Transformation challenge 15-21

Thanks Julin....

Today, even though I was SOOOOOOORE, I did SS - Tone it up. Tomorrow is Cool it...aaahhhhhhh. Once I get over this soreness, I will incorporate Imax 2 and/or C&W in my "free" day. Can't wait! I have been having withdrawals! ;)

Blessings from our home to yours...Runathon[/img]
Welcome new comers:
I did BSB(body sculpt blaster)&abs after work today.I feel so good.Made my cran-water&protein shake for the next two days.I love those energy gels.They make a huge difference.Been feeling alot better this week.Mentally,emotionally&physically.I start my cleanse next Thursday.Can not wait.I'm assisting my cleanse teacher.It will force me to get back into cleanse foods.It's such a postive thing that i need to do right now.Things are looking better.It's been beautiful here for the last two weeks.

Plan on organizing my clothes this weekend.Going to pack up clothes i don't wear.To make room for all the new clothes.My goal is to fit into "ALL" my jeans on my b-day.So,i have 9 1/2 weeks.Going to be a amazing journey.Really looking forward to it.

Bfj,you amaze me with your workouts.What time of day do you workout.I see alot of people doing the Slim Series.How are they?What's makes them different?Just curious.Have a great night:)
Hi ladies,
Hope your day is safe and nice.
Big Welcome to runathon and Stacy.
Janice, hope you guys are all safe. Take care!
Runathon, I hope you're enjoying the SS. I like that series very much. I can't really remember what it did for me the first week, but I know generally it very much helped me slim down my muscle and helped my endurance. I added cardio to it, since I didn't feel it had enough of it.
FS, glad to see you happier. I know you are so strong and admirable. Regarding your question, I mostly workout very early in the morning, and then some later at night. But then it depends on the free times I get to have. I sleep about 5-6 hours and that is restful enough for me. I guess that gives me more time to spare for exercising.

Big Hi to all my wonderful friends.
I did CircuitMax mistakingly instead of ME. Oh well!!! ME will be for tomorrow. I also did Baron's Unlocking, BTR, and rebounding will be for later.
Have a wonderful day.
Good morning ladies,
FS, once again, so good to see you're doing so much better. The SS combines lots and lots of reps with light or no weights. I'm enjoying this rotation, and even though the workouts are not short, time seems to go by fast for me. I know there are many different reviews about this series, and I think it all depends on what bothers you or doesn't. Personally, I don't pay attention to the little things that could be annoying, I just plain and simple concentrate on working out when I'm working out. You can also return them, if you don't enjoy them which is always a +. Just my humble opinion :)

This morning I did SS Mix it Up, tonight is Cathe's ME, and YOGA. I'm right on target w/ my w/o's, and feeling pretty good about it.

Until tomorrow my fitness friends, have a great and productive day!
hi girls. Welcome newcomers! First-THANK YOU Firmscorpio for asking how I'm doing with my daughter's move. Not very well at first but I'm slowly accepting it. Might as well since I can't do anything about it.

Glad!!! to see you feeling so much better FS!

I went back to WW yesterday and lost 2 pounds!!!! my first week back. I was excited because I ate ALL of my flex points and still lost. This time around I'm going to be excited about ANY weight loss as long as it's a loss and not gain!!!! That's my new rule! ANY loss is good!

Hi Bita-I see you're still doing your marathon workouts. Good girl! I only get 5-6 hours of sleep during the week too. I seem to do fine with so little sleep. I try to get more on weekends.

I guess it comes down to what do I want more-Sleep or getting my wrokouts done! No contest.

Hope you all stay safe and out of the hurricane's path!!

Big waves to Gloria, Robyn, Bita, LA, Otisan, FS, Juli and others....Janice
Hi Bita...thanks for the welcome!

I have been diligently doing the SS workouts...even in pain! :eek: OUCH!!

I never knew I could hurt SO MUCH for SOOOOOO LOOONG!

This morning I did CTX UBS (which I added because I did not feel I worked the upper body as much as the lower body) and 45 minutes of Cool it off (the stretch workout). Tomorrow will be Tear it up. I think I will do either C&W or Imax2 on Saturday (to incorporate more cardio). Then, on Sunday, I begin the cycle again with Shape it up. I really like this series. It is challenging and I like its simplicity and the straightforwardeness, get to business type of exercise. :+

Blessings from our home to yours...Runathon[/img]
Hi Runathon,
Great job this week, I'm glad you like this series. How was Cool it off? Is it just a 45 min pure and simple stretch? Just curious, since I said I would do it, but I didn't}( chose to do yoga instead.
Hi Girls --

This week has been a less intense w.o. week because I'm encouraging my DH to keep moving. We've been doing lots of walking at Sharon Woods because the weather has been so gorgeous. We clock around the path at a pace of 14 minutes/mile which is pretty good for walking. My DH hurt his hip and isn't up to much intense stuff right now. I figure all activity counts so I'm in maintenance mode right now.

Today I'm in a bummed but gratefutl mood. At the last minute I got an RFP from a client that I'm been working for months to find even a small opportunity. I was so excited to get the opportunity to quote on some strategic work. The downer part is that I was planning on joining my DH in Seattle for the last days of one of his business conferences. I was REALLY looking forward to a great fish dinner. I love fish and my DH doesn't so we have to go to a restaurant. I need the time in order to produce a quot efor the new client and will have to forego the trip to Seattle. Oh well, Cincinnati is known for excellent restaurants so I'll just find a way to get my fish dinner here.

Tonight is a rest night because I have work to do. Very grateful for the opportunity since this year has been a tough one business-wise.

Hope everyone is well.

Today was Slim Series: Tear it up.

That one really works the upper body. I did CTX UBS yesterday trying to make up for the lack of "rounded" upper body work and then I find myself with this workout this morning...OUCH! It was nice, though. My legs are getting definition like crazy with all those lunges and squats. I think I will be able to "master" (not!) Leaner Legs after a few months of Slim Series! :+

Tomorrow is C&W cardio step saver (DVD premix) for me. I am having me some fun! }(

Enjoy your day!

Blessings from our home to yours...Runathon[/img]
Good morning ladies,
Hope everyone is enjoying their day!
I'm really starting to feel all these workouts, so I'm taking Sunday off as my rest day on the Sept rotation. Still following the rotation, this morning was (CTX Step & Intervals & 10.10.), left out the last 10 :) ran out of time. Tonight I will finish up w/SS Tone it Up. Tomorrow morning is SS Tear it up & Yoga. I'll try to fit in Circuit Max, since it's next on Cathe's rotation, but I'll see if I can move my legs. By the way I'm feeling, I think I'll probably end up passing;), or should I say passing out!
Ladies, have a wonderful weekend.
God bless America!
Hi ladies,
Hope you are doing well.
Today is ME, BTR, and rebounding for me.
Have a great day and a wonderful weekend to come.
Hi girls. My morning workout was G-force with Tracie. That's become my favorite workout. Glad to see you Bita, Gloria, Robyn, Juli, LA, Otisan, FS and anybody I've missed. Have a great weekend all...Janice

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