
Can you believe that we're down to the last three months of the challenge.This year flew by.These are going to be the toughest three.Holidays are right around the corner.Still time to make great transformations.For the next four weeks i'll been doing my cleanse.It's so tough changing your eating habits.I'm working on re-doing my workouts for the month.Starting of this week with the tortoise.

Had a nice three days off.Back to the grind.Have a great day&week.
Hi ladies,
Hope you're doing great.
FS, thanks for starting the week's post.

I finished Cathe's Sept. rotation. Now I am doing PS series with Imax 1&2 for this week. So today I did PS BBA and CST, I also did BTR. Later today will be rebounding.

Have a very nice day.
Hi there everyone!

I did Tear it Up! this morning. I am planning on sticking to the Slim Series this week.

Can someone tell me what the actual Transformation Challenge entails? I read it at the beginning when it was posted...but can't find it again.


Blessings from our home to yours...Runathon[/img]
Good morning everyone,
Hope everyone had a great weekend and is ready for this one.
FS you sound so positive, so good to read your post.
Ladies, I actually taught my first non-yoga class on Saturday morning. It went better than planned, got an overall Legs & Abs workout, where I included Cathe's muscle endurance exercises and several segments from the SS. The ladies loved it, and walked away feeling like they really got an awesome workout. I'm thrilled, because I was actually a little nervous, and I can't believe I did so well. :) After my class, I got in 20 min of cardio, and then yoga on Sunday.
Today, I will do upper body at the gym, cardio kickboxing and yoga.
Have a good day, and productive week ahead.
Hi ladies,
Hope all is well.

Runathon, regarding: "Can someone tell me what the actual Transformation Challenge entails?" We generally set a goal for the year and break it down to months and weeks. It's really quite unique to each one of us of course. Now, seems like we check in to keep in touch and encourage each other on one another's chosen path.

I did Imax, rebounding, and BTR. I don't seem to get enough of the rebounding and BTR benefit!!!! I love them so much!!

Hope you have a wonderful day.
Thanks bjf!

I had to take a rest day today....yesterday's workout: Slim Series Tear it up! tore me up! heheheh. Just kidding. :p My hamstrings and inner thighs are on fire. Sooo, rest day for me today!

Blessings from our home to yours...Runathon[/img]
Good morning ladies,
Big hugs and waves to Gloria, Janice, Juli, Otisan, FS, Bita, Runathon and everyone else.
Bita, thanks for answering Runathons ?, since I wasn't too sure myself when I first posted back in August. I really like the subject and then read the posts, which really motivated me at a time when I most needed it my life. Funny, what it's actually about, because I actually transformed my life this year. I'm happy all of you could assist in the motivational part of getting back to working out, it's been a great journey. There is no stopping me now, and your support has and is greatly appreciated!
I actually taught my first CardioKickboxing last night, and it went very well, yes, we were drenched! Tomorrow, I teach my first body pump class, so I'm excited as well.

So glad I finished Cathe's Sept rotation yesterday! I started out today w/ Cathe's Oct rotation. Tues morning w/ CTX All Step, tonight is PS Legs standing portion only, and SS Shape it Up.

Bita, you're unstoppable!! Good girl!

Hope everyone is doing great.
Hi girls. I still have the "key West Blues". Hard to come back to reality after a vacation that good. Back to the real world.

My morning workout was G-force with Tracie. I reach for that one a lot too these days. Bita-I relly love rebounding too.

I had to rest my upper body since my left shoulder area is bothering me.

LA-I feel the same way!! I've gotten so much motivation and inspiration from these girls. They've helped me with my "tranformation" which is still a work in progress. Don't know what I'd do without all of you. It was so great to meet Otisan last year and to take her and her DF out for dinner. Wish I could meet all of you in person.

Have a great rest of the week all. Big wves to Bita, Runathon, LA, Robyn, Juli, FS and others. See ya Thursday....Janice
Good morning everyone!

This morning I felt better and did Shape it up!

You know, I really like the Slim Series! I see alot of definition going on.

Have a great day!

Blessings from our home to yours...Runathon[/img]
Hi ladies,
LA, great job as usual! You rock!
Janice, your vacation sounds heavenly. Hope you always have fun. Welcome back! It really would be wonderful to meet all these wonderful ladies too!
Runathon, glad you are feeling better. That is so cool about the more defenitions you are getting. More power to you!

Waves to Gloria, FS, Otisan, Juli, and Robyn!

I did PS strong legs and abs, rebounding and will do BTR later.

Have an amazing day!
Good morning ladies,
Bita, wonderful job! I don't know about you, but I haven't done PS in sooooo long, and I actually find these w/o's to be rather refreshing, and nice change from the ME type workouts I have been doing. I wonder if I'm going to feel the same way about the S&H series? It's been a long time since I've done that series as well.
Runathon, good job w/ the SS, you go! I have to get myself back into doing the SS, I was so good for 2 weeks, but I'm picking up Cathe's DVD's instead of the SS. I got bored w/them, because they are soooo repetitious that I don't look forward to doing the same workout every day for 5 days consecutively. I am getting a lot of definition though, so I do now they work, I just have to get back to it tomorrow night.
Janice, it's so good to hear you had a very nice vacation. Good job w/ your w/o's too!
Anyway, I did not do the SS last night:( I chose Cathe instead PS Legs & abs. This morning I did PS CST from Monday's rotation, my day off will be Friday instead. Tonight I will teach a Body Pump class w/ 1.5 min intervals of cardio in between. We'll see how that goes.

Have a great & healthy day!
Goooood morning!!!!!

Hey! Where is the usual bunch???? hmmmmm????

I did Firm it Up this morning.

Have a great day!

Blessings from our home to yours...Runathon[/img]
Good morning ladies,
Hope everyone is doing great, and having a lovely week!
My interval wt training class went pretty good last night, despite me being off beat with my new music;( The girls were so understanding TG! We had a lot of fun since I'm a big joker. Oh well, practice makes perfect! They all got a very good heart pumping overall training class, and that was my goal.
This morning was CTX Step & Intervals cardio only, tonight PS BBA. Keep up the great job ladies!
Hi girls. No morning workout to report. Still nursing this shoulder thing but it's MUCH better. Hope to do a good workout tomorrow.

LA and Runathon-You're doing so good! Good for you!

Bita-You amaze me as usual. You make it sound so normal to workout like WONDERWOMAN!!LOL.

Hope to have a good workout to report tomorrow. I'm trying to be extra CAREFUL not to injure myself again. This getting older thing really BITES!! Hugs to all...Janice
Hi guys,
Hope all is well.
Janice, great job taking care of your shoulder. Hope it heals fast.
Remember, you're my role model! I admire you tremendously.
LA, great job girlfriend. That's amazing to do so well in your first class. Congrats!
Runathon, great job as usual. More power to you.

I did Imax2 and BTR, will do rebounding later.

Have a great rest of the day.
Hello ladies,
Goldengirl,what did you do to your shoulder?Hope you feel better soon.Glad you had a nice vacation.
LA,it's been almost two years since i taught a aerobics/weight class.My recertification is due in Oct.Seriously,been thinking about not renewing it.But,i know i will.I just keep reminding myself what i went throught to get it.I miss teaching to my "girls".But,i don't miss the commitment.I did it for twelve years.Got burned out.

Did Crunch Time yesterday for the first time.What a fun workout.Did Maximum Cardio Burn this morning.I enjoy all my tapes,firm,fitprime and Cathe.I love the variety.Have cleans class tonight.Been doing pretty good.Feel so much better.Have a great night.
Hi again. FS- I don't know how I hurt my shoulder. The muscle under the shoulderblade hurts when I move my arm or breathe deeply. What a big pain! Since I've learned over and over...I have to take time off when I'm hurt or ELSE. I just get so irritable when I don't get my workout"fix". I feel like a workout junkie. I NEED it!LOL. That's not a bad thing to be addicted to at least. Hope to have better news tomorrow. Take care all....Janice
Goooooood morning all!

I did Mix it up! this morning and I feeeeeels it in my legs....sooooooo good! :p

You know, I like this SS so much that I ordered the Slim in 6 and Keep it up! DVDs. I will be doing these type of workouts until I get the BB and even after. The high rep/low weight/variety training/basic type of workout seems to be working for me. I just need to get rid of my mid-core "belt" (for lack of a better definition). I don't want to do any other aerobic type of workout while I am doing the SS rotation because then it will not work as it was intended. I tried it last week and was all over the place with my concentration and my goals! x( Does anyone have any suggestions on how to speed up the "getting tight in the middle - getting rid of (tightning up) the thick skin" stuff? :+ (I've had 2 babies).

Blessings from our home to yours...Runathon[/img]
Hi ladies,
Hope your day is beautiful!

Runathon, have you tried Pilates? That stuff is awesome for core power house and tightening up abs, from all angels.

I did PUB, BTR, and rebounding.

Have a fantastic day.
Bitta, I have not "seriously" tried it 100%. However, my Total Gym arrived a few days ago and it has the pilates attachments, video, etc. I am going to try to do something with it tomorrow and Sunday - since I have a little more "unrushed" time those 2 days. Thanks for the suggestion! Anyone else have other suggestions?

I think someone had mentioned before that Taebo was the only thing that helped her get rid of her thick waist. Anyone else?


Blessings from our home to yours...Runathon[/img]

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