
Hi Janice, Gloria, Otisan, FS, Robyn, Julie, and LA,
Hope you are having a great day and are planning for a wonderful week ahead.
I know you are all already into variety in fitness. Here's an article I read and thought to share with you this week:

"Gainesville, Fla. It's sad but true. One in two exercisers ditches her well-intentioned regimen within six months of starting. If it were only so easy to stop watching Survivor II. Fortunately, new research offers a little inspiring guidance to help you stay worked up.
Christopher Janelle, a sports psychologist at the University of Florida, had a hunch that regularly alternating activities would keep people from quitting. So he and colleague Nicole Glaros rounded up 62 nonexercisers to put it to the test. One group stuck with workouts on a treadmill or other cardio machine, another had to change to a new exercise every two weeks, and the rest were told to switch whenever they felt like it.

After eight weeks, the folks required to alternate were a whopping 63 percent more likely to be moving and grooving than those who were left to their own devices. "The explanation seems simple," says Janelle. "Change your routine and you're more likely to have fun."

It's not tough to get in on the fun. Instead of slogging through the same old routine, pick a few activities you enjoy and vary them every few weeks or so."

It's always reassuring to keep doing what we are doing! So....... are you guys ready for Cathe's new serie. I can hardly wait!!;)

I am doing the first week of Cathe's August rotation. So today it's Imax1, BTR, and rebounding.

Take best care and have a beautiful day and week.
Hi Bita. Great topic. Sorry to be MIA. The low back went out and completely ruined my birthday plans. We were going to the mountains. That'll have to wait til I'm better. I haven't worked out since this started. Doing better today tho. Bita, you're right that variety is the key to keeping on keeping on. Have a wonderful week all. Big waves to Bita, Otisan, Juli, Robyn, Gloria, Firmscorpio and any I've missed. Huggssss...Janice
Hello ladies,
BFJ, I loved the article, because I am one to become easily bored. I too can not wait for the Blast series DVD's.
I had a pretty nice weekend, but was not able to follow my rotation as I had planned. Oh well, I'll try harder this week. I gained a few more pounds on top of the 10lbs I have gained. Not being able to workout like I use to, has had quite an effect on my weight gain, but I'm affraid of the consequences if I push too hard, so I think what I have to tailor is my big portions of food.
I'm still on Cathe's July (modified) rotation, and have been taking Friday's and Saturday's off all together.
M -Legs & Abs, 30 min Crosstrainer for my cardio 1 hr Yoga.
Tu- Rhythmic Step
W - Upper body, 1 hr mixed cardio class, (15mn spin, 15mn step, 15mn jump rope, and 15 abs & cool down), 1 hr yoga. Needless to say, I modify all high impact, which kills me, because I enjoy it so much ;(
Th-Imax 2
Sat-Power Hour
Sun- 45 min Crosstrainer & Power Yoga

Since I can't increase my cardio or poundage, I have added Saturday's, perhaps this will give me the extra boost my metabolism needs. Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated.

I've never had surgery, and I can't remember if I posted that I had to take 1 month off completely, no yoga either. Very slowly, 3x's/wk, started with 3lb and 5 lb weights, because even walking at a fast pace could hurt me. It's 3 1/2 months later, and almost 15 lbs heavier. Can you feel my pain? I'm in more pain now than I was after surgery, JK!!My recovery is actually pretty good, but I can't wait to be normal again.

I hope everyone had a great weekend! Keep up the good work gals!;-)
LA welcome. What are healing from? My problem is low back. When it goes out I can't do anything! I can barely walk. So YES, I feel your pain. Hope you feel better soon. I'm goldengirl. I turned 52 last Saturday. I live in Ga. Have a great!!DH, a pretty sweet DD and 2 DS's. Goldengirl is for my 7 year old Golden Retreiver named Tucker who "owns" us. Tell me something about you. Janice
Hi girls,

Sorry I've been MIA too. Great topic Bita. So, maybe I should require myself to vary my workouts more. I'm giving myself a break until I get back from vacation though. Planning this trip is taking some time and I'm enjoying it. Can't wait to get to Maine! Lobster, lobster, lobster!

Tennis has started back up for the season. Tomorrow is the first match. YAY, I'm such a kid when it comes to tennis. Welcome LA. Thank God for the normal days right? We certainly take them for granted until a kink gets thrown our way. Be patient, you'll get back before too long. Janice, sorry about your back, girl. Bad timing too, on your birthday. Happy belated one. Are you as sick of this rain as I am?

Got a meeting to get to. Take care ladies.

Hi Janice, and Gloria,

Janice, I'm 38, recently divorced, and unfortunately, will never be able to have children due to my so many female surgeries;( This last one was a killer. Like my mom always told me, what doesn't kill you, will make you stronger!!

I work for the president of a software company, and sit all day. I also teach power yoga 3x's/wk at several gyms. Yoga has done wonders for me spiritually, physically and mentally, but because I have always been so active, I had to come back to working out. I just simply enjoy working out.

My hobby now is getting back into shape and decorating my new home in Feng Shui style. I'm actually so excited about it, it looks so nice after pratically gutting it and putting so much work into it.

I had a great workout last night!! Tonight is modified Rhythmic Step, and I'm cooking for one of my sisters who is coming over to see what I've done with the place :)

Have a great day ladies!!
Hi ladie,
Hope your day is beautiful.

Janice, I am so sorry about your back. Take care of yourself. Good thing you know your body so well. And most of all a VERY VERY VERY ....HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU! I hope all your beautiful dreams come true. You are AWESOME! And take best care.

Gloria, what a wonderful vacation is coming up for you. ENJOY!!!

LA, thanks for sharing some info about yourself with us. So cool that you teach power yoga. Your metabolism goes higher as you keep on your aerobics and weight training. Have you tried Slim series from the Beach body. This is a good series which helps endurance and strength level. If you decide on checking it out, here's their web site: I love this series. It is not as high impact as Cathe's but it is really geared toward endurance and I know it has helped many people.
Your body needs some time and looks like you are taking care of beautifully.

Big Hi to Otisan, Robyn, FS, and Juli.

I did Cathe's PLB, 10.5 min. of Ab hits, BTR, and will do rebounding later today.
Have a wonderful day.
Thanks again for all your help!! I have been reading a lot about the Slim Series and was wondering if it was worth purchasing. Sometimes you hear so much about something, then when you do purchase it, you're so dissapointed, especially for advanced exercisers. The truth is that although Cathe's workouts are my favorite, due to their intensity, I do have to modify all her workouts during this healing time.
I am reaching for my wallet right now, and getting ready to visit beach :)
Perfect timing on this topic.I'm incorprating powerwalking,biking&roller blading.I'm forcing myself to get outside and do these workouts.I'm also doing alittle housework daily so, i don't tie up my weekends with housework.

Goldengirl,sorry to hear about your back.Hope your back on your feet soon.Happy Belated B-day.How was your b-day considering.

Gloria,What part of Maine are you going to?Have you gone to the Lobster Pound?Delish!!! I love lobster myself in a big way.

LA,a power yoga instructor.Good for you.I'm also decluttering and trying to do Feng Shui

Bita,you amaze me with your commitment to working out.I myself have gotten up twice so far this week and did my workouts.I feel so much better.WW has a new plan.I'm still reading on it.Have to write in my journel in order to get in control of me eating.
Hi Ladies --

Goldengirl -- Take care of that back!!! The spine supports everything and when it's not well, nothing's well. Hope you feel better soon.

Usually Monday night is a w.o. night, but yesterday I had two friends that needed listening to. It wasn't planned but it was the more critical need. Soo .... that means tonight is workout night. Usually I do one of the FIRM tapes but it's been stressful, so I'm thinking Yoga and Ab work.

Last week I opened a new account, so I treated myself by ordering Crunch Time with Susan Harris. She has always been my favorite instructor and I'm glad to see she made a new tape at Fitprime. Just ordered today so I'll give you a review once I receive it.

LA, you're doing a really good job of listening to your body. You're a good role model for all of us in that area.

Hope everyone is having a good day.

HI Everyone!

Hail, hail, the gang's all here! Janice, sweetie, I hope your back is feeling better and you are having great post-birthday wishes! I know 51 was a difficult year, but you've persevered and won! Here's to a very happy 52nd!

Bita, I love reading about your exercise commitments. I've been enjoying modest success on the Cathe kick I've been on. First I was on the CTX rotation, then the PS rotation and then the RS/PH rotation. She keeps me so motivated! I never thought I could master the cardio from BodyMax, but I've enjoyed every minute of it yesterday. Nothing makes you feel stronger than surpassing an obstacle. :)

This week I've shaken the rotations around a bit. The weekend was still part of the RS/PH rotation, but Monday I did the upper body & plank portion of CTX and yesterday was the cardio and circuit from BodyMax. Today is a rest day, but tomorrow I'm looking forward to MIS. I'm actually convinced this wedding dress is going to look good on me! I finally have better posture and toned shoulders. My only caveat is my waist ;( If all else fails, I'll just get one of those super cinchers that I see on the infomercials!

Big waves to Janice, Gloria, Bita, Juli, FS, LA & Robyn. Have a great day!
Hey everyone.. SOOOO busy.. its 3:00 am and i just finishe working a 1/2 hr ago.. needless to say no work out today.

Hope everyone is well.. Juli it's crazy in our business now huh.. at least i get to hire someone yippee and have moved up a level... and its only been a little over 2 months...

Well 1 more crazy day and i should be caught up...

Everyone have great workouts and nice long weekends.. what is everyone doing for labor day?
Hi ladies,
Hope you are doing great.

LA, I hope you've read some reviews about the Slim Series. Some people love them and some totally dislike them. There are some pros and cons to this series for sure. They are not up to Cathe's quality, but yet are very different in some good ways. For me when I do a rotation with them, the result is leaner, trimmer look, and it defenitely increases my endurance level. Anyway, I hope if you purchase them you enjoy them very much (or I will feel guilty suggesting them to you;)).

Otisan, it's always wonderful to see you. You are amazing! I know you will look dazzling in your wedding dress.

Julie, I like the Crunch Time. I know if you like Susan, you will enjoy this tape of her for sure.

Robyn, many congrats on all you hard work and moving up your level at work. How wonderful! You deserve it.

Big hi to Janice, Gloria, and FS too.

I did BodyMax yesterday and Imax2 today. Also BTR and rebounding are in the schedule!

Have a beautiful day. :)
Hi girls. Thanks Bita, Robyn, Juli, FS and Otisan for the well wishes. The back is better but still easily hurt so I'm bing careful. I got my Firm BSS2 kit yesterday with scultping stick. I used Allie's tape but only did half of it til back feels strong again. Don't want to re-injure it.

I got more bad news too. My DD(Who I spend my luch hour with almost every working day) is moving to Maryland in less than 2 months. I know in my brain that this isn't the end of the world but my heart thinks it is! I spent yesterday just crying and feeling so blue. It was just too much to handle right now as bad as I was already feeling. I'm feeling a little more positive today so maybe I'm over the shock of it. It's just that she lives 10 minutes from my office so I can go there and get my "baby fix" from her and the new baby. I'm going to really MISS that. Well, sorry to whine but I knew you were the people who'd care that I'm hurting. Dang it I'm crying again so I better go. Thanks for listening and caring...Janice
Good morning ladies,
I hope everyone has had a good week so far. I'm enjoying conversing with you ladies so much!!

I had a wonderful workout at the gym last night. A little of everything last night, weights, cardio and my yoga. I made best instructor of the month again!!!!! Yippee!!!

BFJ, you're too cute! don't feel guilty about suggesting the Slim Series, because I have hundreds of videos that I've purchased and don't use. I never hold anyone responsible for my spending:) or should I say decisions? I've read all the reviews, and someone actually returned them, so maybe I can too, if I don't like them. Would you compare them to the Firm? Also, I noticed you purchased Susan's Crunch time, and personally I love her. Do you enjoy the Fitprime videos, are they any different than the Firm? Do you have G-Force? I haven't purchased any Firm or Fitprime videos in a long time, because I have their entire collection from many years ago, so I alternate them with Cathe's now. And, would you compare the Slim Series to the Firm?

Julin, what style of yoga do you practice? Just curious? It's so nice to see that you practice it.

Otisan, I wish you the best in your future marriage, and a beautiful wedding!!

Robyn, you get some rest girl, and enjoy your promotion!

Everyon else, have a lovely day!!!!!!!!!:)
Hi Everyone --

It's a hot sticky day in Cincinnati. We've had such a beautiful summer up until now that I forgot how thick the air can get. Luckily, we're due for storms so it will all go away.

Last night was Date Night with my DH (every Wednesday). My friend had given me a generous gift certificate to a nice restaurant for making the flower girl dresses (remember those?) so I treated my DH. Afterwards, we went to Sharon Woods for a walk, so that was like an extra w.o. I usually don't exercise on Wednesdays because that day is set aside for my Honey.

Tonight is my ladies' Bible study group, so I usually do a few yoga stretches before bed. Our group tends to be chatty, so I don't get home until 9:30 or 10. LA, I know there are different types of yoga, but I don't really know what kind I'm doing. I have Yoga Zone tapes and the ones with Patricia Walden, so maybe that gives you a clue.

Since we're on the topic of yoga, I have some questions and maybe you can help me since you're an instructor. My first question is why yoga makes me sleep really well. When I finish my practice, I feel invigorated, but 20 minutes later, I can barely keep my eyes open. This is a good thing since I usually practice late evening.

Also, is yoga easier for some body types than others? I am an ecto with long legs and arms so all the sideways bends where you touch the floor/feet are pretty easy. There is no way, however, that my head will get anywhere near touching the floor, though. I think my torso might be short.

Goldengirl -- OF COURSE you feel down!!! This is a big change for you! Hang in, we're here for you through the transition.

Gotta run. My best to all.

Goldengirl,my heart goes out to you!!! It's heartbreaking when big changes happen in your life.You'll get through it.Glad to hear your back is better.I have the BSS2.I like it,because it's different and great for light days.You can make them as hard as you want.

Otisan,it's so good to hear from you.You must be getting excited&nervous at the same time.It's a beautiful time of year to get married.You'll make a beautiful bride.

LA,Congrats on winning instructor of the year again.That is a great accomplishment.

Bita,i don't know how you keep up your energy.Doing two workouts a day.I did Step Heat for the first time this morning.I love rebounding to.I have to get myself into workouts after work.I need to get outside and get some fresh air.

Robyn,good for you about your promotion and working like a crazy women.It's been two months already.Wow,time does fly by.

JuliN,How are those dresses coming along?You are amazing.I'm sure you working those fingers to the bone.

Hi to anyone i've missed.
Hi ladies,
Hope you are having a wonderful day.
Janice, I am so sorry about your DD leaving. Big hugs to you. You have all the rights to feel the way you do. I hope and am sure your distance will only bring you guys closer. Take care. I wish both of your families happiness and joy always.

LA, yes, you can return the Slim Series back to them within a time limit, if you purchase it from them. This series is sort of like the Firm, but not as fancy music or decoration or exercisers. Debbie, the instructor is very warm, encouraging and nice. It is an endurance series. The heart rate goes up not so much for jumping and pure aerobics, but do to use of light hand weight. It is low impact, but it is repetative, which I noticed some don't like it due to this fact. Then about the FitPrime tapes, I have had them all and I most like Strong Bear, Fast Cheetah, Crunch Time, and G-Force. I have done the G-Force more than the rest. I can't get into them as well as I got into the Firm Classics. But if you really like Susan's style, I think you will enjoy Crunce time. I purchased the new firms when they came up with them, but they were not for me. I really think when you have Cathe's, everything else takes a step down. But I like the variety, and actually force myself to do other instructors exercises, so I keep seeing results. Hope this helps.

Hello to all my wonderful friends.

I did Pyramid Upper Body, BTR, and later will do rebounding.

Have a great day.
Good morning ladies,
Goldengirl, you sound so sad, I hope you keep in touch with your DD everyday. I would be torn as well, since my sisters and I have a very close relationship like that. I hope you feel better, mentally and physically.
Juli, it's been very hot and humid out here in Chicago as well, but it's supposed to cool off a little this weekend. It's actually raining this morning, so it should start cooling off this afternoon. It sounds like you practice Hatha yoga, which is a more calming and not so physical yoga as the one I practice. I started out with Patricia Walden about 5 years ago, until I started researching the different styles, and found a style (Ashtanga) that would complement my personality a little better. The reason for it aiding in sleep, is because it's cleansing not only your organs, but it detoxifies your entire body, leaving you refreshed and relaxed. There are actually students who fall asleep at the end of class during the relaxation pose aka Corpse. Last year, I attended a Maui yoga retreat, and although we practiced 3 hours of very physical (power/vinyasa) yoga every morning and 2 hrs in the evening, people were dropping like flys, and taking naps immediately after practice. Secondly, your size, and or body type has nothing to do with being able to do any of the poses, regardless of the level of difficulty. For example, I attended a yoga conference led by yoga masters, and I noticed and was surprised to see very large (300 lb) men and women, practice yoga like it was second nature to them. I've actually seen it all by now. There was one women who thought her limbs were too short to do some arm balancing poses, but one of the masters showed her how it was not so. It's all in the breath, concentration and how warmed up you are. You can find tons of information on yogajournal site, you'll love it! Have fun!
FirmScorpio, I like your name on this forum. I noticed you do rebounding as well as Bita, did you pruchase G-Force? I had asked Bita some questions about this, and am seriously considering it, as well as purchasing BSS2, since my youngest sister just purchased BSS1 and likes it very much. I've read nothing but good reviews about both rebounding and BSS2. I don't have the tall step anyway, or the 8 lb body bar, so it's a great excuse;-)
I did 30 min Step and 30 min Kickboxing last night, I feel great this morning!! It's ME tonight or tomorrow, along with Yoga, gotta stretch out those muscles afterward.
Bita, Otisan, Robyn, Gloria and everyone else, what ever you choose to do this weekend, have a blast!
Keep up the good work! Until next week, LA
Hi again,

LA, I was just thinking if you like to try to see if you like the Slim series, I can send you a copy of one of them that I have, like Shape it Up (one of the favorites). Let me know and we can arrange to do that. It would be not problem for me.

I also was just reading in about the trouble some of these ladies are having placing their order through for them Slim Series or other orders. So thought to come here and ask you to be careful if you decide to purchase the slim series and if you wanted to order it online.

Also, if you check some where in the vf site, they give a phone # where you can purchase the series for less price with the same time limit guarantee.

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