Treadmill music etc.


My husband recently bought me a great bicycle. I did some rides with him and wound up hurting my knee and my lower back and was unable to work out at all for several weeks. I had my seat checked out by experts 10 times and everyone said it was at the perfect height. We cancelled our plans to take a cycling vacation in the wine country of California. I am so bummed. Another bad cardio experience.

In my time, I've tried the stairmaster, the nordictrack machine, the elliptical trainer and the lifecycle and I was unable to get into my aerobic heart rate zone on any of them for more than a few minutes here and there. Step aerobics is great, but my gym doesn't give classes anymore and I discovered that I just don't enjoy sweating in my own living room. As for running, I think it's far too injurious to be worthwhile.

So, time and time again, year in and year out, I come back to walking on the treadmill at the gym. With the incline, it is so easy to get my heart rate just where I want it, and I like it as long as the music is right. For me, it's all about the music. I'm sure there are people at the gym who are looking at me funny when I go into my Saturday Night Fever walk and all my semi-dance moves, but what the heck, I'm not bothering anyone.

But I need a supply of fresh music, and this is not easy. I wind up buying CDs for a single song so I can transfer the song to my MP3 player. I wind up with shelves full of CDS I don't even like just because a single song gets me going on the treadmill.

It seems that most of the fitness music out there is not by the original artists, and is doctored to be at the desired bpm. So they will have all your favorite songs, slow and fast, on one CD at 135 bpm.
To me, this stuff is less motivating than silence.

Has anyone had experiences like mine and found a solution? Has anyone found a good website for purchasing fitness music, or found some other way of dealing with the music issue?

Thanks for any help!

I use my treadmill everyday in front of the TV so I have something to watch while walking since I am on it for 45 minutes .. its a cheap walmart treadmill with an incline, but it works for me .... Rhonda
Hi Nancy,

I finally started making my own "workout" tapes. I just use the cassette recorder on my stereo and tape motivating songs off the radio onto one tape. Yes, it is aggravating stopping the tape after every song to rid it of commercials but it is worth it. The same tape keeps me motivated for quite awhile since it has a variety of my favorite songs on it. That's the only real solution I've found. The quality isn't the best, but like I said, it works! Or, I also tape my favorites off of a combination of our CDs. This isn't breaking any copyright laws since it is for my personal use. I'd be interested if you find a better solution though, Keep us posted.


Hi Nancy,
I'm not much help here. Just to say I have the same problem. I bought 2 CD's for the Ifit treadmill workout and the music is yuck! :D

Lately I've been putting Cathe's tapes on while walking/jogging. I get to watch things I missed while doing the tapes and I like the music better. LOL
ps I sent you an email.

Hi Denise ;-)

I look for CD's in the Soundtrack section of the store. Also, mixes.

Mix and soundtrack CD's have songs by lots of different artists so at least boredom is not an issue. For example, I bought a CD that has all the Latin Grammy award nominees for the year 2000. It has "Need to Know" by Mark Anthony and Christina Aguilera's "Genio Atrapado" and Santana's "Corazon Espinado". They are all sung in Spanish! and the key changes and tempo changes are great. I don't exercise to it but I do gardening work to it which is almost the same thing.

I wonder if MP3 discs are sold like this, already recorded? I don't know much about MP3's.

There are some good songs on the Ally McBeal soundtrack albums by Vonda Shepard. She sings a lot of the songs, but not all. I never watched the show but the songs are good. A cover of "Alone Again, Naturally" hit me while I was in a store, and I found out about the album when I asked the salesperson what was playing.
Hi Nancy. Do you get a Collage Video cataloge? They have a slew of music options in the back of it. I'm not sure if you can get to these on line or, but it may be worth a try. I personally can't run on a treadmill because I find it so boring. Great music would certainly make the time fly. Good luck...hoped this helped.

I got your email and responded. Hope I sent it to the right address.

Actually, you can be of help if you let me know which CDs you bought that you didn't like so I don't make the same mistake! :)

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