trouble with discs?


hi..received STs today and I was so excited....I immediately jumped into disc 1...however, towards the end of the workout, my dvd started to 'act up'....anyone else having problems? I tried it in all 3 of our players and each time the same thing happened....skipped flyes and then was in slow mo almost the rest of the dvd...frustrating!

However, the parts I DID get though were awesome....I probably won't be thinking that tomorrow, though!

You are right...I just hate to potentially have to do an exchange....I don't want to delay STS!!! I admit, I have NOT been enjoying my workouts for the past 2 years.....when I performed the 1st exercise on disc 1.....something just lit inside me, and for the 1st time in the past 2 years, actaully ENJOYED lifting weights, and can't wait to get to today's workout!

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