Trouble with the new streaming system

Are you trying to play OnDemand or Cathe Live videos? Also, calling Verizon is helpful, but you still need to do a speed test. Verizon can only tell you what your speed is supposed to be, not what it is when you're actually using the service. They can help you do a speed test, but it is really simple to do on your own just by clicking on the link I previously listed. It's also a good idea to do a speed test at several times throughout the day to see if your speed is fluctuating.
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re: Verizon (bcs I've gone around and around with them on this issue)- they will guarantee WIRED connection speeds. If your connection speeds on your wireless network are much lower, they won't do anything to help.
Both speed tests were the same..about .82 mbps. Pathetic! I called and upgraded. The most any residential can get via wireless is 10. So we will see.

They work perfect at my work, and since I have 45 minutes alone in the early morning, I have been doing the weight training then! I work at an auto parts store so lots of "weights" to use! Hope no one ever looks at the security tapes!
Hi horselady21,

Wow! .82 is about as bad as I've ever seen. If the 10 mbps is stable and doesn't drop you can watch our medium quality OnDemand videos, but 10 mbps is right on the razors edge for working ok or having some issues for the medium quality. If you select the HD button after the OnDemand video starts and select the low quality version it should work fine. As for Cathe Live the low quality videos should work fine and the high quality may work ok too, but again you're on the razor's edge for the high quality videos working without stalling. Hopefully, your ISP will improve their speeds over time and nobody watches the security cameras until then - LOL!
I have 10 on my laptop and have no problem with the medium for ondemand and I usually use the high quality for the live. I sometimes have very slight pausing but I just keep what I'm doing and it's back to normal within 1-2 seconds.

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