Treadmill Run/Walk Intervals


Hi everyone!
I need your advice please. I have discovered the treadmill and I love it!! I love the rush I get from running on the treadmill, but I worry that it's not as good as running outside, since I'm not propelling my body in the same way. I also know my own limitations, i.e snow, can't leave the kids alone to run outside, yadda, yadda, yadda. Therefore, I believe the treadmill is the way to go. I need to know how to structure the workout, how many minutes of each? I did 5 minutes of warm-up, then increased my speed from a slow walk to fast walk, then running, back down the same way, then back up. What goals should I set for length of time for each interval? My sister in law had offered me hers for $200, which seems like a good price. She got it for Christmas last year and maybe used it for a month. Thanks.
Hi there,

I personally never went back to a treadmill after my first run outdoors, but I think treadmills have their place in a fitness program, especially during the winter.

I also think that the belief that running on a treadmill is less challenging than running outside is a misconception. I think that because a treadmill generally offers more cushioning than running outside, the preceived exertion is less and therefore, has translated to "less challening."

To make up for the lack of the "push-off", set your incline to 2%.

If your goal is to run without stopping, you may want to check out They have a program called "couch to 5k" which has you running 3 miles nonstop in about 3 months, I think. You can tailor it to your fitness level.

"Pain is weakness leaving the body."
Hi Dawn! I started using the treadmills at the Y twice a week, along with their indoor track, about 3 months ago. On one day I'll do interval training (warm up, then run for 3 minutes/jog or walk briskly for 1/repeat 7 to 11 times/cool down), and the next I'll run on the track 3-5 miles or do the Cathe treadmill workout (I have no idea how to link you to that workout, but I'm sure you'd find it in a search). If I'm fried, I'll use the elliptical machine. It's been a great fitness shaker-upper! CinDee
I to also love to run,outside.My husband wanted to get me a treadmill for christmas but I have only been on one before and I was afraid that he would buy it and I wouldn't like it.But my friend just had a baby and she got one for christmas b/c she can excercise while the baby is a sleep.
I also have another friend who can run on the treadmill but can barely last 5 min outdoors.
The only advice that I have for you is to probably by your own and if you know your gonna use it, dish out some money for it.They had the on sale at sears for $1000 CAD.This is the one my friend has and it is awesome.You really need to make sure that it is long enough.I think the cheaper ones probably come with alot of problems.You get what you pay for ,right?:)
Anyway,I don't know if I really helped but I wanted to tell you about getting a treadmill that is long enough to actually run on.And it probably comes with a warranty to.
Treadmill workouts!

Hi Dawn! I love using the treadmill for cross training! Just like any other equipment or exercise program it can get stale if your not creative and have a visualization for it's use! To help get you started with ideas on a program ,I first want you to know that you have many options available especially if you have a tv vcr right there! You can use this for intervals,upperbody toning with hand weights(pop in an upperbody tape and do compound moves walking and toning at the same time--also you can do punches,jabs hooks upper cuts to work the arms back and abs while walking),lowerbody training with lunges, you can pop in Imax (any intense video)watch that and when the intervals are coming jump off safely and do them then return to the treadmill for the recovery period and repeat cycle) You can also order these videos from treadmoves they are also on the website you have to click on online catalog
For a couple of treadmill workouts here's some to print out!
Cardio Guerilla:12 minute Cardio Guerilla~Minutes 1-4 warm up @50%of perceived maximum effort MINUTE 5 sprint for 20 secs~rest for 10 secs~sprint for 20 secs~rest for 10 secs MINUTE 6(same) sprint 20-rest 10 sprint 20 rest 10 MINUTE 7(same )MINUTE 8 (same) MINUTES 9-12 Cool down @50% of perceived maximum effort
The 14 min version:4 min warm up
30 sec sprint 10 sec recovery
do this 9xs total
4 min cool down (maybe throw in some walking lunges for a 2 min)You can also add in upperbody after the intense cardio for an added upper body pump- 1 set of 20 pushups,(to warm the chest up) now 2 sets of 16 for the following~ chest flys,chest presses,lat rows,upright rows,front raises,shoulder press,tricep kickback,bicep curl,hammer curl,concentrated curl,tricep extension or you can do upper one day and then lower the next day by doing intense cardio then lower body training: Standing Legs
(you can do each exercise for 45 secs to keep your heart rate up ) or 1 set of 12 to start then you can do a circuit of 2 sets of 12 or 3 sets of 12 for a complete lower body workout!
Squats( wide leg)
Plie squats(tilt toes outward)
Stationary lunges(just pivot to the right or left out of plie position)
Squat with alternating outter thigh lifts(squat lift squat lift)
Squats with alternating front kicks(squat kick squat kick)
Side Lunges(feet together lunge to the side feet together lunge to other side)
Curtsie back lunges(feet together and back and feet together and back)
Crossover front lunges
Step ups (alternating right up left up right down left down--left up right up
left down right down)
Plie with calf raises

Treadmill program:Warm-up – Take the first 5-10 minutes to let your body move at an easy pace, slowly picking up the pace toward the end to a moderate pace.

Workout – This is where you do your hill-climbing, speed intervals, or faster-paced walking or running.

Cool-down – Use the last 5 minutes to return to an easy pace to let your heart rate return to its normal, lower state and to let your muscles relax.

Stretch – Finish up with a stretch of your muscles to make sure they’ll be ready to go next time.

interval running
1. 3 minutes warmup 5.0 mph
2. 4 minutes higher effort 7.0 mph
3. 2 minutes recovery 5.0 mph
4. 4 minutes higher effort 7.0 mph
5. 2 minutes recovery 5.0 mph
6. 4 minutes higher effort 7.0 mph
7. 2 minutes recovery 5.0 mph
8. 4 minutes higher effort 7.0 mph
9. 3 minutes recovery 5.0 mph
Now all you need is the treadmill! Go for it!Your friend in fitness~~Francine
RE: Treadmill workouts!


You sure are a plethora of information! I have finally met my match!!:)

No, really, I am going to come back to this workout as well as your post for the Bun and Thigh Rocker ( I asked for one for X-mas:) as they both sound great!! Thank you for taking the time to put in all the details!!

RE: Treadmill workouts!

Hey Janice! I love to design programs and choreography(it's the pisces in me(my creative side) Let me know how you like the BTR! You will love the results! Did you try to get your profile on your post yet? I figured it out and left the info on the other thread for you under "pictures" I'll be checking in on you and clicking on your profile icon to see if it worked--take care--Your friend in fitness~~Francine
Here is Cathe's treadmill workout:
Cathe’s Advanced Treadmill Workout

3.4 - 4 min.
3.8 - 4 min.
4.4 - 4 min.
5.5 - 4 min.
6.5 - 5 min.
7.5 - 10 min.
8.0 - 5 min. (OPTIONAL!)
Slow down over 1 min. to 3.8
Raise incline to level 14 and walk uphill for 10 min.
Lower to level 9 and increase speed to 4.8 for 5 min.
Lower to ground level over 1 min.
Then do:
4 interval cycles of 8.0 for 1 min. and 6.0 for 30 seconds.
Finish with:
6.0 - 2 min.
3.8 - 3 min.
3.4 - 3 min.
3.0 - 4 min.

Live by the golden rule: treat others as yourself :)

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