Transformation Check-In (Formerly Ultimate Challenge)

RE: Transformation Check-In (Formerly Ultimate Challeng...

Hi All,
On my way to do MIS. My butt already hurts.
RE: Transformation Check-In (Formerly Ultimate Challeng...

Hi ladies,
Hope you are all doing wonderful.

I did IMax2 this morning. Hopefully I can fit in some yoga or pilate later on tonight.
Have to get back to my patients.
Have a beautiful day.
RE: Transformation Check-In (Formerly Ultimate Challeng...

Hey girls,

Today was 10-10-10 + shoulders and biceps from the other CTX tapes. Didn't do the tricep pushups. Maybe if they were the first exercise instead of the last. I substituted the french press while watching Cathe in awe. One day!!

Have a good day all,
Hey Ladies,

Well yesterday I had the day off from my w/o because I drove down to Newport for two Dr. appointments. I had my yearly gyno and back to my old regular M.D. Well it turns out that my headaches are most likely being caused by my blood pressure being high again. :( In case you don’t remember I had been on meds but was taken off when I lost the first big batch of weight as I had seemed to level off. Well yesterday at the office I was 180/110!!! I knew that it had been climbing somewhat and had also taken her a word document of the last month or so of blood pressure checks that I have been taking first thing in the morning. Besides starting me back on the beta blockers she is running two tests on me, one is a 24 urinalyses and the other is a CT angio kidney scan. Sort of sad new to me but at least someone is on top of things. That quack Dr. that I saw here locally actually said to me that my blood pressure should be a little higher since I exercise!! What???? If that were true then if I didn’t exercise I would be dead. Duh!!! Too bad at this point I have to drive 3 to 4 hours to find someone I trust with my health. I just don’t even want to try the locals anymore.

Any ways today is a 5k run, ab work and a hour fat burning walk. Sorry so gloomy just need time to come to grips with being back on meds that may interfere with my w/o’s too. We’ll see though.

RE: Transformation Check-In (Formerly Ultimate Challeng...

Wildpony,sorry to hear about your blood pressure being high.I hope it will come down soon and you'll be back to normal.Did BBB this morning.I finally got my tape back last week.It's been almost a year since i did that workout.Working on a rough draft of my workout schedule for next month.Which is Saturday.I'm really looking forward to FEB.Working on my goals.Feel ambitous about accomplishing some of my goals.Did pretty good in Jan goals.Good thing this is a year challenge.Having my brother,my niece and my dad for super tonight.

DF is staying down Mass.tonight.So that means i can crank my alarm to get my butt out of bed at 3.And CRANK cardio kicks tomorrow morning and make all kinds of noise!}( Looking forward to it.
RE: Transformation Check-In (Formerly Ultimate Challeng...

Debbie, I am sorry about the BP. I know how you might feel. But I am so glad you are being taken care of so properly, and that you know where the headache is coming from. You are some amazing lady, extremely strong and a fighter. I know I don't need to remind you but please remember our "choices", and remember that you are much bigger and stronger than anything that have the potential to make you feel otherwise. More power to you!

FS, oh my gosh, 3am exercise?! You are cool! Remember you are not alone at that time. I exercise quite a bit around that time too, before going to work. Great job!
RE: Transformation Check-In (Formerly Ultimate Challeng...

Are you serious?????....3 in the morning??whoa!!!now THATS early! have fun!! today for me it was ctx step&interv./s&h legs&shoulders/abs
gloria-those tricep pushups are killer!it would be easier at the start of the the end its like OK are you serious!well have a great night everyone.
RE: Transformation Check-In (Formerly Ultimate Challeng...

WildPony. Hol-eee Mol-eee! You need to let Bita and I know when your BP is that high. GEEZ - no wonder your head was killing you. (The first thing I thought about the elevated BP was whether the vessels that feed your kidney are causing the BP to skyrocket. Your Newport doc is good. I'm really glad he/she's ruling out "underlying causes" for the BP elevation and not simply treating the BP.) Do your tests like a good girl. Take your medication and keep on keepin' on.

Tonight will be some light cardio. I've got a virus and am leaving for Carmel tomorrow (going to present some research at a conference.) Take care while I'm gone everybody.
RE: Transformation Check-In (Formerly Ultimate Challeng...

Did Cardio Kicks this morning.What a great workout.Working on my Feb workout schedule which starts tomorrow.Doing Strong Bear to start the new month off.Totally,siking for Feb.Tonight i have a appt.for a hour foot reflexology which i'm totally siking for..My niece Rylee(she's 5)is coming with me.I have to watch her for a couple of hours.She's a sweet girl.TGIF>can't wait till work is over.Going snowmobiling tomorrow.It's getting warmer out.Thank god.Have a good day.
RE: Transformation Check-In (Formerly Ultimate Challeng...

Greetings! I found you guys :7 As Andrea mentioned I havent been able to log into FP for ages, but I am around here somewhere, hehe.

Its been pretty hectic out my way for a while between the baby (who is now 6 months!?!?!!?), DH, the house, freelancing, traveling, exercise etc.. I haven't had much time to sleep lately but I'll try to get over here as often as I can ;)

I'm taking a rest week this week due to being ill but I'm planning out February s rotation... muahahahahahahahaha! I LOVE the Intensity Series and one day I hope to not be afraid of IMAX2 and maybe actually complete the whole thing (I'm such a dork!).

I bypassed my prepreggo weight a while ago, but I have 7# to go until the BIG GOAL so I'm pretty psyched about that, I know you ladies will keep my on my toes!

Hope this post finds everyone well.
RE: Transformation Check-In (Formerly Ultimate Challeng...

Hi ladies,
Hope you are all doing wonderful.

Vicky, is good to see you. Sounds like you are keeping busy!
Congrats on being so so so close to you goal weight. Great job!

Today is Cathe's C&W day.

Have an awesome day.
RE: Transformation Check-In (Formerly Ultimate Challeng...

Happy Friday girls!

Debbie, I'm so sorry your bp is creeping back up again. It sure isn't because you're not exercising enough. At least you've found the source of your headaches and it is treatable. I know bp meds can be a pain to deal with though. Hang in there.

Today I did an old Firm - SL for a change. I felt I needed a fanny lifter wo. Followed it up with a section from Ab Hits. DH and I are going out to eat tonight. I hope I can find the willpower to say grilled fish and no fattening trimmings.

Talk to y'all tomorrow.
Hey Ladies,

Thanks for your concern about my BP. I know I will forge ahead and deal with either finding a solution to my bp or resolve myself to being a regular pill popper. I mean hey my troubles could be so much worse than living with high bp.

I am suppose to get my new DVD’s on Monday and I am soooo excited. My plan is to alternate the intensity series with longer and longer runs. Yesterday instead of a 5K run I put in a 4 mile run at a slower pace. I read that getting in between 25 to 30 miles a week is the best for weight loss. So I figure with my Cathes and my treadmill Burner I will get the last of this weight off. I don’t think I will be able to get in that much mileage because I will be alternating, but I could never give up my Cathe w/o’s. I know that I burn a little more than 100 calories with every mile I put in so we’ll see how it goes. It’s funny though on Burner I have to raise the incline to at least 1.5% to not feel like I’m running down hill and hurting my knees, which is really better in the long run (no pun intended) because I burn more calories running up hill a little.

Any hoo today is UBS and an hour fat burn walk on Burner.

Bita- Thanks for the strong words of encouragement I also believe that I am much bigger than whatever is thrown at me and don’t worry I will persevere. Thanks for your kind words.

FirmScorpio- Glad the weather is getting warmer at least a little. You are braver than I. First off working out at those insane hours and actually having to get out of a nice warm bed to do it. Yikes!! My hats off to you. Thanks for you concern too, it is so nice to have others who care. I hope you enjoy your visit with Rylee today 5 is a great age.

Michelle- I know you are gone but I know you will play catch up when you return and I wanted to say thanks again for your support. My whole family was waiting to see what you thought about my current health situation. They were like “Has Michelle responded yet?” It’s funny they all 3 asked me independently too. I yelled out around dinner time last night, “Hey all Fitdoc has written” so the whole family came running to hear what you had to say. We ate in peace knowing that someone who really cares, agrees with what my M.D. said. Maybe you should change your name to FitDoc Peace of Mind Giver!!! ;)

Vicky- You skinny little thing you. I hear you on the sleep thing. I always tell anyone who is having a baby to get used to not sleeping for the first year. I know I didn’t both times. Congrats on your fitness though.

Gloria- Thanks for your kind words too. I know it can't be from my lack of working out. I mean hell if I worked out anymore I could sign up for the Olympic trials. Hey hey hey.

Take Care,
Wow this certainly is an active group and we are all doing great!

Felt great today - Imax. I now officially LOVE this video! So far this week has been PH (3) Imax (2) 10-10-10 (cardio) and think I'll do LL tomorrow.

I dont know what I'd do without working out. VERY slow on the job front.. I went 2 rounds and didnt get the job ... but at least i got that far... Its REALLY SLOW in software --- healthcare is totally the place to be. Cathe is REALLY helping keep me up beat and of course all you guys :)

Have a great rest of day
RE: Transformation Check-In (Formerly Ultimate Challeng...

Hi girls. First of all-Debbie-I'm so sorry bout the bad news concerning your BP. Fitdoc is absolutely right. MAKE them find out WHY. Nobody could work out any harder so there's got to be a reason for that high of a number. Keep us informed please as to how you are. We worry, you know that. "Cause we love ya! I know how frustrating it is. My DH has high BP along with the heart problems you all know about. He doesn't drink,smoke or run around with women so he thinks it's so UNFAIR! And it is! But that's this crazy life.

FS-Wow, honey and I thought I got up early to do this workout thing. 3:00AM!!!?? I get up at 4:45AM and it's torture! Girl, you rock! I'm so gald to hear you sound so upbeat again.:) :) :)

Vicky-Glad to have you back "home" with us. You were missed! How's that beautiful little baby? Good I hope.

Hi to Otisan. How's the wedding plans coming honey. Getting excited yet? Hope you and sweet DF have a great weekend.

Gloria-Hi to you and how're you feeling this dreary Friday. It's cloudy and wet here in Savannah. Your workouts sound like you're back on a roll again. That's great!

Hope everyone has really great weekend especially you Bita. Thanks for being so concerned about me. You and Fitdoc have been lifesavers this past year. Sometimes it amazes me how much we ALL do. How many of your friends and relatives do you know who work full time and still make time to do almost daily workouts. I don't know ANY!! Face it ladies, we're an elite group!! I, for one, am proud of us and proud to be a part of this challenge. My plans for February are as follows: To allternate Cathe(BodyMax, Imax2) every other day with FP Weights First, CF, U&D and SB. My aim is 6 per week with 5 being the minimum! Wish me luck;-) :)(I'll need it) Hugs to all Janice
Happy Friday, Happy Chinese New Year & happy last day of January

I've been battling something all week, I'm not sick per se, but I'm run down & nauseated. My coworker said I might be PG, and I had to laugh. I'm getting married in NINE MONTHS! I'm feeling better, last night I did Volume 3 (at last) and it felt great. That's a nice little glute workout. Tonight calls for SC.

Debbie, I groaned when I read about your BP. I remember when you were able to go off of it last year. I hope your doc does a full diagnostic, we're all pulling for you. :)

Vicky, great to see you! Of course, we're seeing a whole lot "less" of you. Congratulations on your terrific weight loss!

(((((((((((Hugs)))))))))))))))) to everyone!

Wish all of you a very prosperous year of "Sheep".
Kung Hei Fat Choy!!!!
RE: Transformation Check-In (Formerly Ultimate Challeng...

I forgot to tell ya'll-I walked/ran 4 miles yesterday(Hae HUGE blister on foot!!) and did Strong Bear this AM! Tracie rocks!! Have a fabulous weekend all. HUGS...Janice

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