
I was told by another "fitness expert" that I should not eat before doing cardio, but I should eat some carbs before wieght training if I want to build any muscle at all!! Has anyone any comments to this? I alway's work out on empty stomach as I am up at 5:30 a.m. and to the gym ty 5:45.
I know this discussion came up before, but what is really the right thing to do?
I'm an early a.m. workout person too!

I don't know the correct answer to this. What I DO know however is that when I work out in the morning, I find I do better on just a few crackers prior to the workout and a jug of water nearby during the workout.

BUT if I decide to work out in the afternoon, I HAVE to eat some carbs before the workout.

Here's another strange thing: I don't know why this happens, but when I eat pizza like the night before a workout, I have the BEST workout ever the next morning! Why does that happen???? Does that mean I should eat pizza every night??? (You KNOW I'd love a "yes" to that question!)
Same thing for me; I think it's the fat in the pizza.

Hi Tania,

I work out in the morning between 5:00 and 6:00 a.m., usually with an empty stomach, but sometimes with a cup of orange juice first. I have found that if I eat a high fat meal the night before, I have a much better workout. If I don't eat much dinner, I must drink the juice to feel good during the workout. I would hate to say always eat a high fat meal every night! The best thing would probably be to workout later in the day after I've eaten, but I don't have time. I usually start within 15 minutes of waking up. Try the juice or something with sugar before working out to get some fuel to the muscles.


All I know is that atheletes do carb up before a triathalon, they eat pasta etc., so who knows, maybe we need those carbs to burn fat. Hope so!!
Quickie Breakfasts

I workout very early in the morning as well and I have a packet of Instant Breakfast or I mix skim milk and orange juice together and drink that. My workouts seem to go better and I have more liquid in my body so I don't need as much water during the workout.
It depends!

I find that it depends on my workout. I was just having a little juice or a banana before spinning, which is intense cardio. But I'm finding I am much more energetic with a Cliff Bar (250 calories - mostly carb, some protein & fat). I always eat (high carb) before a road ride, long hike or weight workout. Never eat before a early morning step video or run.

I do carbo load the night before long road rides or hikes.

I think you can see from the varied responses, that you're going to have to experiment & see what is best for you.
Jane-OJ & SM?

What is the ratio of the juice to the skim milk? That sounds interesting. I used to love Orange Julius at the mall. TIA for the info.
1 c sm & 1/2 c oj

I usually use a cup of skim milk and a half cup of oj. You can also blend in a banana if you want but I usually don't bother. I just eat the banana. After the workout I'll have cereal and finish the breakfast. You can do this with almost any fruit juice, it does not taste as heavenly as an Orange Julius, but it's not bad.
check the faq

Cathe's faq file has an excellent answer to just this question
Thanks all of you

Good responses, I have been experimenting. I try to have a Soya shake before I weight train, and seems to give me more energy. I will check out Cathe's faq file.
faq file

<center><font size="1" color="#ff0000">LAST EDITED ON Feb-09-00 AT 01:39PM (EST)</font></center>

O.K. were is the faq file??? I am still fairly new at this.

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