troy lite bar ?

fit 4 life

Where did you purchase yours? I have a bar right now that is not threaded and I have the clips that you slide on and off. I notice a lot of you love the troy barbell. I was thinking of purchasing one.

Any comments or suggestions?

Thanks again

I have the Troy Lite set and I love it. I got mine here (you may need to scroll down the page to see it)--

The set doesn't come with 10# plates but you can order them separately.

I think Fitness 1st has the best prices that I've seen. The set costs $49.99 and the shipping was right around $20.
I have a question. I recently bought a barbel set that includes iron plates. If I bought a Troy lite bar, could I use these plates on it, or would I need to buy the Troy Lite plates? Any help from those who have one would be greatly appreciated.
I myself bought the Troy Lite bar minus the plates it was cheaper shipping also.
I already had plates that were purchased locally. HTH
Do you have a weighted body bar? I have a 15lb body bar and to increase the weight I just slip ankle weights on the end! No clips, no changing plates- very easy! It's a good way to make use of eqipment you may already have on hand.

Take care!
Hi Lisa, what a good idea. I have an 18 pound body bar and two sets of ankle weights. I wish I was that creative:)

Geez! I just ordered the Troy lite set today and forgot to add on the set of 10lb plates! Had to go back and order these! I am glad I saw this post!


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