
Hi all,

I received this from a friend this morning and thought it would be a nice way to start the week.

I had a nice weekend in Atlanta. The fundraiser raised over $19,000.00. Not bad for the first one. I didn't get in my 5th workout, but I did walk 3.2 miles. I may try to add a wo this week. This mornings wo was IMax. Haven't done that one in awhile. Tough! Tomorrow is tennis. It should be a beautiful day. Hope everyone is doing well.

Gloria, thank you! What a beautiful site, the photos were breathtaking.:) Congrats on the fundraiser - that's an impressive amount in my book.

I just finished "Tone It Up" from the Slim Series. It's hard to believe that 3# and 5# weights could exhaust my muscles, but it's true. That was a tough 60 minutes. I'm not sure whether to do a weight workout tomorrow or not . . .I'll have to see how my muscles feel.

Tonight DH and I are going out to dinner with his partners (trying to recruit a new partner). Should be nice. Take care all!
Hi All --

Gloria -- What a great way to start the week! I've seen that site before, and enjoyed it just as much the second time around. By the way, congrats on the funds raiser. And .... I think 3.2 miles counts as a w.o.

Fitdoc -- that Slim Series sounds like it's worth checking out.

Tonight I did Karen Voight's Yoga Sculpt. I just didn't feel like bouncing around. Monday's seem to do that to me. I'm liking this DVD more and more, as I learn the moves. By the way, my golf has greatly improved since last year. My drives off the tee are much longer. What a big surprise!!!! I think maybe all that yoga through the winter increased my flexibility. I was out-driving my husband yesterday! It was our first time out to play. We've been to the driving range once this spring. Tells you how busy we are with this basement.

My best to all --

Hey Gloria - Wow that's a wonderful site. Really loved the poem and the pics. Kinda cool I've been to a few of those places! Congrats on the fundraising!

Hi fitdoc hope you had a nice dinner. Sure your son has told you but if not we have had WONDERFUL weather yesterday and today!

Hope everyoe else goldengirl, Juli, Bita, Janice is doing well.

I did a do it yourself workout yesterday (weights) and today run and walking outdoors. A perfect day - don't mind not working on days like today! Still looking but nothing yet. Boy I'm gonna look great for college aid next year ;)

Well have a great day all.
Good Day:D

I just finished Cardio&Weights. Because the weight work is sort of light, I thought it would be OK to do that the day after the light weight work in Tone it Up. (It seemed O.K.)

Juli, do you feel as if Voight’s Yoga Sculpt is a tough workout? Do you need to be very flexible? I think the Slim Series is pretty good. We’ll see if it stands the test of time.

Robyn, you ARE going to look great for college aid next year. Actually, if your child is graduating in 2003, you are supposed to be doing the FAFSA (sp?) stuff right now.

I'll "see" you tomorrow!

Hey guys!

Imax again today - just LOVE that tape!
Fitdoc - she graduates in 2004 - so yep it will be based on this year!

Maybe I'll go for a run this week. I just don't want to give up imax! So maybe 2 days of running and 1 of Imax!

Hope everyone is well and enjoying the WONDERFUL weather!

Hope everyone is doing great.

It's been extremely busy here!
I am still on the slim series, and finished the first week, yestereday. I might go for 4 weeks rotation on that. Not sure yet!

Today I did Cathe's Step Fit.
I am still doing some Lotte, yoga, and rebounding everyday. The Fat Flush is going well.

You ladies have a wonderful day.:)
Hi girls. Glad to see everyone doing so well!! Gloria-That was a beautiful and inspriational website. THANK YOU! I saved it to favorites.

I ordered the slim in 6 and have been doing those tapes the last 2 days. They are supposed to be a lot easier than the slim series and I needed some tapes that didn't hurt my back so badly. The first tape was too EASY! I guess I owe that to Firm, Fitprime and Cathe!! The second one was more challenging but still pretty easy. I was amazed! Guess I'm stronger than I thought.

Fitdoc-How do you like the slim series? I've heard good things about them. I really needed a change. I was getting too burned out doing the same things over and over.

Hi to Bita-You're doing the SS too aren't you? What do you think of them?

Hi to Robyn-Glad to hear you sounding so upbeat! You'll find the perfect job just when you least expect it!

Hi Juli-Sounds like your life is going along very nicely right now!

Where's Otisan and Wildpony?????Hope to see ya'll back here this week.

Well this dang work thing is calling so must run. Luvs to all....Janice
Hi all,

Glad you liked the website. I had a wonderful tennis day yesterday. Our last match until the fall. We'll have some fun days in between though. Today is housecleaning day. DS called and is coming home tomorrow for a few days. His room is packed with my old furniture waiting for his new apartment next fall, so I'm getting the guest room organized for him. It's time I did something with all that stuff from the sale of my Dad's house. I've made many trips to the attic and my Goodwill pile is growing. I have way to much stuff!!

Janice, good to see you again. I hope you'll like your slim tapes. Seems like everyone is talking about these.

Juli, I must have missed the basement story. What are y'all doing?

Robyn, I think it's about time for the perfect job to find you. So, if you don't mind, I've added you to my "special concentration prayer list." You're one of my prayer projects now. You deserve wonderful things to happen in your life.

Bita, I saw the Fat Flush author on The View today. Her guinea pig lady lost 6 pounds the first week compared to 2 pounds for the other two diet plans. Pretty impressive.

Hi to Fitdoc, Otisan, Firmscorpio, and Debbie.

Have a good day all,

Hi All --

I missed posting yesterday. Life wasn't as planned yesterday, things were hectic with the construction and other small projects around the house. Isn't it amazing how it all happens at once? I didn't work other, either, but plan to rectify that tonight. DH has promised to exercise with me.

Gloria -- you asked about the basement project. We're having our basement partially refinished. It's a large basement and I'm leaving half of it unfinished so I can store stuff. It's very emotional for my husband. He works from home a lot, so he gets the blow by blow on every step. Sometimes it's stressful for him. As for me, it's no big deal. I'm out at client sites all day and I miss the details. I just check out the progress at the end of the day. The drywall is going up and soon we'll be painting. Then, I'll have a new TV/exercise space. Can't wait!!!

Fitdoc -- Yoga Sculpt is a sneaky workout. The first 25 minutes is yoga, beginner level. The remaining 20 minutes is Pilates mat work. When I first did this w.o., it seemed like I wasn't doing anything ---UNTIL THE NEXT DAY. Then you realize you've used your muscles. I like this w.o. when I'm a bit tired or when I feel my muscles need a litte lengthening.

There's another w.o. on the DVD called "Core Essentials". It's a combo of Pilates and movements with light (3-5#) weights. Same experience as Yoga Sculpt. Doesn't feel like you did much until the next day.

My best to all--

Helloooo Buttercup Babies! (Clay singing this song last night on American Idol was just outstanding:D)

Today I did Firm it Up (lower body work=60 minutes). This is sort of like ballet work. There are lots of squats and leg lifts. The burn was incredible.

Janice, Slim Series is good. It's not quite as good as Cathe, of course, but still a nice way to keep things fresh.

Juli, thanks for the info on Yoga Sculpt. I'd like to branch out with workouts so I don't burn out on Cathe.

I'm at work, so I must run . . .:b
Hi guys,
Hope you are having a beautiful day.

Today, I started my second week of Slim Series. Wasn't as difficult as last week's start! Maybe because I knew what was coming! I lifted heavier this time to failure then I decreased the weight. Last week I was concerned about lifting everyday and not having recovery time, but it actually felt pretty good. (Maybe due to arrangement of the exercises and lower weight use. And I stretched more and drank more H2O too, which really help me recover faster).

I will do some rebounding and LB late tonight.

Take care and have a wonderful, productive day. :)
Good Day!

Today I went for a 2 hour hike with my two close friends. It was a beautiful spring day – after having rained all night. My hip area is really sore after Slim Series yesterday. The hiking increased the soreness! We gabbed/vented for 2 hours as well - so my exercise and “therapy” were completed at the same time. How’s that for multi-tasking?

Take care everybody.
Hi Ladies --

Gorgeous day in Cincinnati again! It's hard to make myself do a video when it's so nice outside. Discipline prevailed, though, and DH and I did the majority of Vol. 1.

It's getting busy at work (a big improvement!) so I'm feeling good about that.

Where is everyone? Debbie and Otisan are AWOL. I miss you guys!!!

Hi all,

Posting at 10pm. Getting very close to my bedtime. Busy time of year isn't it. I did PSCST today. I love that wo. Not too hard, but not too easy either.

Juli, how fun! A new exercise room! My old playroom is now my exercise room. I'd really like to add a big mirror on one wall. I love having a place for all my mess that nobody has to see. You'll love yours too.

Fitdoc, can you believe AI last night? Do you think the Josh votes are from Military or Country fans? I guess the Reuban fans thought everyone else would be voting for him so they didn't need to. We've got to keep our guy Clay there. Next week will be interesting. They'll probably have a record number of votes.

Pajamma time! It has been a long day.

Hey Gloria, Fitdoc, Juli, Janice, Bita!

Oh no - you guys watch AI too. It's SOOO addictive! I agree with you their will be a record number of votes. I bet Josh is off next week. I really like him but he was SOO bad last nite!

Gloria - Thanks SO much for adding me to your prayer list :)

Busy day here too. Dentist and then volunteering. It's good I'm doing alot with the web site so that's always good since I'm in that field.

Oh yes - I've done 2 cardio and 2 weight (doing my own thing) this week. May do either LL or PH tomorrow though!

Have a good day all!
Hey everybody!

Today I did Pyramid Upper Body and Kickbox from CTX (I had forgotten how fun that one is).

Juli, I love hearing about you and your DH enjoying Volume 1 together!

Gloria, Josh is waaaaay out of his league right now. I think you are right on the money, voters thought Ruben was “safe”. The show is so fun.

Robyn, you sure know how to keep busy. I like your attitude:D

Have a great weekend all!
Hi ladies,
Hope your day is great.

This AI show is quite famous, right?! I am glad you ladies are enjoying it very much. Me?! I don't even know what it's all about!! We don't have time or interest to watch tv shows much, other than some PBS kids for DS, some sports for DH once in a blue moon, and none for me!:)

I am still on the Slim Series kick with LB and rebounding, and loving it very much. But I am excited to get back to Cathe's exercises in another couple of weeks. :D

Take care and have a beautiful day.:)
Good Morning!

Hope everyone is having a great weekend. We had Relay for Life last night. DS won the lip sync contest. So funny!

Yesterday was a PS L&A day and I'm about to do Stepfit. Tomorrow will be the 3rd PS tape.

Bita, it doesn't surprise me that you are not a TV watcher. I watch too much. I should add that to my challenge one month and see how it affects my life. I may think about that.

Have a nice day girls.


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