Travel questions


My family is going to be flying over Labor Day weekend. We haven't flown since 1998. I know lots has changed!! Any tips on carry on items? I don't want to check anything since it is only 3 days and 2 will be all flying. I want to take my vitamins but don't have a clue as to what is ok. I was thinking of mailing them ahead. What about food or bars? ANY tips on flying with 2 preteens would be most helpful! THANKS SO MUCH!!
It's gels, fluids, and aerosols that are restricted on the carry-ons. I haven't clicked the link that was posted, but that should give you the details. Vitamins and food items would be okay.

Also, it's handy to wear slip-on shoes as you have to remove them when going through security.

Thanks for the help! It is hard to keep up with all the restrictions and know what to expect. Thanks again.
Hi Colleen-

A couple of other things to consider:

Try wearing an outfit that doesn't have a belt or jewelry with alot of metal in it. Those things are a pain to take off in the security line and will often set the metal detectors off.

Also, if the metal detectors are sensitive, I've had the underwire in my bra set it off.. that is kind of annoying too.

Have a great trip! Lynn M.
If you want your own bottled water for the flight you need to buy it after going through security. Have to pay those airport prices! Why they just don't make you drink from the bottle I'll never know.

Allow lots of time, depending on the length of the trip bring your own snacks the airlines don't feed people anymore.

I actually like to travel but I hate flying. I'm not afraid or anything I just hate being treated like cattle, being lied to etc etc.
I fly a lot, so here's my suggestions...

1. If you intend to carry on, you have to have liquids, gels and aerosols in a quart sized plastic bag. You will need to take this bag OUT of your carry on and have it scanned separately, so be prepared for that before you get to the front of the line.

2. Like another poster said, wear as little metal as possible, and shoes that are easy to take off quickly (I find flip flops great for this).

3. Food is fine, you should have no issues there.

4. Latops/DVD players need to be taken out of cases and scanned separately as well. (iPods, PSPs, etc.. are not a problem.)

5. Have your boarding pass and ID ready to enter the security line, they will check it before you go through. Depending on the airport (usually smaller ones, with less travellers to keep them busy) some may check it again AS you walk through the metal detector.

6. Get to the airport 2 hours before your flight. It's usually overkill, but just in case that day happens to be the day from h*ll, it will be good to have extra time.

7. And most important...Check into your flight and print boarding passes ONLINE before you go to the airport. Most carriers allow you to check in up to 24 hours before your flight. This saves you having to stand at the ticket counter, (particularly if you're not checking) and you can go right to the security line.

Hope that's helpful!
One additional comment to make. Be sure that you wear shoes that easily come off. You will have to take them off before you go through security. Some security lines offer free "booties" that you can wear while going through security.

Also, if you're bringing a laptop or camcorder, then these will also have to be removed and run through the XRay individually.

Thanks so much for all the suggestions! Those who travel would know! I really appreciate all the help! My kids want to take a sudoku book along and are worried that they can't take their pencil and little pencil sharpner. So many little things to worry about!
Thanks again! This really helps!
I did not read thru the other replies, but just got back from a cross coutry flight 3 weeks ago, you can take certain liquids on board like hand sanitizer, lotion, but they have to be 3 ounces or less. San Diego airport has you put your small liquid items in a plastic bag to display during security check. I have to take synthroid, so I had my meds in my carry on bags. I had my kids with me ages 13 and 3, so I took food, and with toddlers they let me take capri suns,(this is only if you have small kids), I was able to take snacks for my kids. I don;t think they will give you a hassle about snack bars. Good Luck on your flight!!

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