Transformation challenge 11/3-11/9


Good morning ladies,
Hope everyone is having a good day so far.
I did rebounding this morning for 30 min's.
Tonight is PUB, Kickboxing and Yoga.
Have a great day!
Good morning!

Today was Taebo Kickboxing for me!

Have a great day!

Blessings from our home to yours...Runathon[/img]
Hi girls. This Am I did Fit Prime's Floor Burn. LOVE it!! Sat-I did Firm's Cardio sculpt something with Lisa Kay and then tacked on 20 minute yoga/stretch tape.:) Felt just right!

Otisan-Hope your wedding was perfect!!!!!

Bita-How's my favorite doc?

Hi Robyn, Gloria, LA, Runathon and others. Have a wonderful and sweaty week....Janice
Hi all,

Sorry I've been awol. I guess I was just experiencing a little case of burnout. My life got a little hectic and my exercise and checking in on this board suffered. I think I'm back on track, at least I hope so. I started a new rotation today. One of my own making using CTX and the PS series. I'll be doing 3 days of cardio and working each body part twice a week. I plan to accomplish this with a 5 day a week schedule. I think that is a realistic goal for me. Today I did 10-10-10 plus the chest wo from PS CST. I also had an hour and a half tennis clinic - all by myself. We usually have 4 to 6 people but we had no shows today. I'll be feeling this tomorrw I'm sure. Hi to all, I'll be back tomorrow!

Hey Everyone!

Sorry I've been awol for so long. I'm finally married!!!! Now I just have to find a way to post my pictures. We were so lucky, the weather was terrible Friday and it didn't look good for Saturday, either. But lo and behold, the it was beautiful! Hawaii was great, too. Now I'm "fat, rested and tan". I sure am ready for a fitness comeback :) Today I'm going to do the wedding tape, since it starts out nice & slow and kicks your rearend in the end...

Gloria, how is your MIL? I hope your family is well.

Janice, how are those two little bundles of joy? It must be wonderful to have those little boys to make you feel so alive! Give my love to Jim, too.

Take care, everyone. I'll be back tomorrow :)
Hi ladies,
Wow! How wonderful to see you guys!!
Janice, so glad you are doing great! Wonderful to see you!
Gloria, we missed you. So wonderful to see you again.
Otisan, girlfriend, YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL! What a fantastic looking couple. Many congrats again! And wonderful to see you!
LA, Runathon, great work ladies as usual.
Hi to FS, Robyn and Juli too, hope you are doing great.

I did Step Blast today and loved it again. Also did BTR, and ashtanga. Will rebound in a few minutes.
Tomorrow will be legs and glutes and the same rest of the routine.

Take care. :)
Good morning everyone,
Otisan, beautiful picture, Congratulations!!! Send us some more:)
Great job ladies, keep up the great work.
Janice it's so nice to see you're back and working out again. Same to you Gloria. I really like your rotation, good luck!
FS, how was your last cleanse class? Do you feel a lot better now after cleansing, or are you still cleansing?
Waves to Juli & Robyn.
Bita & Runathon, great job ladies, keep it up!
It was rebounding for me this morning. Tonight will be 30min crosstrainer, PLB & 1hr yoga class.
Best of luck to everyone.
Wow! we have our Gloria back and Otisan. I'm a happy girl!!!!!

Otisan-You and that handsome husband look great. SSOO glad wedding turned out great! Jim sends his best to ya'll. The little ones are just great! They're 8 months and 6 months old now. I cooked a combination birthday/Thanksgiving dinner Sunday for 14 people! Whew!
My daughter and family will be moved by Thanksgiving so we did the birthday(Jimmy's 56th) and Thanksgiving combo. I fried 4 chickens and they ate every last piece.

So glad to see LA, Bita and Runathon too. Hi to Robyn and Juli too.

My morning workout was FP's Steaming Cardio. Haven't done that one in ages. Still makes me sweat!

Have a great day all and I'll check back in on Friday.(I'm off tomorrow and Thursday)

"See" ya then.....Janice OOps..Hi to Firmscorpio too almost forgot!...Janice
Otisan,CONGRATS ON YOUR WEDDING!!! You must be thrilled to death.Hawii,awesome honeymoon.
LA,my last cleanse class was awesome.I'm still doing cleanse habits.I am working on making notes for the next cleanse.2004 is going to be my year.I'm still thinking of names for our next challenge.I was thinking off:THE RE-INVENTION CHALLENGE.I need some ideas ladies.
Doing the Tortoise after i get off this computer.Then of course,some house work.
Goldengirl,glad your feeling better.
Waves to everyone!!!!
Hi Everyone,

So glad to see everyone here, it's good to be home again!
Bita, thanks for your sweet words! Glad to see you for some inspiration :)
FS- glad to see you! I'm glad to hear about the cleansing program, it sounds motivating. How is everything with your family & DF?
Janice, I remember how busy November is for you, but it's a good busy. Fried four whole chickens? Sounds like a lot of work! You would have loved the island of Kauai, there were chickens EVERYWHERE!
LA- Looks like your workout program has really pulled out all the stops, congratulations!
Gloria, Hope all is well!

Firmscorpio has inspired me to do Tortoise, too. See you tomorrow!
Ok, this is my second attempt to post today. Hope it works. I played tennis this morning. After the marathon lesson I had yesterday I should've kicked butt. Oh well, it was fun anyway.

Otisan, what a wonderful picture. You two make a fabulous looking couple. Congratulations! I love your dress! You made that??? You talented girl. I went to the beach with my sisters last weekend and they said to tell you hello. My MIL is fine, thanks for asking. She's back to shopping and cooking again. Her favorite past times.

Janice, I guess you are over your illness. You remind me of my mother cooking all of that chicken. She would do the same for us and we'd scarf it down. Is this the daughter who's husband was in Iraq?

Waves to everyone else. You ladies are an inspiration!

Hope you are doing great.

I did CIA 9807 (A High/Low Workout Plus Conditioning), btr, and power yoga. Will do rebounding later today.

Have a wonderful day.:)
Good morning ladies,
FS, good for you, there is always room for improvement, so best of luck to you in this path.
Otisan, yes, my w/o's have really helped me get over that hump in life, so I'm just simply enjoying every minute of it now.
Bita, girl I loved Intermediate UR, had so much fun, and sweat like a piggy!!Awesome recommendation, thank you!
Keep up the great job ladies.
I will be at a fitness conference starting tomorrow, so I will not be posting till next week. Have to go study now for another group fitness certification, taking a test tomorrow, and all day seminar.
Oh, did rebounding this morning and feel awesome now. Tonight I'll teach a Body pump class and Power yoga, I may include 30 min of spinning, we'll see.
Have a great week, and weekend.
Hello, hello!

Wow LA! You've got a busy day still ahead. Good luck on your test. Can't wait to hear about what you learned at the conference.

This morning's wo was LL plus the shoulder work from PS. Eating is healthy and I'm feeling great!

Till tomorrow!

Hey Everyone!

Congrats Otisa! You make a wonderful couple - live the pic! Your dress is beautiful.

Hey Gloria, Bita, Juli, Janice, FS, LA, Runathon!

Must say its nice to be back posting again - everyone sounds. It's nice we can go away for awhile but this group is still going strong :)

I've got body blast and intensity series - did the kick punch cruch and last nite legs and glutes.. nice i feel it today (not too much just the right amount)

Not sure what I'll do tonite!

Have a good day all... Phew LA how do you do it all !

Gloria , good for you with the healthy living sounds like you are BACK with a vengence

Janice you're right.. the group is BACK :) good timing with the holidays coming up

Yow Bita... impressive workouts!

hope all is well w/everyone

Hey I made an offer and she accepted.. yippee help is on the way
also met a cute guy - we shall see - talked for 1/2 hr today at work... but nice anyhow...
Hope you are doing fantastic.
Karen Voight's Half & Half, power yoga, btr, and rebounding for me today.
Have a great day.:)
Hi ladies,

Today was a pretty easy wo - PS BBA. This is the only one in my current rotation that doesn't make me sweat. A day off from washing my hair. Yay

Robyn, you've got to give us more details about your cute guy. I'm an old married woman and live vicariously through the romantic moments in others lives. Actually, I'm just nosey. Sounds like life is treating you well these days.

Till tomorrow girls,

Hmmm, I'm replying to myself here.

I wanted to check in before things got too hectic today. I just finished Step & Intervals plus the tricep work from PS. My biceps are a little tight from yesterday's wo. Dare I say my scales appear to be creeping down. I've really got to stick with my healthy eating this weekend. DS is coming home from college for the weekend and wants to go out and eat fried catfish. I've got to make up my mind now that I'll resist that temptation. Have a good weekend all.

HI Everyone!

Boy, this week sure is testing our resolve. DH's father is very sick and we just put him into hospice. His uncle is in fulltime dialysis and Zagnut has been at the vet's for two days. When it rains it pours; my honeymoon feels like ages ago!

DH has been going to visit his dad every night after work, so we end up eating even later than usual. At what point does "dinner" become "breakfast"? :) Zagnut should be coming home today. She ate my bathing suit (it was in the hamper, but she had to have it...) and it caused a blockage causing her to vomit constantly. She's been on IV to get fluids into her system and has been xray'd every two hours to chart her progress. The vet said she should be passing it today. Yay!

Long story short, my workouts have been non-existant. I did get one piece of motivation this morning, though. The VP of Design wants me to wear test a sports bra this weekend. I don't mind this kind of take home work!

Now what's a good workout to test a sports bra? Have a great weekend, everyone!!
Hi girls. Otisan-I'm about to die over here. Ate your bathing suit??????????? I know it's not funny because it made her sick but it's so BIZARRE! On a serious note I really hope Zagnut's OK. Sorry too to hear about all the illness you and DH are facing. So soon after your wedding is just NOT FAIR!

OK-Hi to Gloria-I've sure missed you honey!!! Sounds like you're doing pretty good.

I did Firm's MCB this morning. It's TOUGH but SO much fun!!

Hi to Bita, Robyn, Juli, FS and any I missed. Have a great weekend all....Janice

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