
Hello ladies,
The holidays are sneaking up on us.I'm only going to buy alittle bag of candy if i do buy any.I had only three kids last year.You guessed what happened to all the left overs!!!

This year is going to be different.I've been reading Dr.Phil book"The ultimate weight solution".It's a great book.It's realistic and honest.Can't wait to work on my "7 keys".Today's workout is ME.Have a great day.
Good morning!

This morning I rested. I did not eat last night and had no strength in me...sooooo, got back in bed for an hour before having to get up. I still don't feel good and my eyes hurt! BTW, it could be that I was working on a project with my 7-year old. Maybe all that concentration (you it is OUR project and it has to be perfect...while they look at you work on it?!?...I did make him work, though...afterall, it is HIS project!!!! :p :p :p ) Ohhh, my eyes! I have a "headache" in my eye! :D

I honestly did not have the strength to begin my cardio-intense week. I was supposed to do Taebo GR advanced...which I have never done.

Have a great day!

Blessings from our home to yours...Runathon[/img]
Good morning, hope everyone had a nice weekend!
Ordered my reboundAir last week, so I'm anxiously waiting for it, along w/ G-Force, and the BB series as well.
Tonight is Cardio kickboxing and yoga for me.
Have a great day! :)
Hi ladies,
Hope you all had a wonderful weekend and are doing great.

Here's my plan for this week-- My Mindy Mylrea's week!!!!:

Mon. Body Bar Energy Action Circuit--done
Tue. Interval Express
Wed. Awesome Strength
Thur. Awesome Interval
Fri. Sports Cardio
Sat. Strength Express
Sun. Action Packed

Of course I will be doing BTR and rebounding every day as usual!

Have the most beautiful day.
Hi girls. I did (Finally) Karen Voight's Strong and Smooth moves. Pretty good workout. I was sweating buckets!! Hope you all had a great weekend......Janice
Good morning!

Where is everyone? :eek:

This morning I did Tear it up! ....drum roll...please....and that completes FOUR weeks of Slim Series! I got tone and muscle...but got to get rid of the fat-belt around those muscles! :p

I will probably do Imax2 or Powerstrike or Taebo tomorrow, then ME on Thursdays and either circuit max or c&w on Friday. I am kicking up the cardio this time around. We'll see how it goes.

Have a blessed and Godly day, everyone!;-)

Blessings from our home to yours...Runathon[/img]
Hi girls. Runathon-I don't know where everybody is but they are not here. Sounds like you had a good 4 weeks of the SS. I did Firm Cardio Split #1 this AM. Just getting over being very sick so it was very HARd for me but I finished it!!

Hi to LA, Bita, Gloria, Otisan, Firmscorpio and others.

Otisan-This weekend is the BIG DAY(isn't it??) Are ya ready???????:)

Hugs to all....Janice
Hello ladies,
Janice, it's good to see you're feeling a lot better and able to w/o again.
Runathon, I can't get back into the SS everyday, and can't believe you finished 4 weeks, good for you! I plan to add them every other day, starting tonight w/ Shape it Up.
So, it's Yoga, and SS for me.
Have a lovely day!
Hey Bita!

I thought of you when I saw this cute icon. Here is the link in case you want to use him!

h t t p : / / e 4 u . d e l t a i t . c o m . a u / s p o r t / s p o r t 1 1 . g i f

I left spaces in-between so it wouldn't post as your lil' rebounder-guy!
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
Hi guys,
Hope all is well.
Janice, so good to see you feeling better. More power to you!

Debbie, oh my goodness!!! That little jumping guy looks just like me! I MUST make it my signature one of these days! Thanks a bunch!

Did my Interval Express, rebounding and BTR.

Have a great rest of day!:)
Hi ladies,
Hope you are doing wonderful today.

Awesome Strength, BTR, and rebounding for me today.

Have the most beautiful day.:)
Wednesday, Oct. 15 - Report

Gooood morning!

This morning I did Taebo Live 4. First time. I just got a hold of the 12-volumes and am trying them out. Time passed really quick and, being the exercise-masoquist that I am....I did not think I worked hard enough...was actually a "little bit" disappointe. HOWEVER, my shoulders are hurt'n, my legs are "tired" and I am overall nicely sore. Wow. Tomorrow is Imax2 - we'll see!

I just knew I could count on Taebo! }(

Blessings from our home to yours...Runathon[/img]
RE: Wednesday, Oct. 15 - Report

Hey everyone :)

FS, Julie, Janice, Bita, Otisan, LA, Runathon

Just wanted to check in and say hello! I WILL be back soon. Just bought the intesity series and it just arrived.... so hopefully be back checking in with you all soon.

Otisan - did you have the big day yet?

See you all next week!

Hope everyone is well
RE: Wednesday, Oct. 15 - Report

Hi ladies,
Hope you are doing wonderful.

Robyn, great to see you.

Today is Awesome Interval, BTR, and rebounding for me.

Have an awesome day.
Thursday, October 16

Hello there!

This morning was Imax2 for me, plus SI6 slim and 6-pack and slim and limber. I had a GREAT workout! I am still recuperating my upper body from yesterday's Taebo workout. Feeling awesome!

How's everyone doing?

Have an awesome day........girls! ;-)

Blessings from our home to yours...Runathon[/img]
RE: Thursday, October 16

Good morning ladies,
I am feeling pretty good, put in a great wt. w/o at the gym last night, and yoga. I did Rhythmic Step this morning along w/ a mini yoga practice.
It's amazing how our minds and bodies change through out the years. This morning as I finished step, felt fantastic, but my hips felt so tight, and my upper body as well. I wished I had a machine where I would just tie my limbs to it, and have it stretch me out in opposite directions.
College memories came to me as I was reaching for my toes in a forward fold, where I would always run out of the class room when it came time to stretching. Now, I wouldn't dare go w/out stretching for at least 5 min's every day.
I just can't seem to get enough stretching these days, and absolutely love the way it makes me feel.
Anyway, Runathon, how do you like your new SS collection, do you compare it to your other SS? BTW, great job w/ your w/o's.
Robyn, I'm sure you'll love your ISeries, keep us posted.
Bita, marvelous job, can't wait to join you in rebounding everyday;-)
Ladies, enjoy yourselves today.
Waves to the rest of our group.
RE: Thursday, October 16

LA, I know EXACTLY what you mean about stretching!

I can't get enough of it.

<<<<<Anyway, Runathon, how do you like your new SS collection, do you compare it to your other SS? BTW, great job w/ your w/o's.>>>>>>

I actually have not gone through the workouts. Just received it, but had to try the stretching and the ab work. They are great at 14 min and 11 minutes each, respectively. I am definitely too advanced to do the start it up. However, when I previewed it, I loved it because that is the one workout I can use to get back on track after being injured, sick or just after not exercising for a while for whatever reason. A nice, overall addition to my workout library. :)

Make sure you stretch lots during the day. I am always doing that because I feel so tight!

Keep up the workouts! I think that everyone who is posting lately is doing great....maybe because they are posting? It really helps to keep us accountable.

Come back everyone!!!!!! We misssssss you! :p

Blessings from our home to yours...Runathon[/img]
RE: Wednesday, Oct. 15 - Report

Robyn, you are going to LOOOOOOVE the Intensity Series! My favs are Imax2 & CW...followed closely by the terminator, bootcamp, me and the pyramids.....I really enjoy them ALL!

Blessings from our home to yours...Runathon[/img]
RE: Thursday, October 16

I hear you on stretching.That's the best part!!!!:) I did Cardio Sculpt Blaster with abs after work today.LLLLLLOOOOOOOVVVVVVVIIIIIINNNNNNGGGGGGGG DR.PHIL.He is so awesome.He book is incredible.This will be the turning point for me.It's excatly what i need!!!! I'm making a check list this weekend.So,i can get my life more organize.So,in the morning after i workout,shower,get dressed all i have to do is eat breakfast and relax.

Doing lots of planning and organizing this weekend.You ladies are doing awesome with your workouts.Keep up the great work.

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