do some ab work while laying on my chair, worked really well (lol) and then just kicked my feet out and layed there to recover. I can't find anything bad about it. It is compact, you get a little carrying bag with it. The instructer is not over the top and gives good pointers. Don't have to assemble anything and super easy to adjust. The dvd's each have a spiral booklet that is inside the case so you can use it once you get familiar with moves instead of always having to play a dvd.


Thanks for the great input! I'm glad it is as good as it seems. But it will have to wait until I have a bigger place. I'm in a studio right now and only two doors that are both next to walls, and I highly doubt my landlord would appreciate me putting an anchor in her ceiling! :D I can't wait until I can buy a house!!!!!!!!! I suppose I could take it a park and throw it over a tree - that would work, hmmm.
Be sure and let us know what you think about it. It took me a few times to get into it. But the more I use it the more I like it. It has really helped me doing lunges and I am finding the more little adjustments I make with my body the more I feel it in different muscles and I really like it for stretching. My co-worker and I took it to a nearby park on our lunch hour and used it over a tree limb and it really worked great, then stuffed it back in its little carry bag and went back to work.

I have it for a few years and still not bored with it. I have all the DVDs and they are just as good. Money very well spent!
A lot of great comments!

Disclaimer: I do work with Fitness Anywhere, the company that makes the TRX.
Cred: My wife is a huge Cathe enthusiast and has been working out to Cathe videos for about 3 years now (even before I was associated with Fitness Anywhere).

Just some additional information on the Differences between the TRX Home, Essentials, and Force.

All of the base systems are made of the same type of straps with the same functionality and quality. The Force is millitary specific (but can be used by anyone) in the fact that it is an army green color opposed to yellow. The Force also comes packaged with a 12 week exercise regimine that gets progressively more challanging. If you like taking bootcamps and pushing yourself, this is the way to go. It does require cardio exercise, which you can suppliment with Cathe Cardio.

My wife uses the TRX during her Cathe workout in place of resistance straps and to modify some of the upperbody exercises she's building up strength for (like push ups and pull ups).

Hope this helps :).
A lot of great comments!

Disclaimer: I do work with Fitness Anywhere, the company that makes the TRX.
Cred: My wife is a huge Cathe enthusiast and has been working out to Cathe videos for about 3 years now (even before I was associated with Fitness Anywhere).

Just some additional information on the Differences between the TRX Home, Essentials, and Force.

All of the base systems are made of the same type of straps with the same functionality and quality. The Force is millitary specific (but can be used by anyone) in the fact that it is an army green color opposed to yellow. The Force also comes packaged with a 12 week exercise regimine that gets progressively more challanging. If you like taking bootcamps and pushing yourself, this is the way to go. It does require cardio exercise, which you can suppliment with Cathe Cardio.

My wife uses the TRX during her Cathe workout in place of resistance straps and to modify some of the upperbody exercises she's building up strength for (like push ups and pull ups).

Hope this helps :).

Thanks for coming here and also for disclosing your relationship!

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