Transformation challenge 11/10-11/16


Good morning ladies,
Whew, what a great convention that was. I had a lot of fun, and learned a lot from Gay Gasper. Jeff Howard, instructor at the Golden Door's Spa in PR, AFAA examiner was the person in charge of the practical exams. We were taught all of the latest "to do's" and "not to do's" in classes by Gay Gasper. Example, we no longer use toe tap or tap downs in Step. I don't necessarily believe I would do this in a regular class but I would in a beginner class. Everything is pretty much taught in blocks of choreography. Anyway, I TG I passed the written and practical, because the practical portion of it, was really intimidating, but it was also really quick (2 min warmup, 5 min hi/lo, 1 min cooldn, and 1 min strength and stretch). They pretty much looked at style, cueing, and form.
I met a lot of the instructors we hear about or see in video's and everyone was pretty nice. There's always the "fake" people in every business, but I'll keep my comments to myself;-)
I can't believe the amount of items being sold, from (Bosu, gravity machines, w/o videos, medicine balls, reformers, tubing, rebounders, body bars, to body blades, you name it, they had it.
Overall, it was a great experience and will do it again.
This morning was rebounding for me, tonight is 1/2 crosstrainer, and 1 hr power yoga.
Have a great day everyone.
Hi girls. Congrats LA. Way to go girl!! Hi to everyone else. Hope you have a great week. I'm not going to post again til I'm in a better frame of mind. I know you'll all be here when I get myself together. Take good care of yourselves and I'll talk to you soon....Janice
LA,Congrats on your certification.What cert.did you get?I miss those days.My certification expired.I am going to renew it.I worked to hard for it.Just to let it go.I did BBB last night.Haven't done a workout yet.Must get myself back into my morning workouts.I did join the morning madness on FP.To get myself back on track.

Goldengirl,sorry to hear about your emotional issues.We will be here for you.Hope to hear from you soon.Take care!!!
Hi ladies,
Janice, hope you feel better fast. If we can be of any help please let us know.
LA, thanks for starting the post for this week. Many congrats on your new certification. Sounds like you had a blast at he convension.
Good for you. I like Gay Gasper.
FS, great work as usual.

Big hi to all.

I did btr, rebounding, yoga, and superbody low-impact high intensity w/o.
Have a great week.:)
Janice -

Hope you are feeling better.. you're right we will be here for you when you get back.. but we are here for you now to if you just need to chat with friends :)

Hey LA that's great.
Hey Bita --- wow great work outs. You too FS!
Hi FS, Juli, Otisan too

Doing the body blast series 2nd round this week - did push and pull today.

Hey Juli - yep talking more to my friend :) it's nice -

Have a great day all!
Good morning ladies,
Thanks everyone for the congrats!
Janice, I know how you feel, I hope to see you back soon, take care of yourself.
FS, I have several yoga certifications, but I did not have a group fitness one, so because I am now teaching kickboxing and body pump too, I thought it would be necessary to have this as well. For example, I had no idea about the 32 ct phrase, and downbeat vs. upbeat type things, so I'm really happy I did it. I actually don't agree with gyms that allow people to teach just about anything without the appropriate certification to back up the knowledge. I also think it's imperative to have the various certifications when teaching the different styles of classes. Now, I don't agree that the more certifications you get the better you are, or the more money you spend the better you are. For example, I would really enjoy Cathe as a yoga teacher, just because she's yogafit certified, doesn't mean she wouldn't be good at it. Quite frankly, when you're a great teacher, you're just a great teacher no matter what you teach, as long as you have the knowledge and appropriate skills for what you decide to teach. Thus, I don't agree with those individuals who have commented on her not teaching yoga. Anyway, if you're thinking about getting re-certified, do it, they are teaching lots of new, fun and different choreography which keeps the students and yourself wanting more.
Robyn, so glad to see you're doing great, keep it up. Good luck with your new friend ;-)
Bita, although I find JB to be very repetitive, he's a lot of fun. Awesome work as usual!
I did the advanced UR this morning, and am feeling really good right now. Tonight is Circuit training for 1hr, and power yoga for 1hr. Okay, I may throw in 30min spinning, since I enjoy it so much.
Waves to Gloria, Juli, Otisan, and everyone else.
Hi girls,

I've been a little slack in the exercise dept. this week. I got on the treadmill today and did the walk/run thing for 53 minutes. I have no idea why I stopped at 53 - I'm usually so anal about that sort of thing. Anyway, I got a couple of low carb cookbooks that I've been thumbing through. I already had one that is excellent, but couldn't resist these two. Not fanatical low carb, just healthy carbs. DH and I went fishing yesterday. I caught a catfish that looked like a little shark he was so big. It's so beautiful here this time of year.

Janice, I'm sorry your feeling down. You can come here and be ornery, we don't care. We all have those times.

LA, wow, what a convention! That must be so inspiring and probably a little intimidating. What sort of classes do you teach now?

Hi to Bita, Otisan, Robyn(you go, flirty girl), Juli, FS

Have a good evening all,

Just popping in to say Hi to everyone :)

I swear, I'm never doing another Holiday Challenge again! Every time I do I get pregnant!!!!! ;) I blame you, Andrea! :+
Hope all is well.

Vicky, many congrats!

Did two 29 min. workout series yesterday: low-impact aerobics and great legs, btr, rebounding and yoga.

Today: Keli's Step it Strong, yoga, btr, & rebounding.

Have a beautiful day.:)
Good morning everyone,
Hope everyone is doing great today.
It was so windy out here last night, that there were power outages everywhere. I was only able to teach yoga, since the power at the gym came back on time just for that one class. I managed to get a 45 min upper body w/o, instead of what I had planned for the evening, but it happened to be just what I needed.
Gloria, I've only added to my power yoga classes, a cardio kickboxing class and a body pump class. BTW, the body pump class has turned into what they want to call it Urban combat, which is basically cardio & weights, mixed up differently every week. It's just for variety, and it keeps it interesting, so that we don't get bored with the same stuff over and over. One week it's boot camp style, or circuit training, 30 min cardio either on step, bike, or hi/lo, and the other 30 min's are wt training.
This morning I did 30 min rebounding, and tonight I will do Leaner Legs w/ very light weights, along with my yoga practice.
Ladies, have a wonderful day, and enjoy yourself in whatever you choose to do.
I've been craving snickers icecream since this past weekend, so I may just have to indulge after my w/o ;-)
Hi ladies,
Imax2, btr, yoga, and rebounding for me today.
Have a blessed day and a great coming weekend.
Good morning ladies,
Hope everyone is doing great today.
Bita, awesome job! BTW, I did some of my yoga poses on the rebounder, you were right, very nice!
I only have time for a 15 min yoga practice at my desk this morning. TGIF, I'll be getting my evening w/o in the form of dancing to Swing night, yeah! I'll be dancing the night away, can't wait!
Did my 30 min's rebounding this morning, feeling fantastic right now. I have to tell you ladies, my hard work is paying off, seeing great results!!!I think I can contribute that to adding my 30 min morning w/o's. It's just so nice knowing I've already worked out, regardless of the time I spent, so I can do whatever later on.
I'll be doing Christmas shopping this weekend, and taking it easy.
Have a splendid weekend everyone, waves to you all!
CONGRATS!!! WINDMILL GIRL!!! I'll take the blame,only if it is positive.So,i see you've been keeping yourself busy.;) I've been wondering where you've been.E-mail me.

Have today off.Did Cardio Sculpt this morning.Just got done cleaning for three hours.Waiting for my friend to show up.We are going Christmas shopping this weekend.Can not wait.

LA,my cert.expired last month.I am going to renew it after the holidays.I worked too hard for it just to let it expire.Even though i haven't tough in two years.I'm burnt out from the gym scenery.I'll love learning&teaching about fitness though.I miss those times going to workshop&certifications with my fitness buddies.Good for you.

Waves to everyone else.Been brainstorming ideas for the 2004 challenge.I'm seriously want to name it "THE REINVENTION CHALLENGE".I have different ideas for this one.
Couldn't find this weeks thread! Hi to everyone... Did Push all pull last night. Great tape - i especially like it when I'm thinking I have no time to work out, then once I start I just love it.

Tonight I do my fave - jump, crunch.. or whatever it is called!

Have a good day all! Sorry i posted to the wrong thread!
Good morning ladies,
Hope everyone is doing well!
I didn't feel like posting at the beginning of the week, because I pretty much do the same thing on Monday's & Wed's at the gym.
Robyn, way to go! You know it's so true, sometimes I wake up and I'm not really in the mood to w/o, but once I get started, geez, I feel like I can't stop. It sounds like you're having a great time with this series. Unfortunately, I have not had the pleasure of experiencing the BB series yet, still waiting anxiously for my DVD's.
Well...I rebounded this morning, and will go for a 2 mile walk at lunch, and it's power yoga for me tonight. Have had great w/o's all week, kickboxing, circuit training, cardio machines, wt. training, yoga, you name it, I've done it:)
Ladies have a wonderful and healthy day!!!!!
Hi everyone...

Thanks LA.. yep really loving the BB series... not much longer for you!

FInd I'm getting really good results... (I posted elsewherer on the board but even doing the lifting with my 15 year old son - VERY COOL) Doing tapes with my daughter too (17) As a mom of teens anything that you can do together is WONDERFUL!

Well lots to do today....

Great weekend to everyone - LA, Bita, FS, Gloria, Janice, Juli, Otisan, runathon

Anyone talked to Fitdoc recently I miss her!
Janice hope you are doing ok... sending you good vibes... come back when you are ready.

Oh the friendship is blossoming into something really nice :)

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