Trick to Eat Veggies


I read in Prevention mag about a "trick" to help those who forget to eat fruits and veggies to eat more.

You buy a bunch of thin bracelets and put them on one wrist. Every time you eat a fruit or veggie, you move it to the other wrist. This way you can keep track of how many you ate and will be reminded to eat better.

In the mag, they said to wear 9 bracelets, but that's too much for me. One woman lost 5lbs in 2 weeks just by doing this since she naturally ate better. I'm going to try it!
As long as you remember what arm the bracelets started out on.
You could have 1 vegie and have busy day and think, wow, one to
for the record,
I like to hide the vegies I dislike the most in things with strong flavor. Like spinach in an omlet with cheese (low fat of corse). I like to saute whatever vegies I have around with garlic (with pam spray instead of oil) and stick as many vegies I have around at the time. I wind up having more than planned.
I also always put tomato on my sandwhiches along with a little lettuce. I heard of putting spinach on instead of lettuce in a mag. never tried it though.
Just my 2 cents.
I blend my veggies for my husband. He hates 'em so I just blend them to where he can't see them. Like in pasta sauce. I pour a little sauce in the blender..throw in a green pepper, some mushrooms, orange pepper, some onion...and blend!! He doesn't ever even know they are there!! I hope they still have the same benefits!!

I myself am actually one of those people that eats three servings of veggies one day and probably 15 the next. I am not very consistent, but I do try to fit 'em in. Or, I will eat a 10 cup salad...which is a whole lot of servings, but of only one vegetable for that day, which is not very balanced either. The bracelet thing sounds neat though. I KNOW I get atleast two servings of fruit everyday. That is easy!!!

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