

Hello Educated Crowd,

I am currently using Cathe's strength DVD's along with my stationary bike for cardio. However, I don't believe my stationary bike is giving me enough of a cardio workout. No matter how hard I ride, or adjust the tension, I don't feel I am getting a good workout. To that end, I am looking to purchase a treadmill because I do like to walk. Can anyone recommend a good, economical, as well as a space saving model that I could possibly look into purchasing?

Any help would be appreciated.

I highly recommend the Pro Form line of treadmills. It is sold at Sears, MC Sports, and Sports Authority, among others. You can get a lot of features (2.0 HP motor, up to 10% incline) for a very good price. Good luck!
I agree

I love my ProForm and it's 5 years old. The ones at WalMart are cheaper ($400) but the don't have power incline. I'm thinking that if you aren't going to run they would probably hold up well enought. My SIL has one and hasn't had any problems on it.

Another vote for a Smooth treadmill. I did a fair amount of research, and a friend of mine did a TON of research, and we both ended up with these. In fact, mine was just delivered today. Terrific features, a fold-up model (Smooth 5.0), wonderful warranty, and 2.5-hp motor. I am SO anxious to get on it and get'!

My husband just bought me a pro form treadmill with power incline. It's a space saver model that folds up easily. Due to good timing, I guess, we got $200 off of it at Dunham's sporting goods in our area. Very nice machine! :7
I got a Pro Form 755 space saver with Ifit about 3 years ago at Sears. I love it. I've never had any problems with it and I use it alot.
With the IFit, you can go to and order CD's, videos, or go on line with your computer. You select the level you want and you have a virtual personal trainer. It controls the speed and incline for you. Of course you can adjust it manually too.

I have a Hawaii Ifit video I used for the first time this evening. It was fun. :D

Thanks to everyone for your responses. I have narrowed it down to a Pro Form. One last question, has anyone had any problems with the noise level coming from these treadmills.

Thanks Again.

Kimmy, I too have to give a thumbs up on the Proform line. It consistently gets good reviews in Consumers. As far as noise level, I find that as long as I keep the belt clean (meaning don't drink OJ or a sports drink if you're a "spiller") and use the silicone belt lubricant periodically, it should be fine. There is obviously a slight motor hum, but I don't have to crank up my tunes too loudly to compensate.

As far as cardio machines go - treadmills still get some of the highest ratings for efficiency and cardio intensity.

Hope this helps.


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