Treadmill suggestions


My husband and I are thinking of purchasing one or two treadmills, can you give me your feedback on which one you purchased and if your happy with it? Thanks so much,

I purchased a ProForm from Sears 13 months ago and absolutely love it! It only cost me $800. I use it 5-6 days a week and rarely for less than 40 minutes...usually an hour.

Look for a nice wide belt. Consider who will be using it, how often and their weight. As those factors increase, the tougher the machine you need. Both DH and I are small so our machine doesn't take the beating that it would if we were larger, therefore we can get away with an $800 machine.

There are a lot of people here who have ProForms and have had them 10+ years.
ProForm XP590s
Model No.831.295062

Now, that was last year. I am sure all the models have been updated. Mine is a space saver and folds up but I never bother...I'll be unfolding in no time anyway!!:p
I have the Landice L7. It is on the high side but so worth it. It has a lifetime warranty on everything. I search for a few months and test a few and this was the one. I didn't like the proform at all and my father in law had one and it was awful. I would defintly shop around and test a few to see what you like.
My husband just got a Trotter treadmill at Play it Again Sports (Trotter is now Cybex.) It was barely used and $700. It's really heavy duty. We needed one that could handle a 300 pound guy running on it.
i have a nordic track c2150 and i love it! has a lot of preprogrammed workouts in it, plus you can use it with ifit. wasn't cheap though, around $1000. goes up to an incline of 12% and a speed of 10 mph.
Wow, so many different choices. Thanks so much ladies. My husband likes to put it on 14 incline and on about a 6 incline he runs. I guess it will take some shopping around and 'testing' some out. Thanks again! :)


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