Thank you for answering my questions, they make a lot of sense. I'm getting rid of my treadmill, because since I purchased it many many years ago, I've only used it about 5 times, once/yr :) seriously. So, I'm making room for the rebounder, and a high step perhaps, since I've been using a 13" step stool through all my Firm tapes and Cathe's. It's worked fine, but you know how it is, I want it all! The only drawback on these videos, is that I prefer DVD's and do not understand why Fitprime can't make DVD's. I did ask, and they told me, they are cosidering it, due to high demand, but do not know how quickly they will do so.
Anyway, I have to say, you ladies have kept me going all week!!!!
Thank you all for being there!!
I've noticed you and I are writing at the same time, as soon as I post, I receive another notice and it's you posting at the same time. :)
Yes, that is a great idea. If you don't mind, I would like to preview one or two. I placed the order through beach body already, and tried cancelling it, because I wasn't sure, but they have not returned my call.
How do you want to arrange this? I can give you my phone # or address, which ever you need.
Let me know.
Thank you, you are so kind.
Hi ladies. First of all-Thanks!!!Juli, Firmscorpio, Bita, Robyn, Otisan and Gloria. You guys keep me sane. You made me feel normal for feeling so upset over Julie's move. I thought I might be over-reacting but that's how I FEEL. and that's OK. I'm much more positive today.(Helps that I worked out) I did Emily's Complete Aerobics and Weights from the new BSS2 system. What a fun tape!!! I was VERY CAREFUL and modified whenever I needed to and finished feeling pleasnatly worked out but not injured.

Way to go Robyn with your new job. and in just 2 months too!! WOW!

Bita-As usual you're energy and dedication amaze me. You go girl!

LA congrats on the instructor of the year. You must feel great!

Gloria-We finally don't have daily rains but it's been horribly hot and humid every single day! How 'bout you?

Have a good holiday all and I'll "see" ya'll Tuesday. Hugsss...Janice
Happy Labor Day, Ladies!

I was good about my workouts over the weekend. It's hard to work out on a holiday weekend, but it's been overcast so I did half of Vol.3 and some abs on Saturday and Yoga for Flexibility and abs on Sunday.

I'm a few days from TTOM and Vol.3 was very hard for me this time. Usually, it's one of my favorites, but this time I was tired and only did half. Better than nothing, though.

I've been busy cutting out pieces for some Halloween costumes. I've made these before but over time, they've become very worn so I'm remaking them. They're Donald and Daisy Duck. The pattern isn't available anymore so I'm adjusting what I had. It will take me quite some time to complete them.

I hope everyone is enjoying the long weekend!

Hi girls. Don't have much time as it's like Monday and Friday(BAD days) rolled into one here today. Just wanted to say thanks again for being there for me when I was so down last week. Lots of love and hope to check back in later if it gets a little quieter here. Hugsss...Janice

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