Transformation Challenge


Think this group has vanished. But if any of you are around hope you had a great holiday. We were quite a group - people joined and left but a core of us stayed.

Best to all of you!

I'm doing Intensity Series this week - but would rather be doing BB. LOVE that series!

Best to all of you
Hi ladies,
Hope you are doing very well and enjoying your holidays.

Robyn, it's always great to see you. It does look like this group is not posting as much, including myself! I am mainly posting in the yaya site.

I hope you are all doing wonderful in life. We have been a fantastic group, because each one of you has been awesome! And you will always remain so and more.

Please check in with yayas if you can. The numbers and consistancy always give strength and power. Hope to see you there.
Hi All --

I haven't posted here in some time but I thought it was time that I say something. Maybe I'm feeling what others are feeling , and maybe not, but I'll say it anyway.

I haven't posted on the "transformation challenge" since about October because I felt that the goal of the group had changed from "transforming" to "maintaining". Since I am highly motivated to improve and grow myself every year of my life, I felt I no longer fit in.

I have enjoyed the company and insight of each and all of you, and I must move on, because I really want to grow in 2004.

My best to all --

Juli N
Hi girls,

I guess I share in Juli's assessment. I feel like I was starting to post the same thing over and over and read the same thing again and again.(Fitnesswise I mean) I really have enjoyed getting to know all of you though. I have some big things waiting for me in 2004. My DH is starting his own office, a dream for a long time. We're remodeling an old building and I'm going to be working with him. I haven't worked in about 20 years so this will be an adventure. I did make sure he realizes Tuesday is tennis day though. My oldest DS graduates from college and is starting med school. My 30th class reunion is this year. My brother and sil are having a baby 1/12 and I get to help be caretaker for awhile. We're re- decorating our bed and bathrooms and painting the house. Oh, and I've started with the hot flashes, so hmmm, that should be fun. Anyway, I hope we can check in with each other from time to time because I'd really like to hear about your lives- fitnesswise or otherwise. Have a glorious new year!

Hi girls. I don't know if I feel like we're standing still(Fitness wise) I do feel like I have been personally NOT getting where I wanted to be but that's MY fault and nobody else's. Juli-We'll certainly miss you honey but I do understand what you're saying.

Gloria-Your life sounds like it's taking an interesting turn. I hope you really LOVE the changes.

I just wanted to say hi to all of you and wish you a wonderful and safe New Year.

"See" ya next year. I'm off at noon and not coming back til next Monday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hey everyone! Bita, Janice, Juli, Gloria!

What a nice suprise to come on and see 6 responses!

Yep I also agreee fitness wise it was more maintaince mode. I know that's where I am.. but a good place to be :) I dont really know if you can consider BB and IS maintainence but happy where I am. It's very cool because now my daughter is doing cathe regularly and my son (15) is lifting along with hockey.

Gloria - wow.. sounds exciting... Please do post and keep us up to where you were.

Yes - I too thoroughly enjoyed meeting all of you and appreciated your support, while i was out of work. FOr me personaly has been a HUGE year of growth in all aspects of life. 2 weeks ago my daughter got into her 1st choice college for next year so life will definetely change next year.

Well best to ALL of you and so good to hear from you.

Hugss - Robyn

Best to all of you in 2004!
Hi ladies. I hope you had a lively and safe New Year's. We had a blast!!

This AM I started out right with Tracie and G-force. I seem to start almost every Monday with G-force. Hmm...

Love to all...Janice
Hi girls. If we're still posting I wanted to say Hi and to congratulate Bita!!!! I was lurking on Firm Yaya's and saw that you're expecting. I'm so happy for you.

CardioSplit #1 today and 30 minutes on treadmill at lunchtime.

Hope to hear from others.....Janice
week of 1-27-04

Hi girls. Don't know if any of you still post here but if you do BIG WAVES. I did Karen Voight's GWW yesterday and Firm's Tortoise(SP??) this AM. I'm pretty sore but in a good way.

If anybody's still around hi to Bita, Robyn, Juli, Gloria, Otisan, and others.

Have a great week all...Janice

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