Transformation challenge 11/3-11/9

Hey guys.. I'm going to finish up the new series this wkend... can't wait.. really love it...

Gloria - Yep.. we me the other.. then talked for 1/2 hour in hall.. today we had coffee - over an hour - It's fun.. we shalll see... time just flies when we are talking...

Have a great wkend all.
Hope you are doing wonderful.

Otisan, I am sorry for all that you guys went through for your families and your dog. I hope things are going better. How fun to try out the new bra!

Robyn, best wishes for your new friendship. It sounds sweet.

Big hello to all my friends.

I did KV's Great Weighted w/o yesterday and today I did her cardio/strength. Did yoga, btr, and rebounding both days. Well, today's rebounding is for later.

Have a wonderful day and weekend.
Hi all,

Well, I finished my first week of my new rotation today with AllStep and biceps from CTX. Tomorrow is a rest day. Yay, I need it.

Otisan, your poor puppy! What a stomach ache eating a bathing suit must cause. We had a JR Terrier once who ate all the faceplates off the outside outlets. Or at least chewed them until they came off. He had this thing about metal. He also chewed the ends off 5 rocking chairs and the wood trim on my house. Weird dog, but he survived.

See you gals Monday,

Hi Girls --

I haven't posted for awhile (just didn't feel like it) but I've been exceptionally good about working out.

Otisan -- Didn't anyone warn you that right after you get married, life kicks in with a vengence?!!! Yeah, me neither. I learned it the hard way. The week after my DH and I were married, he lost his job, my company went into bankruptcy, and both cars broke down! I am so sorry to hear about your Father-in-law and my heart goes out to both of you.

My sweetie need the network. gotta run.


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