Hi Bita!

I am considering getting the SS as a filler between now and Cathe's new tapes. Can you possibly give me a few thoughts on the series as far as intenseness, (is that a word?) results and also, the cheapest place to order??? I had read somewhere (can't remember where) that there was a discount coupon or something. Thanks for any tips. Sorry for popping in on your "challenge thread" with an off-topic question or two.
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
RE: Hi Bita!

Hi DebbieH,

Your question is not off-topic at all. I love this series, they would be awesome fillers between Cathe's exercises and others.

SS series intensity:
I would say intermed to advance, and so much of it depends on how you want to push yourself. There is a lot of room to grow on it by lifting heavier. It's high reps, low weight, more of an endurance type of a w/o. The heart rate stays up in the aerobic zone for a good period (not the floor work), as you are lifting. It's a
non-stop workout. Very little to no rest time.
Results: This is my second week, but out of exprience, I would say it's a type of a workout that gives more definition, ripped and leaner look. Since it is endurance, it doesn't bulk the muscle. Also it defenitely increases strength. But not to the extend of heavier lifting exercises with slow pace.
Where to purchase it less expensive:
I personally bought them when there were a two payment plan deal.
These are what I've heard and read: has a %18 discount on them. YaYa site swap, where some of the ladies are selling their series. Videofitness trade, where some are trading them with their wish list items. Then there is ebay, but I doubt if you save much there.
Debbie, please make sure you check with the Videofitness site. Lots of great info is found there also.
Hope this helps.
Saturday workout

Hi All --

Today was Vol.3 plus PM yoga (even though I work out in the morning). On Saturdays, I always do a longer tape and I've started adding yoga stretches because I think the yoga is helping my golf. DH didn't work out with me today because he went to Men's Prayer group. I don't think he's too crazy about Vol. 3 anyway. Too dancey for him.

DebbieH -- feel free to "stop in" anytime. We're a friendly bunch.

Waves to all!!!

Thanks Juli!

How nice of you! I DO stop in to check up on you guys each week. I am truly impressed with the closeness, the comraderie, the lifting up and encouragment towards each other that you ALL show. Thank you for the warm welcome. I would love to join a challenge or certain rotation, but with teaching four classes a week, I just do my own thing on the "off" days. (All Cathe in-between!) I'll be BAAACK, thanks once again!

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
HI Everyone!

I'm back from N'Awlins and I'm ready to pick up the pieces and get back to Cathe shape. It was a great vacation, but it's also nice to be back home and with Zagnut.

We did so much; Jazzfest, Jeff Davis's house in Biloxi, Steamboat tour of the Mississippi, plantations, Garden District (Ann Rice's stomping grounds as well as Trent Reznor's), Ate Po Boy's and too many beignets! We were also there for the bicentennial of the Lousianna Purchase. I learned more during this trip than all of high school history.

This week's plan is to get back into Cathe slowly, so it's going to be a PH/Wedding tape week. Today is PH.

How is everyone? I feel like I haven't posted in years. April wasn't such a great month for me (save the vacation :)), but May is going to be much better! Big Cajun waves to all!
Yeah! Otisan is back in action! (You’re trip sounds muy fabulous.):D

Today is a loooong day at work. No workout to report.

Debbie, ditto what Bita told you about Slim Series. Just looking at the instructor’s physique – the series yields a long lean dancer type body. The workouts aren’t as slick as Cathe’s – but worth the investment.

Juli, LOL about your husband groovin’ to Sandahl as she demurely says “long lines” . . .

Gloria, how fun to watch your DH lip sync. My DH would die from embarrassment – he’s so shy.

Enjoy your weekend:* everybody!
Fitdoc & Bita!

Thanks Fitdoc. I have decided to take the plunge. I am excited to try them. Debbie looks awesome! Bita~sorry to bother you again, but I cannot figure out how to find the Slim Series on the Ebates site??? I have put in DVD's, Slim Series, fitness etc., but have not been able to track them down. Do you remember which catagory? 18% would be a great savings! Thanks, once again, for your time.
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
RE: Fitdoc & Bita!

Hi ladies,
Hope everyone is doing well.
I did the tone it up and LB today. later will be rebounding. Oh my gosh, I did "jump to it" rebounding yesterday. I think the tape was made around 1985, they have head-band and those calf-warmer thingies!! Time flies by soooooo fast. Lots of high kicks and oh, those scissor arm movements up and down, I did the workout with huge smile on my face which happens rarely!!;)

Otisan, welcome back! What a fun fun fun vacation.

Hi Debbie,
No problem. I went to ebates site right now and put "beach body" in the search box and the %18 came up. See if this one works:

Hope it goes smoothly.

Take care ladies, and have an awesome day.:)
RE: Fitdoc & Bita!

Hi girls,

Well, the power went out during my wo this morning and I should have just gone ahead with it. It would have been an easy thing to do. But, I didn't. End of story. It'll be another double up day this week. Just got in from my church youth group. We played Bingo. They get so excited over those $ store prizes. Only 2 more meetings this year! Great kids, but I'm ready for a little break.

Otisan! Sounds like you had a wonderful trip. I hope you tried out some of those great restaurants. Yum, beinets! DH and I have chicory coffee every weekend.

Debbie H, please come join us whenever you want to. The more the merrier.

Bita, You reminded me of my Jane Fonda days. I think I still have that tape with her striped leg warmers. Lol

Fitdoc, my DS did the lip sync, not DH. No way would he ever do that. I can't even get him out on the dance floor.

I start a new rotation tomorrow. I can't remember exactly what it is, but I know it looked like a tough one. I'm ready!!

Have a good night,

RE: Fitdoc & Bita!

I got the workout in! (My family was on my last nerve }( until the workout was over. The endorphins did their job though - and all is right with the world.:7)

I did Pyramid Lower Body and then 10-10-10 from CTX. My CTX "effort" was amusing - my legs were so whipped - I was getting "air" on the order of millimeters for most jumps. I needed the cardio though and I feel sooooo good now that it's over!

Have a great night all.:)

(Gloria, DOH! Looks as if I've been speed-reading again:eek:)

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